Sato chia-ta has just ordered the Japanese army around him to stop the Qing Ba Gen horses, and this guy has already seen this commander in a colonel’s army rushing here in desperation, slashing Sato’s sword and raising his command knife to meet him.

Ba Gen is the famous fierce Chinese in the Qing army, and the machete in his hand is bigger than others. Now the knife is cut by manpower, and Sato is rushing to meet the enemy. How can the saber in his hand be blocked? Ba Gen machete cuts Sato’s shoulder and Sato’s right arm directly by Ba Gen.
Sato is screaming, stumbling back seven steps in a row, sitting on the ground with a pale face and passing out in pain.
Ba Gen wants to go in again. Sato is desperate for his life. The Japanese army has already surrounded him and there is no chance.
Ba Gen sneer at a left hand still holding a Grenade. This guy pulled the lead directly and looked at the Japanese army around him.
Chapter 43 City Five in a bloody battle
Chapter 45 A bloody battle city
Ba Gen-born Mongolians are born tough, but after Zhang Yi’s months of training, they have made great progress in their skills and minds. At this time, the Grenade that has been pulled to shake hands is poised to be thrown around the Japanese army. If it blows up around them, they will be 100% going to see the God of Heaven, but they will all fall back and dare not come forward again.
Ba Gen threw a grenade out with his left hand, and it exploded more than ten meters away. Seven Japanese soldiers were blown up by grenades, and two unlucky people were blown to pieces on the spot. Ba Gen laughed and jumped out with a stirrup mount on his feet.
If ōshima Yoshimasa hadn’t been injured, the Japanese training quality could have been integrated with a little restraint, and then dozens of people in the reconnaissance battalion could have been encircled. But now ōshima Yoshimasa was beheaded by Ba Gen and his right arm was unconscious, and suddenly the Japanese leader was at a loss.
Not far away, Zhang Yihu looked at his heart and shouted, "Brothers, take advantage of ghosts to disturb everyone and kill me!"
Dozens of brothers from the reconnaissance battalion went on the rampage in Yuemari barracks, and everyone went deep into the Japanese crowd in the middle of the night. The Japanese army was afraid to hurt their companions, and dared not mount bayonets for hand-to-hand combat. A few good brothers even set off a fire, and the Japanese camp was in a mess for a while.
Midway up the hill, Xiaoyimuqian Nanyuan is organizing two brigades to besiege the front line of Maoershan. Suddenly, I feel that the rear artillery fire is dumb, and then there is a faint explosion behind me, shouting and killing two people. In my heart, I am surprised. Looking back, I can see that the mountain camp is full of flames and killing the sky.
Xiao Yimu’s heart suddenly reacted to the earthquake. It turned out that the Qing army had long expected that they would take advantage of the night raid to prepare for the battle. At the same time, they even split their own way and went straight to the Oshima Jun guard camp.
At this time, the two Japanese brigades also felt a little abnormal, and they looked back to watch the mountain movement and saw that the mountain camp had been disrupted. I don’t know how many Qing troops raided the camp at night to detain the team.
Qian Nanyuan said, "Xiaojun, now the Qing army on the Maoershan defense line is ready to attack urgently." The mountain camp has been attacked again. I think we should withdraw our troops and go back to the camp for the time being. Once the camp is lost, we will be in danger between Scylla and Charybdis. "
Xiao Yimu thought so, too. Once he was surrounded halfway up the mountain, his thousands of people would really be wrapped in dumplings.
Xiaoyimu nodded and said, "Qian Nanjun said it makes sense. Let’s quickly withdraw our troops and return to the camp!"
The order was reached, and the Japanese soldiers had already been evacuated to the mountains like a flood in anxious to return.
Tan Feng, the frontier, saw that the Japanese army had come to sneak attack and suddenly withdrew to the mountain. He knew that Zhang Yihu and other brothers must have succeeded in sneaking into the Japanese camp. The Japanese army must be returning to aid.
Tan Feng roared, "Brothers, if the Japanese army loses, kill with me!"
Say armed with rifles have rushed out first, and the soldiers of Laoshan Camp followed Tan Feng to pursue them.
Zhang Yihu led the brothers of the reconnaissance battalion to kill for a while. They couldn’t stay long and had to leave as soon as possible. Once they were surrounded by the Japanese army, few of them could break through alive.
Thought of here, Zhang Yihu whistled to greet the people and withdrew toward the northeast.
Zhang Yihu had just led the crowd away from the Japanese army camp in less than four or five minutes when Xiaoyimuqian Nanyuan led the Japanese army to withdraw.
Small wood urgent asked "what happened? If there is an attack on the camp at the good end? "
A little sergeant ran over and said, "Jun Qian Nanjun, you just attacked the mountain, and soon a Qing army attacked the camp. First they destroyed our artillery position with grenades, and then they rushed into our army’s unprepared barracks. Sato Jun was cut by a Qing army and his right arm was cut off. Now he is still in a coma.
Small one wood nu way "ga that qing hold? How many troops did the other side come? "
Shao Zuo replied, "There are only dozens of people in the Qing army in Zhongzuo Pavilion, but the weapons are excellent and brave. Compared with the chaos of our army at that time, they took advantage of the chaos to get rid of it …"
Zhang Yi looked at the sky and made the Qing army retreat. This battle was particularly beautiful. The Japanese army hastily retreated and left a lot of ammunition at the foot of Maoershan, which was taken back to the Maoershan position by the Qing army.
Zhang Yi looked at the piles of battles and remembered the guerrilla song "No guns, no guns, the enemy made it for us …"
Not far from Maoershan, where the Japanese army was defeated, it was tied up, and the defeated troops were gathered. Before leaving the South Park, people were quickly called to report the situation to ōshima Yoshimasa, and at the same time the troops were reorganized to count the casualties.
After some cleaning, two people turned pale. Only one day and one night, instead of taking Maoershan, their own side was hit hard. Sato was seriously injured, but the Japanese army lost more than 1,000 people, and more than 1,000 people were missing. Some of them were injured in different degrees. The most terrible thing is that General ōshima Yoshimasa allocated two artillery brigades with more than 20 heavy artillery guns, and hundreds of artillery were killed. This is an unbearable loss. If ōshima Yoshimasa blames them, they may not be able to keep their lives.
At this time, Sato is awake, and his shoulder is wrapped in thick gauze. His pale face is obviously caused by excessive blood loss.
Xiaoyimuqian Nanyuan reported the loss to Sato Zheng, who looked dull and nodded and said, "I know you have worked hard. Please leave me alone."
Two people looked pale sato is also don’t know what to say a deep bow back.

After this sword, Tam immediately regressed for tens of meters before finally stopping.

