"Yes! Master, he is now confined in the alchemist’s temple and can’t go out! "

"It’s because of me! ?” Jiang Feng vaguely guessed what.
Zhang Qiaomu spent so much money inviting himself into the alchemist’s temple. It would be strange if the alchemist’s temple didn’t punish him.
Lan Fengrou nodded, but she didn’t come here to chat with Jiang Feng.
Slowly said to Jiang Feng, "The purpose of my coming here is to buy your prescription! ?”
Jiang Feng’s pupil contracted and Lan Feng was soft. He was not surprised because no excellent alchemist was able to remain calm after seeing Yang Lingdan.
The value of raising a panacea Jiang Feng knows in his heart that he can’t let this kind of prescription flow out.
Jiang Feng thought for a moment and said to Lan Fengrou, "I can’t sell you the elixir, but I still have the Dan Yu medicine prescription here. This is negotiable!"
Lan Fengrou was slightly disappointed when she heard the first half of the sentence, but she also felt normal, like this kind of price, Bao Dan Fang, don’t say Jiang Feng, even if it were her, it would be impossible to sell it to others.
But when she heard the second half of the sentence, Lan Fengrou was shocked. Does it mean that Jiang Feng has other remedies besides nourishing magic pills?
Jiang Feng took it out to raise a panacea to see his hand. In addition, the folk prescription is definitely not something that Lanfengrou suddenly expects.
"You still have Yu Danfang! ?” LanFeng soft flashing eyes seem a little excited.
Jiang Fengwen nodded and smiled. "You wait first!"
Speaking Jiang Feng got up and walked to the front of the desk and started writing with a pen and paper.
A pen is like a magic pen and ink, like a snake. The paper swims smoothly and naturally in one go, and Jiang Feng has finished writing in a short time.
Jiang Feng waved the ink in the paper to dry before handing three pieces of paper to Lan Fengrou.
In just a few minutes, I have already looked at Lan Fengrou, and the prescription was actually written by his essays, which is still very important.
Chapter 42 Shocked LanFengRou
What Bao Dan Fang is not well treasured for fear of forgetting Jiang Feng’s desires inside, so just write a Bao Dan Fang casually, which is also casual, right?
Lan Fengrou has some doubts about whether he is too whimsical.
It’s lucky that Dan can have one thing like a panacea. I actually expect Jiang Feng to come up with a second one.
It is estimated that these papers are not precious prescriptions, not even prescriptions.
Jiang Feng could read some disappointment from Lan Feng’s soft eyes, but he didn’t say anything. He would sit back and watch her quietly.
Out of respect, Lan Fengrou did not throw away the prescription, but glanced at the paper.
Is to let LanFeng soft froze at a glance.
The look on the face also changed for a long time, from contempt to dignified, to shock at last.
Through the exquisite configuration of spiritual materials, and then from the drug effect, the beneficial drug effect limit will be brought into play. Something seems to have been suddenly realized.
"Congratulations! I’m afraid it won’t be long before you can practice the teacher’s way further! " Jiang Feng smile.
LanFeng soft heart joy is also a surprise.
What exactly is this seemingly harmful teenager? How did he know that even his master Zhang Qiaomu would not find his body change?
"Thank you for this. If I hadn’t been awakened by this exquisite prescription, I wouldn’t have realized something so quickly!" Lan Fengrou’s awareness of Jiang Feng’s address changed to you.
Subconsciously, she no longer regards Jiang Feng as a person of the same level with her.
Jiang Feng waved his hand. "Thank me for what I did. You can understand that it’s your fate and your chance. I have nothing!" "
Lan Fengrou gently nodded her head, and she was more and more unable to see through the sight of this young man. Lan Fengrou tried to calm herself down.
The conversation turned to Dan.
"This ….. what’s the name of this first prescription! ?”
"Huiyangdan can treat people’s injuries. If it is not a heart injury or a serious injury, you can hang on to those minor illnesses or just one day after the injury!" Jiang Feng looked up at LanFeng soft answer
Lan Fengrou has given this Dan medicine a high evaluation in her heart. I didn’t expect its efficacy to be even higher than she thought.
She looked at the prescription in her hand.

This guy smiled grimly. "What is this place? It doesn’t seem to be chaos!"

"Ah … is this that Pangu succeeded, and so many fiends stopped it, but it didn’t succeed?" Another virtual shadow said!
Two people talking to themselves caused everyone to be dumbfounded.
What does this discourse show? These two statues are chaotic fiends. One is full of killing, and the other is full of killing fiends. Is it the destruction fiend? These two fiends are top even in chaos.
Hung-jun roared, "Imperial Heaven … You are crazy. You actually called such two statues when you reversed The six great divisions in the wheel of karma!"
Imperial Heaven spits out a mouthful of blood and laughs coldly. "It’s like sending reincarnated souls to every time when The six great divisions in the wheel of karma links. It can be said that The six great divisions in the wheel of karma not only contains reincarnation avenue, but also contains time avenue. Today, the emperor sacrifices blood, the sea of blood, and the ten levels of hell are to compress blood and summon the original killing fiend and destruction fiend!"
It’s crazy to say this.
Others are even more stunned, especially Fang Han and Zhong Shan. One by one, they are afraid to look at Yutian’s amazing card. Once it is made, it will simply affect a winning or losing key. If it is not forced by Hung-chun, it is estimated that this card will make them think about it. It is just dying.
Now these two chaotic fiends also know what the killing fiends are staring at the Imperial Heaven. "You actually resurrected me again. Although I lost my energy because of seal erosion for the first time, I feel that this time it is different, and I have terrible energy. Although I am unhappy, I owe you two favors. In addition, I don’t need human feelings to help you solve Hongjun this time. I want to kill him because of the seat!"
Killing fiend said, raise your big palm and kill Hongjun in the distance.
Terror energy converged and evolved into a bloody sword.
Hung-chun is still wrapped in golden light. Where is the roar? "Ah … killing the fiend and resenting with you. We are all chaotic fiends. What are you …"
Killing the fiend sneered, "Although it feels a little wrong, I can’t stand to see where you come from, you unhappy chaotic fiend with only 3 thousand!"
Immediately destroy fiend also stepping don’t talk directly kill to hong jun.
Hung-chun roared again, "What do you mean by destroying the fiend!"
The demon of destruction said faintly, "Look at you!"
This remark made Hung-chun vomit blood with anger.
Imperial Heaven turned to look at Fang Han and Zhong Shan. "Don’t take out your cards. These two fiends rely on blood energy to summon blood energy, and they can also maintain two virtual shadows for half an hour. And when both fiends are mixed with twelve yuan, the avatar can’t evolve. Hung-chun can also be hit hard by two fiends but can’t kill Hung-chun. Take out your cards quickly!"
Imperial day said again spit out one mouthful blood.
Hou Tu and Nu Wa came and injected rich gas into the Imperial Celestial Body, which made the Imperial Celestial Body recover some.
Zhong Shan and Fang Han heard that their faces were gloomy, but they were even more determined that "Hung-chun will die!"
Chapter 7 Reveal your cards
"Roar …"
The air of killing permeates the air of destruction.
Hung-chun sullen now face two chaotic fiend some overwhelmed.
Hung-chun hasn’t entered the realm of heaven yet, but the golden light and energy of the twelve peaks of mixed yuan haven’t been thoroughly refined. Although it won’t die at the hands of two chaotic fiends, it’s also uncomfortable.
Killing fiend way of murder explosion "remember who you are? Chaos, a small cricket seems to have been stepped on by a seat! "
This is a great explosion of anger.
The demon of destruction is "don’t talk nonsense and experience the road of destruction!"
This is the appearance of the destructive thunder.
The earth is too earth.
Hung-chun was hanged alive, and now his face was cold and he spit out one mouthful blood and continued to bear the killing of two chaotic fiends.
Yutian also spit out a mouthful of blood and felt that Houdi and Nu Wa’s natural gas recovered a little vitality. "These two chaotic fiends can’t support much, and both of them are mixed. It’s too difficult to kill Hongjun!"
It’s not that the Imperial Heaven doesn’t want to summon a more powerful chaotic fiend, but it’s already the limit that the Imperial Heaven can summon a mixed element. You know, compared with the mixed element, the Imperial Heaven is definitely not so simple, and it has a little knowledge about it, such as summoning a chaotic fiend. Maybe two chaotic fiends used to be both heavenly realms, but now the Imperial Heaven can also endure it.
The eyes are slightly narrowed, and the jade seal rushes out of the source and stares at the source in one gulp. Some pale hair has returned to silvery white, and the eyes are slightly narrowed, which means "Hurry up, you two. The emperor can’t support much time here!"
What Imperial Heaven said is the distant cold and Zhongshan.
Suddenly the killing demon roared, "Kill the sword!"
But seeing blood, the red Excalibur gathers against Hongjun, which is occupation.
"Boom …"
The bloody light shines on the vast land with a touch of dignity.
Hung-chun’s golden light was somewhat different, and it was suddenly cut off, from which many golden crickets appeared.
Seeing these destructive fiends is also releasing the destructive thunder and directly falling on Hung-chun.
"Boom …"
Hung-chun’s spurt of blood rushed out of the golden scorpion again.
Gaze at these "generals!"
The general’s mind moved to bury the coffin and restrained the golden dragon in the distance.
With a wave of his hand, Royal Sky Sleeve’s horror flame emerges, and these golden dragons are instantly ignited.
The royal sky swallowed these golden dragons in one gulp, and they came to be Hongjun’s evolutionary energy body, which swallowed up the vast wilderness, and now the energy gathered to form the golden dragon.
The imperial consumption is too high, and these golden dragons have recovered well.
Imperial heaven was young again, and the flesh was faint with a special smell.
Fighting in the distance is near the end.
It’s only when the blood sacrifice root can’t summon much
At this moment, the killing demon roared "Killing Avenue!"
Only to see the sky suddenly fall into a blood-red light column, which is full of blood and blood. This is the convergence of avenues or the evolution of heaven.
If you enter the realm of Heaven, you will be able to comprehend the light beam of the evolution of Avenue and New Town.
Observe this light beam with a solemn face.