See tam chest suddenly appeared a ferocious sword wound.
But to Barlow’s consternation,
Tam, this wound actually recovered in a short time!
If you look carefully, you will find a lot of tiny silver hair coming out of Tam’s chest wound
These tiny silver hairs are like surgical lines.
Tam’s sword wound was stitched up in a short time.
And after the wound was stitched, these silver hairs emitted green spiritual light again.
This green spiritual light is the spiritual symbol of wood attributes.
The biggest feature of wood attribute spiritual power is its very strong healing ability.
Not to mention Tam quickly sewed up his wound by sharpening his hair.
This is equivalent to Tam performing an operation on himself for a short time.
Tam’s genius idea is not Lu Yuanjiao.
But after Tam had fought with Shadow Kirin.
I realized my special recovery ability.
But at that time, Tam also used her hair as a suture.
After awakening the spiritual power of wood attributes.
Tam came up with this method of healing himself by suturing the wound and using wood as a spiritual force.
And Tam called this method … magic, hair surgery.
At this time, this battle was also seen in the eyes of the virtual mirror department at the center of the land.
He saw Tam, the golden pet beast.
Incredibly continuous cast after two special strengthening skills.
You can fight back and forth with the standard platinum pet beast degenerate Barlow
Jiuzhong was completely shocked.
Where the hell did this toad come from? Monster! ! !
Nine heavy intensely staring at the mirror Tam expression is very serious.
Mom, I don’t believe this!
You little toads can still beat me to the platinum level!
Chapter 477 Bite your output!
Although Tam’s sword wound soon recovered
But it’s also a fairy spiral pill.
It also didn’t do much harm to Barlow.
It can be said that this time Tam and Barlow played a tie.
But Tam himself knows very well.
Eye, it can’t always keep a special state.
If you can’t beat Barlow in five minute.
Then it can be imagined when the time comes
But fortunately, Barlow’s opponent in this battle … is not just Tam!
With a violent energy fluctuation
The whole land suddenly put up a lot of purple light.
This amazing movement also immediately attracted Barlow’s attention.
It turned to look in the direction of the purple light.
You see a huge monster 5 meters high.
This huge monster is made up of purple bones all over.
With the right hand position and flesh and blood
And this huge skull monster has half a skull head besides his right hand, which looks very strange.
This purple monster is Liu Yuan’s skill to cast out the pupil of sharingan … Can you help?
Tam looked at the emergence of his rear. Can you help him?
Bai Luyuan is finally going to join the battle at once.
Think of this Tam and see Barlow’s eyes full of fighting spirit.
To be honest, if Tam is alone,
Success can’t defeat this huge centaur monster in front of you.
But if you add Lu yuan,
The result of this battle … It’s not so easy to say!
After all, at the moment, Platinum Barlow is not in a normal state.
But after being forcibly transformed
This makes it in addition to the platinum level body and platinum level spirit.
It seems that the root can’t display the platinum-level iconic skill, the king’s body
If you can’t show your majesty’s body
It is not impossible for Lu Yuan and Tam to join forces to defeat it.
And in the face of display must be able to land.
Barlow’s madness did not disappear, and his crazy and twisted expression did not disappear.
Not to mention that at the moment, it is a complete bloodthirsty madman.

A captain turned his head and looked out of the city. His eyes were full of worries.

When the drum sounded again, Jin Niu looked back and raised his spear and shouted "Kill!"
Horseshoe thundered, the ground trembled, smoke rose, hot blood splashed out, and bright red flesh flew around with broken limbs. Facing Jingzhou Army’s tight defense, Jin Niu gave his life and led the department to kill constantly. Everything in front of him gradually seemed to be stained with blood.
"All" withdrawing troops! If we don’t retreat, we will all die here! " A cavalry soldier who was covered in blood and could hardly see his face stuck to Niu Jin and shouted that his long knife was full of gouges where whole pieces were missing. The horse fell dripping with blood and gasped as if it were overwhelmed.
Niu Jin woke up from the crazy killing and was shocked to see that there were less than 100 people living in the department with injuries.
"retreat!" Without hesitation, Jin Niu shouted that these songs were hard-won, and if they were all damaged, he was afraid that it would be difficult to get a supplement in the first world war. Dozens of riders surrounded Niu Jin immediately turned their heads and rushed to kill after hearing Jin Niu’s order. However, at this time, they had fallen into Jingzhou army. Where can they suddenly go out?
☆, Chapter ninety-five First guard against slow siege.
City Jin Niu and others are caught in the Jingzhou army, and the situation is extremely dangerous. Coss will certainly not sit idly by and watch their troops die. With Coss’ military orders, the city has been on standby for more than 500 rides and quickly rushed out of the city to meet Jin Niu and others.
Zhang Liao, the commander of the array, did not send troops to camp from the flank. Apart from the difficulty in displaying the terrain, the most important reason is that Zhang Liao does not want to fight hard too early. If he forcibly camps, he may have a chance to eat the enemy’s headquarters outside the city, but the price will never be small.
Rao is so. After Jin Niu and others were rushed back to the city, the number of people counted was almost exhausted, that is, they went to rescue more than 500 riders and also killed dozens of people.
Coss ChengTou didn’t blame Jin Niu for the defeat, but asked in detail.
Knowing ourselves and knowing ourselves can win a hundred battles. Coss never underestimate his opponent, but he will not become timid because of the news. He believes that no matter how strong the enemy is, there will always be weaknesses. What’s worse, as far as the current situation is concerned, many advantages of the enemy are difficult to play.
Jin Niu was slightly injured and soon wrapped up. When talking about Jingzhou army’s combat power, it seemed quite dignified. "The enemy foot soldiers are not only fierce and not afraid of death, but also cooperate with each other in a very strict way. If one gun is fired, one person will enter the team. If the injured are killed, they will be short. Someone will fill it and the formation will show flaws."
Although his description is slightly exaggerated, it is very vivid to say that the soldiers of Jingzhou Army cooperate closely, and Coss also frowned deeply. "It is not easy for one person to be fierce and not afraid of death, and it is not easy for a hundred people to be like this. It seems that Jingzhou Army’s strong fighting power has its own reason because of strict formation, but it is just strict training."
The worm is still living out of ignorance. Is it a human being? Jingzhou soldiers are not afraid of death, not because they are not afraid of death, but because they know that if they die in battle, their families will inevitably receive generous pensions. If they are injured, they will be treated by medical officers in medical camps. Even if they are disabled, they can become a wasteland army or a local official. On the one hand, Jingzhou Army has strict military law and discipline. Of course, the military discipline of various warlords in this era is also very harsh. Jingzhou Army is not the only one.
However, this two-pronged approach has formed a system in Jingzhou Army, and it has been implemented for some time. Those who flinch when getting cold feet will be severely punished and will be beheaded, but those who bravely kill the enemy will definitely die because they are rewarded for their meritorious service, and they will die without choosing to kill the enemy. Retreating and running away is definitely fighting for the enemy, but not necessarily dying. If there is a glimmer of hope, everyone will fight for it.
Even the recruits who have not passed the battlefield have already been instilled with this idea, and even if the battlefield is scared to death, they will try their best to fight for that chance of life. When everyone is like this, the huge energy that erupts is quite terrible.
Coss is a military commander, but he knows something about Jingzhou Army. There are some similarities in Cao Army, which are not so thorough. Besides, the soldiers who can get preferential treatment in Cao Army are mostly ordinary soldiers, who will care? Even if you want to manage, you must have strong financial and material resources to disable Cao Jun. Most of the soldiers are left to fend for themselves, and the post-war treatment is far less thoughtful than Jingzhou Army.
Even if Coss understands these problems, it is also very difficult for him to follow the Jingzhou Army’s solution.
"In addition to daring to fight for their lives and cooperating closely, the armor of the enemy soldiers is much better than that of our army." Jin Niu grabbed his leggings and pointed to the leather armor and said, "It is difficult for ordinary spearheads to cut through the leather armor unless the puncture force is used, but the ordinary spearmen of the enemy can cut through the leather armor with their spears, which is sharp!"
Then he asked the guards to present a ring knife. The edge of the ring knife was curled and cracked at dozens of places. The whole knife had been scrapped except for re-casting.
"General, please look!" Jin Niu’s tone is a little low. "If the war is chopped twice, the enemy soldiers will be chopped with armor to protect themselves. At most, they will be injured. How can we compete?"
The so-called chopping times are caused by chopping. Although it looks terrible, it rarely hurts dirty unless it is beheaded or broken arm, which can cause death or great damage. However, although the wound is not big, the spear can often pierce the body and pierce the human body’s dirty. After the injury, it is a dead end. However, chopping is difficult to break the armor of Jingzhou soldiers, and chopping is the most common means of killing.
Coss, after seeing this ring Dao, slightly knew that Niu Jin was right.
First of all, the number of more than 200 cavalry in Jin Niu is many times less than that of the enemy. The terrain is not wide enough to give full play to the cavalry’s impact advantage. Coupled with the gap in weapons and armor, it is good that the enemy is well-trained and closely coordinated.
Coss withdrew his eyes and turned to look at the Jingzhou Army’s thundercar outside the city. There are still several stone castles outside the city that have been directly hit. Looking at the stone castles that are almost in ruins, Coss wants to see that the soldiers inside are already running out. Coss can’t help but doubt that these strongholds outside the city will be pulled out by the enemy sooner or later. So what’s the point of sticking to these stone castles now?
However, if we give up the stone fort Jingzhou Army, we can have no scruples about advancing to the city. At that time, the two camps in the city will expose the attack range of Jingzhou Army’s thundercar. Although our own side can also counterattack the city’s thundercar after the enemy advances, it will always be the passive defensive side to suffer from such an attack.
So is it feasible to ambush outside the city? Consciousness turned to look at the mountain peak outside the city, and Coss felt that it was too dangerous to succeed.
Even if you are lucky enough to attack the Jingzhou army’s thundercar ambush field, there is one, that is, being surrounded by the enemy outside the city, there is no other way to live except surrender.
Coss doesn’t want to do this, although he is kind, but the risk is too great, but the success rate is very low. Some of them are not worth the loss. Because of the mountains on both sides, it is inevitable to ambush a large number of people, and the attack force is not enough. Too many people are easy to be detected by the other side. Once the Jingzhou army finds out that the ambush is outside the city, it can be imagined.
Coss is thinking hard, such as sticking to the city. At the same time, Zhaoyun in the Jingzhou army camp outside the city is also discussing with Zhang Liao and others how to fight the next battle
For Zhao Yun, this is his first time to protect the army. The military of the two counties is facing the problem of conquering Yecheng. He can’t be cautious, and Pang Tong Zhang Liao and others think so. This time, Lu Su stayed behind in Wancheng, organized grain, grass and ordnance, organized civilian workers, and other things did not come with the army.
"Today, Jun cavalry attacked our army only to test it. I’m afraid Coss wouldn’t have fought outside our army after this war." Zhang Liao summed up today’s post-war reconciliation and said, "If it is expected, Jun will withdraw from the stone castle outside Japan."
Zhaoyun nods, "Even so, the thundercar still bombards the wall."
"The closer you get to the city, the more difficult it is to set up a thunderbolt car and the city also has a thunderbolt car and a strong wall of Yecheng, which is afraid that it will be difficult to break in a short time." Zhang Liao is already very familiar with the terrain of Yecheng, and he has already seen the sand table in his account. I don’t know how many times he can say it even with his eyes closed.
Liu Pan got up and said, "If you don’t storm the city at night, you may be able to grab the gate!"
"Not right!" Pang Tong immediately objected that "Coss is cautious and will not be overlooked. The casualties in the city at night will be heavy and it will be difficult to succeed."
This is no good, that is no good, and everyone is frowning.
Although Liu Cong’s military orders are not limited, the importance of Ye Cheng and the importance of this battle are all very clear. Now it is difficult to form a siege offensive, and it is difficult to form a big threat. For Cao Jun, if Ye Cheng does not fall, there is no need to look back and worry about attacking Liu Bei. It is also unknown whether Huang Zhong and Zhou Yu can attack smoothly. What’s worse, how can the generals pin their hopes on others?
Zhao Yunshen’s position as Commander-in-Chief of the Guard Army can no longer be silent at this time. He got up and said, "The breaking of the city can be discussed again, but our army should also guard against Cao Jun’s looting of the camp outside the city. Today, Cao Jun wants to know our strength in the first battle, so it is even more necessary to guard against it. If the city is broken, you can first pull out the rock castle outside the city and then take a long-term view."
Since he said so, they got up and obeyed and went back to the camp to strengthen their vigilance.
Today, although Cao Jun lost more than 200 cavalry, Jingzhou Army also suffered more than 300 casualties, and nearly 200 people were killed. Speaking of the difference between Cao Jun’s casualties, it is quite good that the other side is a cavalry and Jingzhou Army is mostly a pawn.
In this case, if Coss wants to go out of the city to fight back, he can rob the camp at night in addition to the main battle, and even if Zhao Yun doesn’t take the generals, he will be alert.
However, the generals are not sure whether Coss will be like this. However, even if the enemy doesn’t come to rob the camp, it must be guarded against it. Otherwise, if the camp is broken by Jun, the consequences will be unimaginable. Soon, the sky will be dark. When the last afterglow of the sunset disappears, Chengtou and Jingzhou Camp outside the city will light up one after another …
☆ Chapter ninety-six Looking at Hanzhong with vested interests
Liangzhou Jincheng ushered in a heavy snow and cold wind after the light snow a few days ago. The flag of the snowy city head was frozen hard. A bonfire was burning in the shelter of the city head. Elder Ma Wangshi limped and threw a bundle of firewood in his arms to one side. He was warming himself around the fire. When he saw it, the foot soldiers quickly twisted and squeezed out a position.
You’re welcome, old horse. She sat cross-legged. It was the injured leg that curled up and could not stretch ahead.
"Just out of the city is what person? Shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout. But it’s too cold today … "A young foot soldier rubbed his hands and gasped, saying that Jincheng has finally been peaceful in recent years. Although Marten often sends troops to invade the Xiongnu or Qiang people to fight, it’s been a long time since these foot soldiers guarding the city have fought any battles. If they are idle for a long time, the military discipline will naturally be somewhat relaxed. At this moment, it is a common thing for everyone to avoid a fire in the wind and snow, which is that the elders and horses are all unprepared.
A cold wind blew over Mars and everyone didn’t blink. Obviously, it’s a habit. After the wind blew, the old horse sighed and somehow his tone was low. "It’s not hunting. I heard that the general sent an envoy to Xudu to see it, so I’m afraid Ann’s birthday will be over!"
"What’s the matter?" After listening to what the elders said, the young foot soldiers suddenly came to the spirit. It is no wonder that they have been squatting outside the city all day, and they have been tired of watching everything outside the city. I really want something to do.
The old horse glanced at him but couldn’t help thinking that when he was young, he was not as afraid of chaos as he was.
"Some people came from the north the other day. Do you remember?" When the old horse rubbed his legs and said that he saw all the people nodding in succession, he added, "It is said that Yuan Shang sent messengers to ask the general to send troops to help."
The young foot soldiers blankly way "Yuan Shang? Is he human again? "
No wonder he doesn’t know that after all, Jincheng Liangzhou is very closed, not to mention what happened in Hebei, but many things may not be here.
"That’s after Yuan Shao’s death, he was appointed as the general." The old horse patiently explained, "I heard that Liu Bei and Liu Huangshu lost the Yecheng Institute and sent people here."
The young foot soldiers asked doubtfully, "Liu Huangshu? Then we should help Liu Huangshu, right? Since what long said so, but the general agreed? "
Even in such a remote place as Jincheng, Liu Bei’s name is well known by ordinary people, and his position in people’s minds is not low, which shows the importance of fame in this era
Old spat flipped through his eyelids. "How can the general help Yuan Shang? I heard that someone sent someone to kill the emissary yesterday, and those who just left the city took the emissary’s head with them! This is to be sent to Xudu! "