Waves at the end of the world at this moment, which still hesitates, palms gather cold, heat and qi, slapping their feet around them, and quickly rushing towards the back room, shouting "Public, Xiaoqi, go to the cellar"

Obviously, a few people in the room have seen this vision, but it is not white or something. At this time, they all look dignified when they hear the waves and the end of the world shouting.
Butler Liu hurried out of the house and said, "Miss Protection, go!"
In Xu Chang’s singer, a group of ghost fire bats rushed to the backyard with their footsteps.
Liu Guanjia was unable to open the door in a hurry. The waves stretched out his sleeve sword and easily cut off the thick chain of his thumb from the side. He kicked the wooden door and said, "Go in quickly."
Toward the patrol Xu Changge shouted "Lao Xu come in".
Chapter 11 hiding place
Xu Changge looked like a locust crossing the border and it was dark. The bat jumped into the cellar entrance in a hurry.
Wave Tianya followed by flying out a few qi in his hand. A group of bats would like to jump in and smash the door and quickly step on the wooden stairs. Two steps back, I heard the door scratching and a disorderly bump sounded. After a moment, I made sure that these bats destroyed the wooden door and settled down to walk inside.
Liu Guanjia counted the number of people and his face became somewhat indignant at Zhu Xiaoqi’s way "Miss Xiaoliu Xiaole, these two little girls didn’t come in"
Zhu Xiaoqi nodded silently without saying a word.
The cellar is almost the size of two ordinary rooms. There are hundreds of pots of various wines and some vegetables on the wooden frame on the wall. Some vegetables will be put in the food store because Zhu Xiaoqi is indispensable for every meal, especially after winter, the whole government is distressed by her three meals a day.
Xu Changge grabbed a pot of wine and sniffed it, which was to look up and drink.
Wave Tianya looked at Chu Hong’s face reflected by the dark yellow candlelight on the wooden frame and walked to her side, asking, "What didn’t scare you?"
Chu blushed and said with a smile, "You underestimate me!" Looking at him, he asked, "How do you know this thing will attack people?"
Wave Tianya pointed to Xu Changge and said, "I met Lao Xu before, but for him, I didn’t know these things were called ghost fire bats."
Zhu Xiaoqi turned to look at Xu Changge and asked, "Ghost fire bat? How can this thing appear in Sunset City? "
Xu Changge shook his head with a hip flask and said, "I don’t know. I was chatting with Xiaolang attic when I suddenly saw that something was wrong. They smelled so bad that I couldn’t forget it for a generation."
Zhu Xiaoqi’s eyebrows are so high that he can’t believe it. "My grandmother told me when she was a child that she had visited this thing when she was young. I didn’t believe there was such a strange creature at that time." Then she shook her head and said, "I’m afraid there are thousands of people in this city. Can this be so good?"
Xu Changge sat on the floor and leaned against the wall slowly. "Although this ghost fire bat likes to live in groups, I have never seen them outside Mobei Wanmo Cave, and it is even more impossible to fly all the way here. There must be someone behind it."
Chu Hong mused, "Not many people in Jianghu can have this kind of power. Who has worked so hard to turn Sunset City into a human hell?"
Zhu Xiaoqi tried, "It won’t be a wild family in a hundred thousand mountains, will it?"
Chu Hong shook his head and said, "The barbarians have been known for their strength, and they can’t understand these different skills. Besides, now that China has opened a mutual market, they are happy that they are not coming yet. How can they do such a thing?"
Wave Tianya suddenly said, "What would you think if Promethean Puppet, Robbery and Ghost Fire Bat were handled by one person?"
Xu Changge laughed. "Then you will have a headache."
Zhu Xiaoqi jade hand touching the thoughts for a moment, "Xiao Lang, do you think someone deliberately wants Sunset City to create chaos? Just like Sister Chu telling that story. "
Wave Tianya shook his head and said, "This man has a purpose. I always feel that someone is brewing a big conspiracy and Sunset City is just one."
When he said this, everyone was not horrified.
If, according to his words, this is the one, it will happen next and not let them imagine.
Everyone became silent and could hear each other breathing clearly.
This cellar is five or six meters deep, but the faint screams outside will still come in from time to time. The three maids in the house are scared and shivering in the corner.
Manager Liu is calm at the moment, but his face is still pale.
When Xu Changge saw that everyone had become very quiet, he didn’t know whether he was frightened by the words of the world or not in the mood to chat. He found a topic and said, "This cellar is not stuffy at all. It must be very comfortable in the chilly summer!"
Butler Liu grinned with a smile, "Xu Shaoxia didn’t know that during the original war, a shelter built by a master of the house was specially ventilated."
After listening to the waves, Tianya felt his scalp numb and said with horror, "There are vents to block up quickly!"
Xu Changge got up from the ground and looked around. "Where’s Liu Guanjia’s vent?"
At this time, housekeeper Liu felt a burst of terror. She was busy pointing to the rock in the left corner of the cave ceiling. Everyone saw a hidden wooden frame that could accommodate a puppy in and out of the cave.
Wave Tianya moved a board in one hand and rushed to seal the hole. Suddenly, three ghost fire bats flew out of the hole. They’ squeaked’ and echoed in a hole, which was particularly penetrating.
Wave Tianya at this time to see this thing is half smaller than ordinary bats, but the wings are much wider, and the whole body is black, and a pair of eyes as small as rice grains are with a strange orchid.
The three bats flew towards the end of the world like meteors, and they were about to hit him. They said that it was too late and too soon, and everyone saw that his left hand flashed cold light and his right hand picked up the board and waved it away at the same time.
Two bats fell and were cut in half, and one of them was photographed by him making a "creak" on the wall. Two bats fell and twitched, and they never moved again.