Many owners of ten thousand families have a quick glance at their faces as soon as they change their minds

"They entered the virtual land!"
Moment of virtual explosion energy breath surging everywhere.
Chaotic Tianque body is like being swept away by Xiao Yu as a weapon and waving towards the demon emperor.
The demon emperor’s surly body is constantly dodging and constantly shuttling in the virtual space, and the root is not Xiao Yu’s confrontation.
Xiao Yu sneered, "I heard that the demon emperor is a congenital saint formed by the gathering of the sacred blood of the demon family. It’s just such a big disappointment today!"
Chaos Tianque was caught by him, and his whole body was full of mana, and his heart was humbled. He kept yelling and wanted to open Xiao Yu’s palm, only to find that Xiao Yu’s palm was as immovable as Taikoo Fairy Gold, and he held his arm tightly.
Thick powerful mana constantly from Xiao Yu body crazy destroyed his vitality, let him constantly vomiting blood body cracks to make up for the terrible!
This is definitely the most humbled battle he has ever encountered since he was born!
He is a generation of princes who destroyed God’s family, and commanded all the people to be comparable to meet such a scene today.
"I will let you die!"
Chaotian Tianque uttered a low explosive roar.
Suddenly, the magic light surged out of his body, and the energy and breath of black runes were chaotic and rapidly enlarged, like being inflated, and a huge crisis suddenly came out of him.
His body suddenly exploded into a chaotic atmosphere and flooded Xiao Yu.
The whole garden was exposed to waves and was reduced to dust by the terrible light.
Many owners of all ethnic groups rushed toward the distance without changing color.
Xiao Yu eyebrows a wrinkly didn’t expect this person to blow itself up directly.
The devastating light hit him with a low dull sound, like lightning striking the holy mountain.
Suddenly Xiao Yu’s myriad pores suddenly burst into thick strong suction and absorbed all these raging destructive lights.
Soon the area was calm again.
Suddenly, the magic light bloomed in the sky, and a huge statue appeared. The eyes were cold and the body was huge. Thousands of feet in size, sitting on a black lotus table, the magic gas surged and covered the sky.
"Respect for blood!"
The golem mouth bursts, and Lei Yin is majestic and full of a terrorist mastermind force.
As dead as a whistle, thousands of demons in shura hell evolved all over him, and they wailed and screamed together.
"This is … phase fiend form!"
"It’s the second blood form of destroying the family of God!"
"The chaotic duke actually became the second demon blood form!"
Many owners of ten thousand families looked surprised.
Even the demon emperor stopped with a frown, and his body showed amazing light, scanning the statue of the golem Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu is also light yi eyes flashing staring at the statue of golems.
"Interesting. What other means can be used? And didn’t you just say you wanted to learn a statue of blood? Come along?"
He suddenly swept to the demon emperor showing Bai Sensen teeth and laughed
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and thirty Vulnerable
The demon emperor’s face was handsome and his body was misty. He stood in the distance and scanned Xiao Yu calmly. "There are all dead people around. Will you be anxious later?"
Xiao Yu showed a strong smile. "It’s up to you to make decisions and let you live one more time."
At this time, the huge magic shadow, a huge black palm, was directly pressed to cover the sun, like a continuous dark cloud filled with a monstrous atmosphere.
Xiao Yu’s clothes definitely danced and took a palm to meet the past.
The palm of your hand is rapidly enlarged, and the golden light is as irresistible as an ancient celestial gate.
A muffled sound, the black clutches collapsed and dissipated in the sky.
The golden palm continued to enlarge and cover the sky and lock it towards the statue of the golem.
The body of the golem does not move, and the dark fog around it fills the air, and the eyes are cold. Suddenly, I blurt out the truth, "I am talking to all beings every day, and the gods and gods are talking about ghosts and demons, and the heavens and the earth are dying!"
His whole body was full of terrible magic light, forming a real magic field. Xiao Yujin’s golden hand was stopped by a powerful force just as it approached.
Xiao Yu eyebrows a wrinkly.
The golem looked down at Xiao Yu with cold eyes, and suddenly rushed out of several black runes from his eyes, and one by one, the ancient giant fonts were suppressed toward Xiao Yu’s body.

That’s why he was so jealous of Wu Liang.