Sheng Qingqing has just turned 10 years old, and her health is not good. Some things have to be done step by step. When she first confessed, she made the big lady sick, and her body could not be stimulated.

Therefore, although they are tired of being intimate with each other every day, they are also less willing to let the big lady accept what he forced her to do to make her feel wronged.
After receiving the ink cloud, I won’t take the initiative to go. I didn’t feel guilty and sat at the desk to write honestly. I didn’t even dare to look at the ink cloud.
Ink cloud is funny to think that she just bared her teeth and couldn’t help but want to tease her, but she still resisted. Who let his big lady be a sick body? Then she will be afraid to go to a hospital instead of a hotel.
Go on strike from Professor Bai’s home. Walking slowly on the campus of Qingda University, I suddenly felt a figure blocking the way. When I looked up, I saw someone smiling at her with a white tooth and mottled shadows. The sun was dazzling.
Xiao Su?’ The music is unbelievable.
"What a surprise?" Xiao Su good temper with a smile.
"Fortunately, I didn’t expect to meet here!" She naturally won’t be sentimental when she asks casually. He is waiting for her here.
"I just looked at the figure and I was familiar with it. I came closer and saw that it was you!" Xiao Su eyes calm fundus is can’t see the dark.
"Oh!" Go on strike in a low voice. Going on strike with strangers is definitely the kind of person who can chat to death.
"Since we met, we might as well have a cup of coffee in front!" Xiao Su doesn’t mind that he knows that he is rejected by his identity in his heart, but he has rescued her several times, which can better say that she is kind and simple in her bones and is a good girl worthy of everyone’s love!
Chapter 13 People are not vegetation
"just a cup of coffee won’t keep you long, really!" Xiao Su seems to be afraid that she will refuse and emphasizes that it won’t take long, and her eyes are full of expectations.
I wanted to refuse the strike, but he said so, and those refusal words could not be said.
Xiao Su tried his best to keep pace with her, but after entering the coffee shop, he went on strike first and found a place.
Then I watched her coming step by step, and when she reached the table, I got up and pulled a chair for her and watched her sit.
Smile and say "thank you"
Xiao Su smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and took the menu and put it in front of her. "Watch it."
It’s a coffee shop, not coffee, but western food and dessert.
I didn’t plan to order anything at all. I used to look at it when I saw something with words, and Xiao Su’s eyes scolded her at the moment
Since the day he left with Li Lei, he hasn’t seen her again. I have something to do here at Qingda today. I was thinking that if she came to Professor Bai’s class today, I might meet her.
She seems to have changed a lot in the past few months. When I first met her, she was more like a strong little girl. Now she is a little less tender and curly, a little more quiet and a little … He doesn’t know how to describe it, but it’s always different.
Her hair is tied casually and quietly, and she can still smell the faint scent of herbs through the table, probably because she has just handled the herbs.
Holding the menu, the fingers are slender and white. Xiao Su remembered that she sewed the wound for herself. Although she was young, she seemed to have the calm temperament of a doctor
This is the first time that Xiao Su thinks that the gap between them is not darling daughter and gangsters, but something called culture.
Xiao Su doesn’t feel inferior. This society is full of all kinds of people, traffickers, servants, and dignitaries. No one can compete with anyone. In the end, they can’t escape the loess pile, but they just play their respective roles.
Before the strike, Xiao Su felt that he knew something, just like the difference between ink painting and kraft paper.
Go to the party and read all the menu words, then order a cup of coffee and push the menu to Xiao Su Xiao Su without reading it. The clerk said, "Just like her!"
When Shengge raised his head, Xiao Su had already withdrawn his eyes, probably because he felt that the atmosphere of sitting and not talking was too embarrassing. "Is Li Lei hurt?"
Xiao Su nodded his head. "The injury has healed, and the leg fracture injury is not good now."
"I still have to take good care of it for a hundred days!"
"He always said he would come and thank you personally. I said you were busy and didn’t let him bother you!" Xiao Su looked at the strike face when he said this. After all, he asked her that day and she said they wouldn’t be friends.
I also thought of his question that night and smiled faintly, feeling that my answer was a little naive.
Since we’re not friends, why sit down and have coffee with him?
Maybe unconsciously, she has regarded him as a friend.
He is more loyal than many people, but his friends are desperate to meet several times. Although he said that he didn’t pay attention to his way of doing things, he didn’t hurt her. Even if he was a gangster, he didn’t do anything illegal or bad. He really couldn’t force himself to put him in the ranks of bad guys.
The clerk just sent coffee to come and sing. Xie Cai said, "Xiao Su, I apologize for the second time. I was too arbitrary when I said we wouldn’t be friends!"
Xiao Su was surprised. "You seem … different?"
Life is so long, it seems that nothing remains the same in this world, just like her and her little brother, who ever thought that …
She is not sure how far she can go.
Looking out of the window, the sun is not dazzling, but she squints slightly. "We saw the sun minutes ago, the sun saw the moon 13 seconds ago, and the moon saw a building a mile away 5 microseconds ago. Even if you sit one meter away from me, I saw it 3 nanometers seconds ago. Of course, everyone will be different, not just me, but you!"
The tone of the strike seems casual, but Xiao Su thinks her tone is a little sad
What’s wrong with her? What’s wrong with her?
Xiao Su knew that she wouldn’t tell herself, but he felt that the words of the strike were novel. He had never heard anyone say anything before, and nodded his head, recognizing the same.
Sheng Sheng is definitely a good student, but she is not as good as the former students in their class as they are not as good as her.
"Thank you for seeing me off!" Put the coffee cup in your hand.
"Those are all things we don’t need you to look at!" Xiao Su naturally won’t tell her that he and Li Lei have searched all over Qingcheng Mountain for these.
"I still want to thank Xiao Su. It’s late for me to go home. My family will be worried when I get home late!" Sheng Sheng and his tone of voice are not as alienated as before.
"Oh, it’s really late when it’s good!" At the end of October, as soon as the sun goes down, it will soon get dark.
"Thank you for the coffee!" Get up from the chair and pick up your bag from the chair.
"You don’t say so much thank you to me. It’s nothing compared to your saving my life!" And if you really want to thank him, you should thank her for not refusing his invitation.
He wanted to send her home, but he didn’t have a mouth. He knew she wouldn’t want to have a cup of coffee with him.
Xiao Su looked at the strike and left her back. She was very thin. The wind blew her windbreaker skirts and sometimes lifted her up.
The singer disappeared around the corner, and Xiao Su returned to the street in front of the coffee shop. For a moment, he regretted trying to chase, but he didn’t do it in the end. He shouldn’t disturb her too much, which is enough.
When I walked around the corner for a while, I stopped and looked back. I couldn’t see the coffee shop, and there was no Xiao Su in the pedestrians. She was afraid that he would come after me.
Xiao Su thanked her, and she felt it because his eyes sometimes resembled his own at a certain moment. He thanked her and wanted to repay her heart, probably just as she wanted to repay Uncle Ji and them.