But after seeing such a shocking scene in today’s live broadcast, all his pride and values were shattered!
Who says network anchors have no style? How many singers can sing such songs as Ten Years and Chang ‘an Chang ‘an?
Who says network anchors have no future? This song has made a million dollars. How many people can match it?
Are my previous thoughts all wrong? Internet anchors are not inferior to us. In their world, they are also shining stars, and they have the same brilliant identity and glory as us?
Yan Wenhan was confused about himself and questioned his thoughts. He didn’t know that Wu Liang was a very strange job even in the network anchor industry. As a network anchor, he belonged to their network just like Wu Liang, and he also had an incomprehensible ability to attract money.
This is terrible. It almost subverts all his views.
So he can just sit there and watch the full screen glistening with gold, and he wants to expose Wu Liangshi passionately before he is finished.
But all this fell into Wu Liang’s eyes and made Wu Liang return that he was scared by the audience’s reward.
"Don’t get excited," Wu Liang patted him on the shoulder thoughtfully. "It’s good to have a few habits every month. This is also everyone’s recognition of me. Hahaha!"
This is even more depressing.
How many times a month? That is to say, you earn more money in a month than I do in a year of hard work in Shang Yan?
Then what kind of star should I be? I might as well switch to being an anchor like you!
Yan Wenhan’s heart is bitter. He is proud that he has been completely shattered in front of Wu Liang. Besides being a little more handsome and taller than him, what advantages does he have compared with him?
How can I look at him from a commanding perspective?
How can you show off your star status in front of him?
How dare you call yourself Gao Fushuai before him?
Pretending to be the most deadly moment, Yan Wenhan finally understood this truth.
How sad and spicy is it? I really want to go to shi!
Chapter one hundred and seventy So silly and naive
The live broadcast was finally over, and the two men came out of the decorated office.
By this time, I have already been waiting for the two figures outside to meet me.
These two people are the general manager and sales director of Volcano Music.
This is the first time to make a live webcast. Volcanic music still attaches great importance to it. Although the boss Mo Jinliang, not only these two people, waited at the door until the end of the live broadcast, fully expressing their importance to this event.
Seeing Yan Wenhan and Wu Liang coming out, they immediately greeted them and asked, "How do you feel about the first live broadcast?"
This is obviously directed at Yan Wenhan to ask
But Wen Han’s face is blank and he can’t say anything.
What should I say? Is it that I have been thinking about how to expose Wu Liang’s true face and have no intention of broadcasting this matter live?
He sang a song, but since then, his attention has been behind Wu Liang, and even if Wu Liang created many opportunities for him, he let them slip away one by one.
Now let him say how he feels about the live broadcast. What can he say?
When the general manager and the sales director saw that he was confused, they suddenly felt a thump in their hearts and asked, "What’s wrong? What’s the accident?"
"No, no" At this moment, on the contrary, Wu Liangbang next to him explained that "Xiaoyan performed very well, that is, it is possible to be a little skeptical about the live broadcast for the first time, and the performance will be better next time"
"Oh", general manager of the two people just slightly relieved gratefully blunt Wu Liang nodded his head.
Turning around, they comforted Wen Han again. "Don’t be nervous. After all, it’s the first time. It’s a little nervous. It’s the key. It’s the effect. What do you think of the live broadcast?"
"Effect …" Yan Wenhan continued to MengMeng’s face with his eyes open, except vacant or vacant.
He was too busy trying to figure out where Wu Liangxin went to observe the live broadcast effect.
It was a good feeling. In the live broadcast, the girls were very enthusiastic, and they called him "a handsome man" one after another …
It seems that after he refused to write a square dance, many people’s attitudes changed. Everyone thinks that he is an embroidered pillow, and he can’t sing well. Neither singer is a good idol …
Isn’t that too fucking demanding? How many people in the mixed music world can write and sing? Isn’t it normal that most heavenly kings can sing from time to time, but those who write well can’t sing for various reasons?
What happened when Wu Liang’s live broadcast suddenly changed everything, and being able to sing and not write became a defect?
Moreover, his own unfavorable face value has also been spurned. The most popular word in the live broadcast is "small white face"
What’s wrong with me? I haven’t even seen light there, and it’s as black as a carbon head. How can I be black before you are satisfied?
This live fan is too difficult to serve.
It is estimated that this is the only idea in Wen Han’s heart for the whole live broadcast.
But he can’t say such a thing!
Wu Liang was praised by the audience as the best singer in the world in this live broadcast!
What family gets along so well that you can be a "gigolo"?
Yan Wenhan estimated that if he said these words, he might be killed by the general manager and the sales director.
So he can continue to mix koo, and it is really urgent for this picture to fall into the eyes of the general manager and the sales director.
What’s going on here? It was broadcast live for one night, and as a result, it was like "Who am I, where am I, what have I just experienced?" What happened to him in the live broadcast, and what suddenly became so confused?
Ok, this time Wu Liang came out to relieve them both.
"The effect should be very good. Everyone is very optimistic about him." Wu Liang praised the general manager. "Many female fans in my live broadcast praised Xiaoyan for being handsome. They said they would definitely buy his album."

Xu Ren smiled. He asked Li Baitian to go to Tuo could first. Of course, it was not to deliver letters. It was not just to see the attitude of Guo Zhang and the two uncles in Tuo could. He also wanted to show them the strength of san huang and Zhao Qi.

Of course, the emperor’s strength depends not only on his knowledge and martial arts, but also on his followers, the Golden Body Warrior Star Mang Dynasty, which is definitely the top of the power pyramid.
Now, the two great-uncles personally came to meet san huang and Zhao Qi, which is the best example.
"Fortunately, I don’t disgrace my life."
Li Baitian said to Xu Ren, devoting to a ceremony.
"Well, let’s have a rest first. Let’s take care of the things."
Xu Ren smiled and motioned for Li Baitian to take a rest.
Li Baitian consciously went directly to a carriage to pull goods and became a driver.
Li Baitian’s action once again surprised the two uncles. They never thought that the practitioners in the golden body would be willing to be a cargo puller for san huang.
"I’m so polite that I’m late for the ride and despise the Three Emperors’ Hall."
Although the two middle-aged people are uncle san huang Zhao Qi, they still have to obey the law of monarch and minister before san huang, and they dare not disrespect san huang.
"There is no stranger here. Two uncles are not so generous."
San huang Zhao Qiyin got out of the carriage and then Xu Ren directly helped Zhao Qi to curtain the car.
Huai Li and Huai let two people see Xu Ren take a taxi to Zhao Qi, san huang, and can’t help but be surprised because they found that Xu Ren is also a powerful fighter, which means that the other party is at least a powerful golden body fighter.
A warrior with golden body is willing to follow. It can already be said that this san huang means something extraordinary. Now there is another one. Doesn’t it mean that this san huang Zhao Qi is bound to win the throne today? Who is qualified for this san huang Zhao Qi to compete for the throne?
San huang, Zhao Qi, and Xu Ren helped the two middle-aged generals to Huai Li and Huai Let the crowd hold their hands and give a junior gift.
Huaili and Huairang, where dare the horse receive the gift? The horse quickly turned over and took san huang Zhao Qi’s hand, which is also very close
When my uncle met my nephew, his feelings were naturally related. After all, they were related by blood. It is really necessary to say how deeply Huai Li and Huai Rong felt about Zhao Qi. That may not be true. After all, when Zhao Qi was ten years old, he did not start the Mang Dynasty. Although there were letters between the two sides during this period, where did he often meet and get close?
However, Huaili and Huairang also know that although san huang and Zhao Qi have not yet announced their official return to the DPRK, it is definitely the most powerful competitor of the Emperor to be assisted by two golden fighters. If Huaijia bets, it is time to make moves. After all, although there are two golden amulets around san huang, the ordinary strength foundation is not deep, which is also the opportunity for them to make moves. They have now helped san huang, and san huang will definitely not forget Huaijia in the future.
"I hope you can come back. It’s been hard for you all these years."
Huaili and Huairang are also fine performers. They took san huang Zhao Qi’s hand and wiped their tears.
"Two uncles, don’t be sad. Isn’t this my return? Over the years, thanks to your care for your nephew, my mother knew in her heart that she had just returned to the DPRK, so she planned to go to Tuozhou first to meet her grandfather and two uncles. However, it went smoothly on the whole. "
San huang and Zhao Qi downplayed some things, but it is better not to say them than to say them when others think about them more.
Reward and Huai rang exchanged a look and met an episode. Can the episode be small? Since ancient times, there has never been a small matter in the struggle for the throne. If it weren’t for san huang and Zhao Qi, there are two powerful fighters in the golden body. It is estimated that they would have been sent to solve the problem by the royal family who are vying for the throne.
"Well, now that you’re back, come home with us first. Your grandfather is waiting for you, too. It’s inconvenient for the old man to move because he’s old, or he’ll pick you up in person."
Huaili and Huairang helped san huang to return to the carriage, and they turned to prepare to return to their horses.
However, when they turned around, they found the small demon leopard Molin in the team, and then their footsteps were another meal. If they were not calm, they would have jumped up at this time.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and fifteen Weekend
Huaili and Huairang didn’t expect that there was a powerful fighter hidden in the team. Judging from each other’s momentum, they were also better than Li Baitian.
This makes Huaili and Huairang feel even more incredible. Now they feel that the throne is 100% in san huang’s pocket.
Of course, since the three golden fighters don’t want to expose their gifts and concessions, they are also very well-advised. Although they are both great masters, the golden body of the great master is very different, so it is not a level.
Huaili and Huairang are both imperial court members, and their appearance means that they are now on the side of san huang and Zhao Qi.
Guo Zhang and Guo JIU have not been suppressed by the imperial concubine in recent years, but they still secretly attracted a lot.
It is estimated that many people will choose the side, but whether to choose san huang or his royal family depends on whether san huang can return to Beijing safely.
San huang was a queen, but the imperial concubine gave birth to two sons before he became san huang.
San huang also had two sisters who died when they were young. san huang was born with a weak constitution. Many people predicted that he would not grow up and was sent to the Moon Dynasty at the age of ten.
Who also didn’t expect that san huang, who was asserted by all people, would not live to be an adult, but lived to be twenty years old. Instead, the imperial concubine gave birth to the two emperors and drove them west one after another.
It is precisely because of this that the imperial concubine hated san huang even more. She tried her best not to let san huang return, but san huang got the support of the Moon Dynasty through her own efforts and sent him directly back to the Moon Dynasty.
Of course, it is also possible that the Moon Dynasty hoped that there would be a chaos in the Xingmang Dynasty, and then they might have an opportunity.
But for whatever reason, san huang is back now, and he is currently the head of the Xingmang Dynasty, which makes his royal family feel difficult.
The two uncles Huaili and Huairang came to meet san huang and Zhao Qi in person, and it soon became clear that some of the city casters were close to each other and went out of the city to meet them directly. As a result, the san huang team grew stronger and stronger, and by the time we got to Tuo could, there were already hundreds of people.
However, even though the number of people has increased, the core people are still very prominent. Even the two uncles have to be polite when facing them. This also makes those accompanying people understand one thing, that is, those people are the real backstage of san huang, and it is Huai Li and Huai Li that both uncles can’t afford to provoke big people.
After understanding this, those people naturally surrendered to san huang and became supporters of san huang.

He is very cool when he walks in black armor and a wide cloak.

When the handmaid saw him turn out from behind the screen, she quickly saluted again, "handmaiden, meet the devil!" "
Yes, this is the seven nights of the demon king, who is famous for his fierceness and ruthlessness in the three realms.
The demon king ignored his handmaids for seven nights. He sat in a chair coldly, and the handmaid hurriedly poured fragrant tea. The demon king took a sip of fragrant tea from his handmaid for seven nights and remembered that he had just suffered a "pa" and slammed the teacup in his hand.
The teacup fell to the hard floor and almost became powder. The maid was shocked and quickly poured another cup.
A charming smile outside "who provoked our Lord so angry? Who is so bold? " With this beautiful sound, a girl in yellow lifted the curtain and came in.
The phrase "clear water gives the hibiscus a little shirt and apricot yellow" seems to be the beautiful and elegant melon face of this girl. The willow eyebrows are small and delicate, and the jade nose is red and the delicate cherry mouth is particularly noticeable. Those dark purple demon pupils like the Seven Nights show that she and the Devil Seven Nights belong to the same family and are not ordinary human beings.
A little bright red mole on a girl’s eyebrow is like a delicate little red bean. Instead of reducing the beauty of a girl by half, it is even more playful and moving.
The girl in yellow came into the room, lifted her handmaid lightly, and hurriedly retired. After seven nights, I saw the girl in yellow, and there was no expression on her face as if I hadn’t seen her.
The girl in yellow is not angry either. She walks in and sits gently on the magic prince’s face for seven nights. The beautiful voice is very euphemistic. "Brother Seven Nights failed?"
The demon king drank a cup of tea for seven nights and said coldly, "I didn’t expect that girl to be so difficult to fix the God without her. I still deal with her. Her body not only has the power of fixing the God, but also has the power of Feng Pei. Not only do I absorb her body strength, but I also wield my own magic normally." His fist slammed the hard mahogany table corner and immediately turned it into powder.
The girl in the yellow shirt smiles very pleasantly. "I didn’t expect that ordinary human girl to have so much energy to deal with my seven-night brother. If I remember correctly, my seven-night brother is close to pleasing her and will not hesitate to become a child. She is spoiled in her arms!"
The demon king’s face stretched like a drum for seven nights. The last thing he wanted to remember was that he had lost his face when he became a child. He looked down on himself, but he would do anything to get Feng Pei.
But by hook or by crook, the result is not only losing face, but also not getting Feng Pei.
What should I do?
The demon king said slowly for seven nights, "If it hadn’t been for Shura’s destruction, I might have succeeded when Lan Yuzhen didn’t notice it, but that hateful Shura smelled me."
The girl in yellow is the sister of the Devil’s Seven Nights. Zili, who looks more attractive than Hua Jiao and is thinner than Shui Rou, is a ruthless and murderous devil.
Purple from Gu Pansheng’s big eyes turned to weave shellfish-like silver teeth and gently bit his lips and said with a light smile, "It seems that I want to find a chance to meet this seven-night brother in hell. What kind of person is he?" Do you have a pair of three heads and six arms? "
Chapter 19 Shura Temple
——-Chocolate solemnly announces the debut of the first guest guest——Welcome to "ECHO Gaoxi"! She will play the role of a small shura river in Yuanxi, nicknamed "Xiaoxi". Xiaoxi looks like a lovely makeup. shota is actually the four shura in the nether world. She is pure in character and hates evil. Sometimes she takes a little trouble to fix the gods. She has deep feelings and is super-killer.
Seven nights smiled thoughtfully and said, "this shura emperor! His flesh looks like a handsome young man, and the most prominent feature is a silvery white head and dark green eyes, but I have always been surprised that his identity should be scattered with a fairly strong aura, but his aura is very weak and that girl Lan Yu is actually very strong, and the popularity of the two people is exactly the same. I can boldly assume that he has a considerable part of his spiritual strength, but Shura Shenjun can still resist the enemy by manipulating that girl’s spiritual strength. "
Purple from the eyebrows gently pick "oh? Is it because he passed on spiritual strength and strength to Lan Yuxi through Feng Pei? "
Seven-night good-looking face is covered with a faint disdain. "Yes, but maybe he doesn’t want to do that either."
Violet was curious again and continued to break the casserole and asked, "Who is better looking than the Shura God and the Seven Nights Brother?"
Seven nights thought about it and said, "It’s not a type."
Zili cocked her head and said with a smile, "I really want to see what he is like earlier?"
Seven nights said coldly, "Hum, he is a dangerous hunter. Be careful not to kill his paw."
Purple from the pie mouth "over the years, I have killed tens of millions of girls is not a vegetarian"
Seven nights nodded. "Brother, I woke you up. What I am most concerned about now is how to get Feng Pei and get the strongest power to shine the magic gang to rule the world, but that girl is really tough. It is difficult for me to fight against her and Feng Pei."
Violet from covering your mouth smiled "seven nights elder brother so clever people when to become a fool? There are three ways we can take. First, we can rob Fengpei directly, but this seems difficult. Second, Niang once said that if you combine with the owner of Fengpei, you can take the owner’s power of Fengpei as your own, so that you can be even more powerful; Third, we found the dragon? After containing Feng Pei’s strength, we can achieve our goal. "
Seven nights thoughtfully "dragon? It is said that even if there is a real scattering place, it is really unknown. "
Purple from lightly smiled and said, "now that Feng Pei has appeared, there must be a dragon? We also want to look for it, but now, Brother Seven Nights, you can also exert your charm to make that little girl named Lan Yuxi love you. If you can combine … then everything will be much simpler. "
The demon king’s face turned a little red for seven nights and soon returned to normal. "That girl has a pure heart and no heart, but it is a trouble for her to often follow the Shura Emperor."
Purple from laughs cuttlefish disorderly fibrillation "seven nights elder brother we division of labor, such as? I’ll take care of that shura deity! "