Say that finish Xiao Fengze is one leng becoming a monk, which surprised Xiao Feng.

Soon Xiao Feng nodded. "I naturally agree with this matter. I just want to see the world’s Buddhist martial arts!"
Xiao Feng agreed that there was a darkness in the Imperial Heaven and Buddhism, and it was not a small darkness.
Yutian nodded and smiled and then looked at Yang Jun. "Yang Jun, I asked you to prepare for my life a year ago. Have you ever been ready!"
Yang Jun nodded. "Everything is ready. Xiao Feng’s eldest brother Kwai is dark. Your three birthday words are very false. Your parents are false … and everything is ready."
"Identity arranged so into Buddhism and magic door is an advantage! Kwai dark you are to stay in the palace and continue to help Yang Jun establish intelligence organizations. "
Kwai nodded and said, "Yes!"
"Yang Jun, you are to be your sovereign, but you’d better get along better with Yang Guang. After all, that’s the post-emperor!"
Yang Jun nodded. "Everything is subject to public arrangements!"
It’s easy to control Yang Jun and Yang Jun, especially Yang Jiansan, so it’s easy to support Yang Jun, but since Yang Jun said that Yang Guang, a Buddhist, behind it, it made the Imperial Heaven give up supporting Yang Jun.
The next day coincided with the Spring Festival, when people came and went in Chang ‘an.
"Hehe, it’s too boring in Chang ‘an Fun Sect!"
A young woman looked around with a silvery smile.
The woman looked left and right and felt that it was so fun around.
The woman wandered for a while with a little regret. "If only Shi Xuan would accompany me out to play!"
A curl of female corners of the mouth but looking around the scenery once again show a silvery smile.
Suddenly, the female eyes stared at a child in front of her, and her eyes were pale and pale with a hint of better sweating!
A trace of majesty emerges from children’s brow, and their eyes are closed and they are surrounded by a black cloth.
The woman wondered with a hint of pity, "Did you lose your sight at an early age?"
The woman gently lifted the child who was knocked down by herself.
Female jade hand holding children’s wrist eyes emerge a little horror "how is that possible? This kind of physique? "
Words fall instantly female directly picked up the child and walked directly into the distance.
This scene also happened in another place, but the person who took the children was a woman and a monk!
After a long time, the young woman appeared in a quiet yard with a bit of shock.
A woman in the yard looked at the girl in surprise. "Jade research, aren’t you going out shopping?" Come back so early with a child! "
The young girl is Zhu Yuyan, and now the virgin of Kwai Yin School is also the leader of Kwai Yin School.
Zhu Yuyan suddenly thought of the child in his arms. "Master, look at this child. This child seems to be in good health!"
Zhu Yuyan’s voice made the female eyes stunned. It was very strange to say, "In the theory of physique, is physique a peerless wizard?"
Master Zhu Yuyan is a famous contemporary leader of Kuiyin School.
I wish my thoughts got up slowly and looked at the child in Zhu Yuyan’s arms with curious eyes.
The scene that the child in Zhu Yuyan’s arms is naturally the imperial heaven is also in the imperial heaven plan. Now the plan is left, that is, to join his legacy
Worship the Kwai Yin Sect. Kwai Yin Sect is the most powerful sect of the magic door. Although Kwai Yin Sect can’t compete with’ Ci Hang Jing Zhai’ after all, once the Kwai Yin Sect unifies the magic door, is the magic door strength comparable to that of Buddhism!
Chapter 229 Enter Kwai Yin School
There was silence around the quiet yard.
I wish my thoughts emerge, my eyes are curious, my eyes are looking at the Imperial Heaven, and my silence is like a dead man.
I wish you a smile. "Your eyes are so calm at a young age, but let’s see your qualifications."
Zhu Yuyan said with excitement, "Master, I won’t admit that this child’s qualification is definitely a medium physique!"
I wish you a light smile and lean out your jade hand and touch it towards the royal wrist.
Imperial heavenly heart is also a chuckle. For the qualification, Imperial Heaven believes that no one in this world can match himself, even Shuanglong, the protagonist of Datang.
I wish my thoughts touch the wrist skill of Imperial Heaven and explore it gently.
In an instant, I wish there was a little horror in my eyes, and my mouth trembled a little. "How is it possible that this kind of physique can have all kinds of talents? It is the talent that the celestial body is tough like a master!"
I wish you an incredible feeling. I took the Imperial Heaven directly from Zhu Yuyan’s arms and then touched the Imperial Heaven.
This touching method is commonly known as touching the bone, which is to explore a person’s root bone!
Soon after, I wish my heart was full of ecstasy and a little excitement appeared in my mouth.
"Tear …"
Imperial heaven specially found robes that were directly torn by Zhu Qingsi at the moment.
I wish you love me, regardless of the naked Imperial Heaven, regardless of the Imperial Heaven or a man looking at the Imperial Heaven directly.
In the end, I wish Qingsi laughed directly at the sky. "Good … good … what a peerless talent. My magic door is prosperous for a hundred years, and it is just around the corner for the Kuiyin Sect to unify the magic door!"
I wish my feelings are excited, but I am even more excited.
Zhu Yuyan is also secretly happy "teacher, I didn’t admit my mistake! This child’s qualification turned out to be a celestial body, and this bone and skin turned out to be jade bone! "
I wish my thoughts nodded with great joy and said, "Ha ha … yes! This child’s qualifications are simply against the sky, but it’s a pity that this child has eyes! "
Zhu Qingsi looks at the white cloth around his eyes, but a trace emerges in his heart. After all, Zhu Qingsi is a blind man.
Zhu Yuyan gently walked to the royal side with pity and lightly touched the royal silver hair. "This child’s natural silver hair is really a generation of devil’s eyes …"
"I’m not blind. My eyes are different. I’m born with silver hair and blood pupils. Aren’t you afraid?"
Words fall to the sky, gently pick white cloth and slowly show your eyes.
Scarlet eyes looked at two people in front of him.
One person is Zhu Yuyan and the other is Zhu Qingsi.
The Kuiyin School dominated in the Tang Dynasty.
Zhu Yuyan one leng is very curious to stare at the imperial day eyes with a hint of horror!
I wish my love is also a burst of horror that "the injustice of heaven has created such a perfect man."