"You can go," Huang Junyi said faintly when he saw the wood waiting for reduction. "The wood is still waiting for you."

"I don’t want to leave," Wood said in the previous step
"It’s not exactly what you want if you let me go." Bender said proudly, "I’m still here for you to watch me live more than anyone else."
Huang Jun Yi Nai smiled and he really appreciated this girl "quasi …"
What a straightforward girl, but he is also an unexpected package. Ziyun proudly smiled gently-this person must be very warm, too, right?
Wandering around Ziyun Aoyuan, my foot wound healed surprisingly quickly and I didn’t feel any pain at all. Of course, this is thanks to the wonderful medicine of Junya Shendan.
It’s almost full moon.
Ziyun ao’s lips smiled softly so fast, but she didn’t feel it at all.
I seem to have loved life here.
What a luxurious word
"What are you doing here?"
"Huang Junyi" Ziyun proudly looked back and saw Huang Junyi coming towards him and waved to him. "Can you take me to the sky?"
Huang Junyi moved his fingers and didn’t want to show anything in front of her. There should be some time before the full moon, so he said to Ziyun proudly, "No, but I can take you to the roof."
Two people climb the roof.
Sit left and right.
If only time could stop here.
Ziyun proudly looked at Huang Junyi, only to find that he was looking at the sky.
"Hey, what’s the matter with you?" Ziyun ao wanted to stretch out his hand to pat him, but he didn’t touch him, not for fear of death, but for fear that he would dodge.
Does he like himself? What does it matter? I wish I could still see this person, see this face and feel this kind
It’s like evil hasn’t died yet, like time hasn’t disappeared, like everything has gone back to the past …
Even better than before
Huang Junyi came to his senses and shook his head instead of telling Ziyun that he would poison every full moon. "Nothing feels that watching the stars on the roof is quite special."
"What’s so special about this? Show you something more amazing. Chapter 91 will be animated.
Ziyun proudly took out a small one, which was made by cutting her rice paper into many pieces. Fortunately, her brush was good, otherwise it was really enough to write some calligraphy and painting in ancient times.
"What is this?" Huang Junyi asked
"Now open your eyes for me to see clearly," said Ziyun proudly, flipping her quickly and jumping to many, many pictures, feeling as if the picture were moving.
"The man in this painting can fly" Huang Junyi obviously hasn’t seen it before, but he still feels very novel. "Come again and show it to the king again."
"Well, watch this." Ziyun proudly flipped the characters in the small painting again, which really seemed to fly to the sky a little bit.
I’m tired of seeing too much real flying, but it’s really creative that the people in the painting can fly.
Both of them laughed too much and did not find Junya coming, nor did they find that he stopped when he walked not far away. He saw that they wanted to get close, but they could not get close.
Seeing the moon, they
Junya turned around and tried to pretend that he didn’t see anything. He walked forward quickly, but their laughter still entered his ears.
His footsteps are getting faster and faster, but the sound keeps echoing …
Look, look, look, it’s flying, it’s flying.
Ha ha … interesting. Let’s do it again.
Don’t want to hear it!
Branches shake and leaves fly …
Firm but gentle rise
Gorgeous love belonging to others has become a catalyst for his heart to rot.
If the love between Ziyun Ao and Huang Junyi is as gorgeous as cherry blossoms, then Junya is like the cherry blossom tree at the moment. How many bodies will be as enchanting as his feet rot, and how his heart will be destroyed, the more charming he will laugh.
I didn’t understand it at that time. It was too late to understand it …
"Good idea," said Huang Junyi.
"This one can’t be done in animation just by moving what you want," Ziyun proudly said, giving him the small one. "Then this one is for you."

"What’s wrong with nothing?" Purple shouted anxiously.