Xu Ren’s figure did not retreat, but advanced to attack the green vine demon wolf at a faster speed.

Ow woo-
The green vine demon wolf let out a howl. For it, Xu Ren’s move was the biggest provocation.
Xu Renke doesn’t care what the Ivy League demon wolf thinks in his heart. When his figure quickly approaches the Ivy League demon wolf, the Xinghai sword cuts a sword and gets closer to the Ivy League demon wolf faster. The wolf is bigger than an ordinary ox.
The shape of the green vine demon wolf is very flexible, and Xu Renjian can’t hurt it.
Real Xu Ren doesn’t think that only a few attacks can get rid of the powerful Ivy League demon wolf. His purpose is to save Qin Tian and Lin Yan first.
At the moment, Qin Tian and Lin Yan have no counterattack force, and they can barely defend themselves and try to avoid being seriously injured. They are all too tired, and the situation is very unfavorable to them.
Xu Ren has arrived at Qin Tian and Lin Yan’s side while the green vine demon wolf flickers around.
Seeing Xu Ren coming, Qin Tian and Lin Yan got excited at once, but soon their faces turned worried again.
"Little brother’s eyes are very bad for us. Your brain is the most flexible. See how we should fight?" Qin Tian was panting, but his eyes still showed a glimmer of hope.
"You first some Dan medicine pranayama-these demon wolves are temporarily left to me to deal with." Xu Ren stood with a sword and blocked Qin Tian and Lin Yan behind him.
Chapter three hundred and twenty-two Fight side by side
After seeing Xu Ren, Qin Tian and Lin Yan felt relieved and relaxed. For many days, the arrival of Xu Ren in Fengdi’s heart represented the end of trouble. They were willing to believe that Xu Ren definitely had a way to solve the trouble.
Having Xu Ren, Qin Tian and Lin Yan is like taking a reassurance. Two people happen to coincide to put a few pills in their mouths and then exercise and adjust their breath.
Xu Ren once again released the sword array, and it was obviously safer for Qin Tian and Lin Yan to protect the sword array with ivy demon wolves all around.
In addition to the sword array, Xu Ren also condensed a lot of spiritual array symbols and integrated them into the sword array for the first time
With the help of the spirit array symbol, the sword array has become more stable, and Xu Ren is no longer distracted to take care of Qin Tian and Lin Yan.
Let Xu Ren look for opportunities. There are too many green goblin wolves around. They have to kill more to get rid of the siege of green goblin wolves.
After making up his mind, Xu Ren stepped up his attack. He targeted a weak demon wolf and rushed quickly.
The demon wolf was controlling the vine attack, only to find that Xu Ren came at it first, so he quickly gave up the original target and turned to control the vine to attack Xu Ren.
Xu Ren has learned about those vines. Although the attack power and defense power are not weak, it is difficult to change direction once the exhibition attack is launched. When facing the vine attack, Xu Ren’s figure becomes shaky, just like falling leaves in the wind, and he is not effective in avoiding the vine attack.
Although Xu Ren’s body looks like it is floating, the forward speed has not slowed down, but in the blink of an eye, he has already rushed to the front of the weaker Ivy League demon wolf.
Obviously, it doesn’t often face this situation, but it knows that when this happens, its life will be in crisis. So the ivy wolf was in a hurry and waved his sharp claws and took a picture at Xu Ren.
Xu Ren saw that the green vine demon wolf’s claws were coming to him, and he was not in a hurry to directly wave his Xinghai sword to meet him.
A muffled sound came to Xu Ren’s body, and the head of the green vine demon wolf rolled out directly.
When the green vine demon wolf gets up again, its claws have been broken by Xu Ren’s powerful strength.
It is extremely painful for the ivy demon wolf to keep growling in his mouth.
Xu Ren didn’t hesitate to single-handedly figure like a left arrow and rushed toward the injured ivy demon wolf.
The green vine demon wolf tried to fight back, but the wolf’s claw fracture made it slow down for a few minutes, and at this time, the green vine demon wolf was still a certain distance away from it and would not come to the rescue.
So the wounded green vine demon wolf can watch Xu Ren’s sword stab into his body and then lose consciousness forever.
Xu Ren withdrew his sword and put away the demon wolf’s body, by the way.
With the experience of Xuanji’s secret realm, Xu Renke dare not let the scent of the demon wolf spread. In case he smells the scent of blood, his emotions get out of control or he simply goes crazy, then it will be more difficult to deal with the ivy demon wolf.
Seeing that his companion was killed, even the body disappeared, and he was a little at a loss. One demon wolf actually gave up the attack and went back several steps.
This is another opportunity for Xu Ren to take advantage of the absence of the green vine demon wolf. He quickly jumped out of his sword and stabbed the green vine demon wolf directly.
If the ivy wolf doesn’t retreat, he can still take care of it, but when it retreats, it misses the best position. Xu Ren is faster than the unexpected ivy wolf. This time, he has succeeded in retreating. The ivy wolf was directly stabbed in the skull by Xinghai sword and died on the spot.
Xu Renxian prepared the ground to collect the body of the green vine demon wolf into the ring he carried with him, and then directly retreated to the edge of the sword array.
When Xu Ren took over and killed two Sinomenine Wolves, the remaining Sinomenine Wolves were not idle. They launched a violent impact on the sword array, causing the sword array to show signs of instability.
Xu Ren, while guarding against the attack of the green vine demon wolf, condenses the spirit array to stabilize the sword array. Although distracted, it is not easy to face the eye situation, and he has no better way.
After the sword array was stabilized again, Xu Ren fought back against the green vine demon wolf, but this time it was not as smooth as before to kill the green vine demon wolf.
Demons and wolves come to be good at cooperating with each other. Whether hunting or facing the enemy, they will all advance and retreat together. They were drilled by Xu Ren for a moment, but then they all became more cautious and cooperated with each other more tacitly.
In this way, it is difficult to find a chance to kill in Xu Ren.
Demons and wolves are really clever, so are monsters, green vines and wolves. They are all very clever and good at body hunting, and they cooperate well.
However, with the passage of time, the state of Qin Tian and Lin Yan has gradually recovered.
Real Qin Tian and Lin Yanshen’s injuries are not serious. They have been besieged by the green vine demon wolf for too long. Both of them are very tired. Now, with Xu Ren, they share the attack pressure of the demon wolf and have passed through the Dan Medicine Rehabilitation Institute. Their state has recovered to July 7th.
Xu Ren also noticed the changes in the state of Qin Tian and Lin Yan. As their mental state became better and better, Xu Ren was no longer distracted, and he could free up his sword array to deal with the green vines and wolves.
Qin Tian and Lin Yan are not weak physically, and now with the help of Xu Ren, their psychology has also changed a lot, so they are more decisive when they make moves again.
Xu Ren transferred the sword array directly to the front of the demon wolf and besieged it.
Don’t look at this sword array. It’s a little precarious when it resists a group of green vine demon wolves, but it’s different when it comes to besieging a single demon wolf.
Not long after being besieged by the sword array, the green vine demon wolf could not hold on, and was directly killed by a sword of light.
After the sword array successfully killed a demon wolf, it quickly moved to the other side, and Xu Renze took the opportunity to clean up the battlefield and put the demon wolf killed by the sword array into the ring.
I have to say that it is still very good to leave the ring, and it is very convenient to collect things. When Xu Ran wants to get close to the body of the green vine demon wolf, move your mind and the body of the demon wolf will be directly collected into the ring.
Seeing the sword array kill their companions, the green vine demon wolves don’t quit. They also know that Xu Ren took control of the sword array, and they attacked Xu Renshen more often.
Xu Ren’s figure is erratic, and he keeps falling leaves to avoid the attack of the Sinomenine wolves.
At the same time, his sword array successfully killed another trapped green vine demon wolf.
Xu Ren’s sword array moved almost at the same time, and soon the sword array changed its position.
For a moment, Xu Ren succeeded in taking the green vine demon wolf killed by the sword array into the ring, and the sword array succeeded in chasing after Xu Ren, surrounded by two green vine demon wolves.
It may be difficult for Qin Tian and Lin Yan to kill the demon wolf alone, but it can take the wind if two people join hands. After Xu Ren controls the sword array and kills two ivy wolves, Qin Tianhe and Lin Yan also make achievements. Two people joined hands to successfully kill a strong ivy demon wolf.

"Did you bring her here for a sex change?" Dragon Sunseeker Bo looked on the sofa and sat opposite his good brother.

"Why can’t I come?" Yan Yan Che picked up the table coffee and took a sip of it.
"It’s not that I’m surprised that I know you for half a year. Will you never let her step out of the house or … I don’t know you well enough?" Dragon sunseeker bo said with a smile
Yan Yanche looked up at him. "Your little princess is very powerful."
Chapter 115 What are you afraid of? Ten days later, you are still a rice ball!
"Baby (Xier)?" Dragon Sunseeker Bo and Dragon Sunseeker Xuan looked at each other puzzled.
"What about her?"
"She taught Rolling how to please me," Yan Yan said lazily, toying with her finger leopard ring.
Dragon sunseeker bo picked the knife-shaped eyebrows "please you? For example? "
"For example, licking, sucking, sucking and biting" is a natural gesture with a thin lip and a slight hook.
The twins looked at him with black lines on their faces, so the ambiguous verb can’t be … Oh, my God, where on earth did this dead girl know these things?
"Don’t think about it when I say it’s mouth," Yan Yan corrected me with a smile.
"Bastard!" Twins happen to coincide with each other to curse.
"This is the’ talent’ that you have brought up. It seems that you usually live a very’ moist’ life." Yan Yan chuckled
The twins looked at each other and sighed. They couldn’t say how bitter they were.
In the kitchen.
"Did you steal the rolling passport?" Dragon sunseeker treasure asked little
"I stole it, but baby, do we really have to do this?" Yuan Gungun took out his passport from his bag and handed it to her.
"Don’t hesitate, believe me, the black devil will be gentle with you this time." Long Xibao took her passport and touched her head.
"But what if he punishes me instead of being gentle with me?" Yuan Gungun couldn’t help shaking at the thought of this possibility.
"Come on, even if it’s such a big deal, you’re still a rice ball ten days later. What are you afraid of? Are you usually abused less? But think about it. If you escape this time, you will be liberated the day after tomorrow. Maybe you will have a chance to’ turn over and attack’. Even if you can’t arouse his conscience, you will go out and play once, right? " Dragon sunseeker treasure is well-organized and analyzed.
Yuan Gungun wanted to think and nodded slightly.
"Listen to me right." Dragon Sunseeker Bao pinched her lovely cheek and turned to take out a pack of things from the cupboard.
"What is this?" Yuan Gungun asked curiously.
"This is something that makes them fall asleep after eating," Long Xibao replied vaguely.
"Do you want to put food in it for them?" Yuan Gungun stare big eyes.
"Yeah, how can we escape if they are not asleep?" Dragon sunseeker gave her a white treasure.
"But the nose is very clever. He can smell it." Yuan Gungun was awake.
Yeah, I forgot he was not normal. What should I do? Forget it. Let’s have a second plan.
"Listen to me, the faster you move, the smaller the movement, the better. When we go out from the back door of the kitchen, the horse will run outside and there will be a taxi driver. When we arrive, we will go straight to the airport and have a chance, okay?" Dragon Sunseeker Bao said seriously that she bet on God’s side.
"Well" Yuan Gungun nodded nervously.
Dragon Sunseeker Bao soothed and patted her head, took out a piece of paper from her pocket, pressed the table cup, checked her body, took a deep breath and whispered, "Let’s go."
"What is this note?" Yuan Gungun looked at her puzzled.
"This is to leave a message for them. Let’s go." Dragon Sunseeker Bao softly entered the door password and put his finger on the machine surface. After a while, the back door automatically hit her and took Yuan Gungun and ran out quickly.
"Then where are we going? Baby "yuan rolling while running quiz.
Dragon Sunseeker Bao reveals a naughty smile and gently opens his lips "LasVegas…… …"
An hour later.
"What’s the matter? Why don’t you come out? " Long Xibo felt something strange.
Dragon Sunseeker Xuan frowned and walked quickly into the kitchen. He saw a single room and a lonely note. Damn it, he knew it …
And two handsome guys followed by wait for a while watched all this.
Yan Yanche picked up the note on the table, and there was a storm coming in his purple eyes.
(Dear Brother Xuan, Brother Bo and Brother Che, based on your long-term oppression, I decided to go wandering with cuteness. Brother Bo, do you remember that I have already protected you? Since I can protect you, it’s certainly not a problem to protect myself and roll. Don’t worry. By the way, I took a sum of money from the black card you gave me and bought two air tickets. On behalf of roll and myself, I would like to thank you very much, but if you want to check my credit card records, I think it’s unlikely because I have After taking a little money, I went to another card with Rolling Wandering Classic, and the name of the card was I went to the black market to buy a new identity. Well, that’s all. We are independent people and don’t belong to anyone, and we don’t want to abuse or scold our pets. Don’t blame me. If you can change your overbearing and selfish ideas, come to us. If you can’t, let us go … By the way, Brother Che, don’t worry. Don’t worry, believe me, that’s it.
After reading the note, Yan Yan gave off a kind of gas all over his body, which was called "murderous look". Seeing his perfect handsome face and expression, his pale purple eyes became more and more purple.
Dragon Sunseeker Bo took the note and read it carefully. She gnashed her teeth and said to Dragon Sunseeker Xuan, "You’re right."
Dragon Sunseeker Xuan took the note, brimming with anger, looked at it and finally took out his mobile phone.
"Feng Jie took people to search the airport inside and outside. It is not allowed to show up. After half an hour, if you can’t find Dragon Sunseeker Bao, you will order the aircraft department to stop flying and search again. Listen, if you find her, she will dare to resist and stun and bring it back."
"Yes …" Feng Jie’ professional’ replied that everyone knows what someone has done without asking.
Dragon Sunseeker Xuan pressed the end call button and looked at Yan Yan Che. "I’m sorry, Che, this matter is our dragon family’s discipline, but I promise that Gungun will come back to you unscathed."
Yan Yan Che sneered "unscathed? When she is caught by me, I want her to’ lose all her hair’! "

But grandpa A heard that exotic animals like to eat fresh and juicy weeds, and they usually choose places with dense vegetation and abundant water. They decided to look for more uninhabited valleys with abundant grass and water to see if they could find any traces of exotic animals.