Then star Lengyu came from the floor and saw the eggplant porridge frowned and said
"MoEr you wait for a brother to cook egg soup for you …"
He also remembers more clearly than Xingtianmo when she ate eggplant.
"MoEr dare not eat eggplant even dare not look at" Star Lengyu said with a straight face and slightly blamed in her tone.
He didn’t expect that these closest friends of Xingtianmo didn’t know?
However, Xingtianmo did not tell others.
This is one of her weaknesses, and she doesn’t want others to know her weakness, because it may be her death!
"Why didn’t you say so? Have a drink." Yuexuan Yi lovingly stroked Xingtianmo’s pale face and handed her a glass of water.
"I’m sorry, Moer. I didn’t know you didn’t dare to eat eggplant. I’m sorry," Ou Menger said anxiously, her face full of worries.
"No," said Xingtianmo lightly, afraid to look at the queasy eggplant from the table.
Star day foam cell phone rang.
"What’s wrong with Huang?"
After hearing the yellow words, Xingtianmo’s face changed slightly …
End of the night ~
Well, the fact is that Zhuxi is afraid to eat eggplant.
16 sudden rage
"Purple blue come in with me." Xingtianmo called Purple and Blue into the room.
"What’s the matter, Moer?" Purple see starry sky foam face is not generally heavy.
"You two horses go back to France!" Xingtianmo command
"What? What happened? " Blue asked in surprise.
"There’s something wrong with the business in your home." Xingtianmo answered seriously.
"How can companies have no problems? But … what do you want us to go back? " Purple son asked
"It’s not an ordinary economic crisis. Do you think it would really happen if you two had an accident at the same time? I think … "Xingtian foam frowned and had a delicious meal.
"There’s a bigger conspiracy behind it …" Xingtianmo’s eyes are dim.
"Ok … we will go back" Blue promised.
"I told you to go back! ! Do you understand? Horse roll! " Xingtianmo suddenly changed his tone and shouted at them, picking up the blue collar and slamming the blue into the wall!
"Moer!" Purple exclaimed!
The moment the blue hit the wall, it suddenly became white. He gave Purple a quick wink, and Purple suddenly realized …
The room rang so loudly that people outside the living room were suddenly surprised!
"What’s the matter? !” People in the living room rushed in. I don’t know how MoEr suddenly got angry!
Everyone was shocked to see the blue forehead bleeding!
"This ….." Everyone was speechless.
Star day foam not language, glancing at blue and purple cold face out of the room.

Gu Jun is sure in his heart

Second sister said that you shouldn’t panic when something happens. Since the assassin didn’t kill him immediately, there must be other plans.
This also gives him a chance to escape.
"Rock son Gu Jun that little bitch will disappear tonight! Without him and the help of Zhong Yongbo, your father will take us back to the house and the future generation will be you! "
Gu Yan sat on the bed and looked gloomy. "You won’t miss, will you?" He is not as optimistic as his mother. Can Gu Liancheng rest assured that he will not make any arrangements from Beijing?
"No!" Yang Xuesen laughed, "Zhong Yongbo hates Gu Liancheng, and he will never allow his own people to make mistakes!"
"I hope he can succeed!" Gu Yan corners of the mouth with a cold smile.
The mother and son were thinking about their beautiful things, but they didn’t expect that the brave man had died soon after he succeeded.
"Hit the door for me!" Gu Ning has listened to Liancheng’s mother’s residence. At this time, she took more than a dozen guards and hurried to catch the fingers outside the courtyard. The courtyard gate cold drink a way together.
The guards who are closer to her should follow one foot and kick the gates.
"Yang Cui Gu Yan, get out of here!" Gu Ning couldn’t see anything at the moment, and her eyes were full of anger and she walked quickly to the lighted wing.
"It’s Gu Ning, the little practitioner. How did she come to our house?" Yang looked up from his chair and smiled at Gu Yan suddenly. "It must be Zhong Yongbo’s success, otherwise she wouldn’t find someone to find us here so late!"
Gu Yan’s dark eyes flashed "Mother must be careful!"
"Rest assured mother knows" gives Gu Yan a rest assured look, and Yang walks to the door. Before she can, the sliding door has been kicked from the outside.
Gu Ning, who was kicking the door guard, stared at Yang coldly and said, "Where is Juner?"
Yang looked puzzled. "Ning Shantou, you’re asking a strange question!" Looking at Gu Ning from the beginning to the end, she immediately said to herself, "Look at you. Is it that Jun ‘er’s child had an accident?"
"Don’t play dumb for me. How could you have been kidnapped by an assassin if your mother had not been so lucky?"
Yang Wu mouth exclaimed "assassin? Where is the assassin? " Zhongyongbo really did it! I felt happy for a while. Yang pretended to calm down the frightened mood for a while before saying, "The first thing you should do is to report to the official. How did you find your aunt here?"
"Don’t tell me that Jun ‘er was kidnapped by an assassin!" Staring at Gu Yan, Gu Ningyin coldly said, "Where is Juner again?"
"You this child how so axis? I told you that Jun ‘er disappeared and went to the newspaper office, but you broke into our mother’s residence with scruples and framed people. Do you believe it or not? I went to the government to sue you for trespassing and then accuse you of framing. "Yang said, and his face became cold." I was divorced from the government by your second uncle. You don’t treat me as an aunt. I don’t blame you, but our mother’s innocence can’t be defiled at will! "
Gu Ning bit his teeth, raised his hand coldly and slapped Yang. "Don’t worry about your mother!" Caught off guard by slapping, Yang first pounced on Gu Ning clinker with Zheng, but before she got close to her, an awe-inspiring palm wind suddenly hit her, and soon she was like a fallen leaf floating towards the house and then slammed into the hard wall …
"Jun-er, did your mother order you to take her away?"
With the sound of Gu Qiling, Gu Ning falls in front of him.
He walked slowly into the room and approached the bed step by step.
"You … you …" Is he a person or a ghost? It’s Gu Qi who is approaching him step by step. It’s Gu Qi!
Gu Qi didn’t die. He didn’t die three years ago.
What a cold look. What is he doing?
"What happened to Yan Di?" The ice is biting, the eyes are locked, Gu Yan is full of horror, and Gu Qi’s thin lips are slightly open. "Don’t you know me after more than three years?"
"Are you … are you a person or a ghost?"
Gu Yanshen shrank back and asked.
"Do you call me a person or a ghost?" Grasping his collar, Gu Qi leaned over and looked at Gu Yan at close range. "Tell me, was Jun ‘er taken away by your mother?"
From time to time, Yang’s prone mouth overflowed with blood. "Yan ‘er … said everything now … said everything …" Intermittent sounds came from her mouth. She hated Gu Qi so much that she was still alive that their mother’s plan fell short.
Therefore, Gu Jun’s life and death can’t change their situation.
There is a marquis of Gu Qi. He can be him.
Based on this, even if their mother dies, she can’t tell Gu Jun which one of the little bitches was taken.
She wants them to lose Gu Jun in pain!
She looked up at the child with difficulty as the blood overflowed.
Gu Yan face fear suddenly dispersed.
Afraid of him, afraid of Gu Qi taking his life, but afraid of it?
No, at this moment, he can’t tell where Gu Jun is going, just as his mother said.
"I don’t know what you said!" If you say it or not, you can’t escape a result, so he chooses to pretend to be deaf and dumb and don’t say a word when Gu Jun disappears.
Gu Qi sneered, "It seems that you are not going to say that Jun Er has fallen!" As he spoke, he suddenly loosened Gu Yan’s collar and then moved quickly, crushing his limbs to pieces. "Is it very painful?" he asked
Kill a pig like a miserable cry. Gu Yan sounded in the room. I want to die in pain at this moment.