There are many mountains and valleys near Sizhai, but A Du has been to several nearby valleys to make sure there is no strange animal house. They decided to look for it in the farther valley.
Rao is a local, but the two of them still found a valley with great difficulty.
The location of this valley is very clever. It is located in several big valleys, surrounded by mountains. The valley is rich in vegetation, full of flowers, and there is a natural stream winding through the south of the valley. What is even more amazing is that there is a natural hot spring just west of the valley. The whole valley seems to have its own world climate, and it is completely different outside. Everyone feels very comfortable in it.
However, several big valleys around Alai have been here for several times, and he has never found anything here. When he saw this valley, he also looked surprised. Obviously, he didn’t expect that there was still a place with such a beautiful environment hidden here.
When Junyang looked at this valley, he had a hunch that there must be strange beasts they were looking for here.
After entering the valley, Junyang and Ah are more cautious. First, they are afraid of disturbing the valley. Second, although the valley is beautiful, it may also hide a crisis.
Two people walk carefully in the forest and pay attention to their surroundings as they walk.
Since I met a poisonous snake in the forest with Shen Qiqi and Sa, O is also very careful. When I see the dense grass, I will first pick up the branches and poke them to make sure that there are no inanimate objects before I walk over.
Jun Yang saw him so carefully and looked at him strangely for several times.
"Brother Jun, don’t you know that Sa and I went into the mountains to collect herbs because we accidentally met a green-spotted snake. At that time, Sa was almost bitten. Fortunately, Dr. Shen’s reaction was fast or Sa would have died."
O think of the scene that day, think of Sa’s white face at that time and still feel distressed today.
Jun Yang heard what he said, but his face sank.
This matter Shen Qiqi never said to him.
I knew she was afraid to tell him because she was worried about him, but now I’m listening to Ah talking about imagining the scene at that time, and Jun Yang felt a burst of love.
According to Ah, that should be the day when they went into the mountains to collect herbs. On the day when he first arrived at Sizhai, Shen Qiqi fainted because of his weakness. He was pregnant. How could he think that there was such a thing?
At the thought that she was pregnant and had to run around and face such danger, Jun Yang felt guilty like sea water. Chapter 44 For a pair of green eyes,
A looked at Junyang’s gloomy face and said nothing. He couldn’t help but ask, "Brother Jun Jun, did I say something wrong?"
"No" Jun Yang adjusted his mood "Let’s go"
He is eager to find Qiqi beast quickly, catch Qiqi beast quickly and return to Shen Qiqi quickly.
It wasn’t long before we parted, but he missed her so much.
They walked about two or three kilometers before finally reaching the center of the valley.
The center of the valley is a wide and flat land, where many lush and tender weeds grow, and many wild animals graze leisurely, but Jun Yang and A are hard to find their figure.
The two men agreed to find a hidden place nearby to rest and see if they could wait until the strange beast appeared.
After having a rest and eating something, the sun grew bigger and bigger, but there was still no strange beast.
And the grassland is grazing except rabbits, and other animals have already hid in the Woods.
"Brother Jun, do you think there are no exotic animals here?"
O irrepressible lower their voices quietly asked
"Wait a little longer"
Junyang is still staring at a place. He has just carefully observed the grass in this place, which is particularly dense, but no animal dares to eat it, and he also finds that when these animals pass through this grass, they are all careful and some simply detour.
If I’m not mistaken, this should be the exclusive territory of Qiqi beast.
It seems that Qiqi beast should be the overlord of this valley.
Although Ah didn’t realize this, Junyang can easily think that it is not difficult for him to dominate this valley with the spirit beast Qiqi beast.
This discovery also made him more sure that there were strange beasts in this valley.

"But you are no longer waste, dare to scold you as waste people and kill them all for me, but can you make a difference by following me?" Wang Gan, the head of this crisis, said to them slowly.

"This …"
"When I come back, I will definitely come back. By that time, I will make Luo Tianfeng all my feet! And whether you can do this at that time depends on whether you have any ambition. "
"Leader you!"
At this moment, suddenly, a black light came from the main peak of Luo Tian. Although it was not fast, it made Wang Gan avoid a sword and stabbed him in the chest.
"Wang Gan, you can’t be my head!" A majestic sound made people want to bow down to his feet.
"Master!" Wang Pearl exclaimed that she did not hesitate to block his front.
However, the amazing luck did not come. She was pierced by a black sword and a thick black flame rose all over her body.
"Pearl!" Wang Gan face "color" changed eyes flashing with crazy "color" unexpectedly suddenly burst out laughing "ha ha what a Luo Tian! What a leader! Do you know how to bully the small? When Xiaoyangjie comes, it will be my return to Luotianri. At that time, I will be interested to see your silly appearance when Xiaoyangjie shivers! "
Then he hugged Pearl tightly in his arms and fled away with a thunderhead and never looking back.
"Wang Gan, you don’t have a chance. Do you know that the Heaven and Earth Gate has dispatched all the Elders in the Fairyland to kill you!"
A new introduction to the final chapter 100 thousand years ago
After more than two months of "naked" running, it must have fallen, that is to say, writing a chapter can get nine cents, but there is no motivation to write.
This can’t be written. Now release the follow-up outline and answer some foreshadowing.
Wang Gan was hunted by the immortals, but after being rescued by Wu Taiqing, Wu Taiqing’s immortals fell.
Wang Gan entered the "Medicine" Fragrant Valley incognito, where he had a doppelganger with a replaceable identity. He practiced in the alchemy period.
The arrival of Xiaoyang Robbery, Wang Gan’s return to Luotianmen, and Luo Tian’s head member "forced" Wang Gan to fight the Sanjie Peak to hide a world-all the high-level officials in Luo Tian, Hongjun World, to search for treasure in Hongjun World.
Wu Taiqing appeared to close the Hongjun boundary and stole the robbery of nurturing for ten thousand and a half years. It turned out that he was actually the Taoist who founded Luotianmen Hongjun.
Wang Ganxiu of Zhufeng War finally became the head of Luo Tian. After World War I, Xiaoyao finally died of illness. Finally, he realized that Xiaoyao was really Lianer’s brother and didn’t know what to help himself.
At the peak of Yuanying, Luo Tian’s head returned from Hongjun’s world and forced Wang Gan out of Luo Tian. When he fled, he was hit by Yang Shen’s red "color" meteor, which devoured Wu Xing’s tactic.
Wu Taiqing appeared in Kunlun Mountain. According to the agreement of the top ten witches, the semi-robbery inspired his latent ability and sent Wang Gan Yuanying back to 100,000 years ago.
Wang Gan was born 100,000 years ago, Kunlun Mountain became the witch king-Wu Changtian and lost all his memories. 100,000 years ago, Wu Taiqing was born together from another world and knew many things that others didn’t understand.
Wu Taiqing’s real name is Wu Taiqing and cousin Wu Changtian. They are both enemies and friends.
White lotus is Wang Ganqin’s elder sister at large, but Wang Gan’s eldest brother is sealed in the dark because of his double pupils.
Wang Gan met Penglai and became her master at night when passing by the Wind Island (the genius of Suo Fu didn’t want Wang Gan to go back to the village just because he didn’t want him to see Wu Changtian).
After Wang Gan’s death, the immortals launched a big Yang robbery to kill the sun god.
But Yang Shen didn’t die and threatened to kill all living things in Xuanyuanxing, so Wu Taiqing helped his immortals to freeze the cave for 100 thousand years and called it "supporting the future" plan.
But the plan went wrong. After 100,000 years, the Immortal Society was unsealed and Wu Taiqing died of old age instantly, so she had to clone it.
After Wang Gan woke up from the ice, he returned to 100 thousand years later and recovered all his memories.
hint or anticipatory remark in a story
The true identity of the owner of Tiandaoge Wang Zhuer was willing to be imprisoned in Tiandaoge for 100,000 years in order to save Wang Gan. She believed that the disappearance of Wang Gan was the fault of Penglai Night, and ten witches killed Penglai Night together.
Wang Gan was able to beat Penglai Lingshi because it was made by him and later given to Penglai Night.
This world is divided into two parts: the median world, the median world theory, and the first-class world life law has an impact on the first-class creatures, but if we cultivate to the highest level and create a world bigger than the world in which we live, we may rise to the next level.
So far, only Buddha Sakyamuni can do this.
The bit world has absolute control over the bit world, just as Wang Gan can control everything in the life world.
It’s ridiculous to go against the sky. It’s good for monks to practice counterpoint to the world, just like releasing the vitality of the creatures in the world, but the higher world has different needs. The universe needs to be shaped with quality. The greater the quality, the greater the gravitational wave will be, and it will devour other universes.

Looking at the shallow coquetry at him, Xuanyuan Tianyue felt soft to the bottom of his heart for a moment. He scraped her nose and said with a smile, "Who just said that you want to walk? Now you want me to hug you."

"Then do you hold it?" Shallow eyebrow "that I can let the dark moon to carry me back"
Is that a threat? Did he say no again? Xuanyuantianyue suddenly felt a little in distress situation. He raised his hand and held her face and kissed her forehead with a low smile. He said, "How can you not hold Toffee? It’s my pleasure."
"That’s more like it." Shallow also smiled.
Looking at this gorgeous smile, it’s like being exposed to the sun, shining in the rain and dew. Xuanyuan Tianyue hopes to stop this moment forever.
When he bowed his head and gently kissed the purplish lips, he carefully tossed and tasted her fragrant lips and teeth, and they were truly integrated.
Shallow hugged his waist tightly and responded to his kiss. He could feel his pity and love for her. This man really put all his thoughts on her. She knew that when he knew the truth, he would never be happy.
But the important thing is not that it is short-lived and long-lasting, nor does she expect others to remember her forever. She hopes that she will have more experiences in this world, so that she can have a little more in her heart and she can truly achieve eternal companionship. She does not regret it.
I don’t know how long it took Xuanyuan Tianyue to hold the shallow back to his arms and cuddle up to his chest with a pair of eyes, but it can be seen from those eyes that she is comfortable. She is not walking, but she hopes that her heart will be heavier. Memories like that always make people cherish and miss.
South sorrow in the hall, sex and others have already waited there to see Xuanyuan Tianyue holding people in their arms, but they are already accustomed to the intimacy of these two people.
However, Yun Shuiyue couldn’t help but say, "Isn’t Empress Taifei injured her leg? Do you want Yi Shenyi to take a look at it for you?"
South sorrow is easy to Nanxun, and both of them are watching a good show.
Sit down and have a good look at YunShuiYue, raise your eyebrows and say "envy?"
"…" A quick laugh, "Look, you said my leg didn’t hurt and I didn’t need a hug." When did she envy it?
"Whether you need someone to hug your leg injury is two different things, but whether that person really wants to hug you seems that Shui Shui is thinking about marrying and returning to Haotiancheng. I’ll hold a tournament for you to recruit relatives, for example?" Glancing at Nan You next to him, "I’ll leave it to you to do."
"Lord!" Cloud hidden with south sorrow two people face is a change of qi said immediately cloud hidden wry smile said "you should be a joke, duke"
"Do I look like a joke?" Shallow frowned and then said earnestly, "I know you used to think about nine secluded bodies, but nine secluded bodies can’t leave me alone. The duke can’t let the family never marry. It’s sad to say that men get married later. It’s also called that you come here to let you dust together, but I’m afraid you won’t agree or compete to get married."
"…" Yun Shui suddenly has a kind of impulse to tease her since her mouth. She never thought of marrying this kind of thing and having a contest to get married.
South sorrow followed with a smile and said, "I’m very busy recently, even if I don’t have time to help Yunshui. Although I really want to see her get married, after all, my ears are quiet when this dragon is married."
"Who do you say is a dragon?" Cloud hidden face suddenly a anger stare at south sorrow.
South sorrow frowned. Why is this woman so ungrateful? He is helping her. Does she really want him to help her organize some tournament to marry her?
Yi Nanxun naturally saw something here and couldn’t help but say with a smile, "Brother Nan, don’t worry, when you don’t have it, sometimes I’ll run this tournament to get married."
"I said Yi Nanxun, can you mind your own business? Can you change who wants you to handle it?" South sorrow directly retorted.
Yun Shuiyue glanced at Nan You and sneered, "I just asked mr. yi for help. You said you didn’t want to see me, you and I wanted to see you?" Said she directly got up and looked at the shallow "castellan belongs to think that there are still many things not finished, so I won’t accompany you to have dinner", and said a hand and walked out directly.
South sorrow looked at the leaving figure and gave birth to a little frustration. This woman is sick. If she doesn’t eat, she won’t be hungry. It’s not that he thought of it here. He recovered his mind and prepared to eat, only to see that three people at the dinner table were looking at him.
"Eat the duke, aren’t you hungry? These are all too delicious for you. We can only touch the light … "Yi Nanxun said while preparing food.
Suddenly, a pair of chopsticks stopped him, and a light voice said, "You really want me to hold a contest for her to marry her."
Chapter 416 Choice
What do you mean, I wish she would hold a contest for her to marry her?
"Lord?" South sorrow looked up at the face Gherardini in amazement.
Shallow put chopsticks lightly and said, "I just said it was very plain that Shuiyue would marry someone else, but do you want this person to be you or someone else?"
"Brother Nan, what are you doing? The beauty didn’t eat. Whether you can win your heart depends on you." Yi Nanxun said with a smile.
Aside Xuanyuan Tianyue said, "I don’t think General Yun doesn’t dislike General Nan, but she probably needs an opportunity. Otherwise, she won’t be so angry when she just heard you say you want to help her prepare for the tournament."
South sorrow, suddenly, put chopsticks in his hand on his face. For the first time, there appeared a similar expression of ignorance. She …
Looking at south sorrow still stunned shallow frown "still wondering what to do? Do you really want to marry her? I have no opinion, but don’t say I bully you then. "