So Lin Fenggen didn’t think much, but waved a ball of light and floated towards Lin Feng.

Windson saw the Pope move, although he knew that the Pope didn’t make a good idea, but he didn’t know what the Pope’s goal was. However, Windson chose to hold Lina’s urn tightly and was afraid that the Pope would send out a ball of light to destroy Lina’s urn.
The Pope frowned when he saw Lin Fengdong. He didn’t expect that Lin Fengcould catch the dead consumption blindly. Lin Fengxian protected Lina’s urn, and the Pope’s ball of light was hard to hit.
But the Pope soon knew what to do. With a wave of his hand, the Pope suddenly accelerated the speed of the ball of light and directly hit Lin Fengshen.
Windson disabled body already overwhelmed by windson directly knocked down to the ground, windson is about to fall for an instant to adjust his body position to protect Lina’s urn from any damage.
This urn may not be so important to others. After all, people in Yulan mainland are very dull about life and death.
However, Lin Feng, who was born in the earth for five thousand years, has been filial to his father and mother. After all, filial piety has been deeply integrated into Lin Feng’s soul in previous lives. Besides, Lin Feng thinks that Hogg will definitely be worried about Lina’s ashes. Lin Feng doesn’t want to make Hogg sad again.
Although Lin Fengke pretended not to know Lina’s ashes from Hogg, Lin Fengke did it against his heart.
Of course, the Pope, who was born and raised in Magnolia, is not clear about the significance of Lina’s ashes to Lin Feng, otherwise he decided not to choose the present idea.
Yes, that’s right. The Pope is going to destroy Lina’s urn.
When the Pope saw Lin Feng fall to the ground, he also chose to protect Lina’s ashes. Although the Pope didn’t expect it before, now the Pope knows that Lin Feng is very concerned about Lina’s ashes.
The Pope did not hesitate to wave his hand and dozens of small balls of light emerged from it.
The Pope looked at the fallen windson corners of the mouth with a hint of insidious smile will play small ball of light towards windson.
The ball of light is very slow and even wobbly, which can be clearly seen that this is deliberately done by the Pope.
But Lin Fengxian has no physical method to move.
Lin Feng looked at these little balls of light with despair. He felt that he might end his journey today.
But I can’t bear it. I can’t bear it. Lin Lei can’t bear it. Hogg can’t bear it. Little Wharton Windson’s eyes slowly shed tears. Windson shed tears not because he was afraid, but because he couldn’t bear it.
Windson looked at these little balls of light and approached them bit by bit. The Pope manipulated these little balls of light and even stayed at the tip of Windson’s nose for a second.
But windson at this time of the real is not afraid of force to embrace the arms Lina ashes.
The Pope noticed that Lin Feng’s reaction felt very dissatisfied. After all, he wanted Lin Feng to beg for mercy from him. How can Lin Feng be so calm now?
The Pope was annoyed and decided not to tease Lin Feng.
See the Pope directly controls the small ball of light flying towards the forest air head quickly.
Windson closed his eyes and waited for windson to have no hope.
This time windson suddenly heard a crunchy windson felt his arms Lina urn has been broken.
Windson hurriedly opened his eyes and found Lina’s ashes scattered all over the floor. Windson’s eyes turned red in an instant. He didn’t expect the Pope to be ashamed to choose to break his mother’s urn.
This time windson don’t know where to strength to climb up quickly.
Windson tears this time already can’t stop windson regret windson regret.
But windson did not regret falling into the trap of the Vatican, but regretted not protecting Lina’s ashes.
If you can choose windson, you will never let Lina’s urn be destroyed again, but all this has already changed by law. Windson knelt in front of Lina’s ashes in pain.
Lina’s ashes have already been scattered everywhere, just as the last trace of Lina Yulan mainland is about to be erased.
Far darkness, Beirut, seeing this, has a little understanding of windson pain.
"Or do it. Such a good seedling can’t be destroyed like this," Beirut muttered to herself.
Beirut’s hand was just about to be raised, but Beirut found that Lin Feng was up as if something was about to happen.
Beirut’s hand is released again, and he is going to observe it again.
Chapter 46 God drops
At this time, the main hall of the Vatican, Lin Feng, has been lit up, as if Lin Feng had not felt physical pain now.
However, it is far from dark in Beirut to know that forest air is burning its own life potential. Although Panlong World can live forever if it wants to reach the sanctuary, it does not mean that their respective life potential is exhausted.
Life potential is the height that a person can reach in his life. Once life potential is exhausted, it will be very difficult to make progress again. However, because of the particularity of life potential, life potential is not known to many people. Knowing and understanding life potential may be the Lord God. How can you tell others?
Beirut knows the potential of life, which was known when the god of Beirut was in two places in hell and the master of destruction, Outrey Fu, met. Destruction dominated the exchange of more Jingxue from Beirut, and many secrets were told to Beirut. Now Beirut can see that forest air is stimulating its own potential of life.
According to Beirut, the potential of life can only be detected by people after they are stimulated, but all the high gods can feel the potential of life because of its particularity.
But most people can’t inspire their own life potential.
After all, life potential is a fixed person’s growth, but life potential has little influence on the Lord God.
Because the gods have already reached the highest peak in the world, the potential of life has affected them.
Now windson has inspired the potential of life, and Beirut has determined that windson is a genius, not only in Magnolia mainland, but also in many planes.
But Beirut is a little worried because he doesn’t know whether windson can continue to make progress after consuming his life potential.
Beirut doesn’t know what to say now. After all, although he knows the potential of life, this is the first time Beirut has seen someone who can inspire the potential of life.
Inspired the potential of life, Lin Feng seems to have lost his body pain.
Windson can feel now in a special way.

Special big parties are held by the whole school, such as graduation party and learning conference, but the New Year’s Day party is held by a class in Donghai No.1 Middle School.

When Xu took Xu Ting to the class, instead of feeling the enthusiasm of his classmates, he found many people pointing fingers behind him.
Ordinary people may be puzzled, but their hearing is fifty times that of ordinary people. How can they not hear what those guys are saying?
"Xu Ting, the poor wretch, is not ashamed to bring a wild man to learn."
"A poor man looking for a poor man really makes a pair."
Xu Zheng slightly before he noticed his sister’s outfit.
I bought a lot of clothes for my sister. Why is this girl still dressed so simply?
Then Xu Bai.
If Xu Ting has entered the society, she will have a greater sense of comparison and will think about dressing well, eating well and drinking well. However, Xu Ting has lived in a relatively closed state since she was a child, even if she has money, she dare not be extravagant.
Donghai No.1 Middle School is a well-known aristocratic school, which has the difference between being rich and living.
Xu Ting got good grades and behaved so simply that she was naturally regarded as a poor top student by her classmates.
In this situation, rich students must look down on top students.
They are top-notch in their eyes, even if they are admitted to the university, they are not as good as inheriting their father’s wealth.
It is only natural that the rich students bully the sharp students.
This kind of chaos can’t be stopped by teachers and principals, because it represents human nature.
If it is someone else, it will be ignored. This phenomenon can’t be stopped by one person, but it happened that being bullied was Xu Ting or Xu Sister. Can you not deal with it?
Xu narrowed his eyes and glanced around. Nathan’s cold eyes made all the students who were whispering a moment ago immediately shrink their heads. Although they thought it was a little unintelligent, Xu’s eyes were really scary.
"What is fierce? No matter how fierce, you are a poor man."
"It seems to be a social gangster fighting … hum!"
These unintelligent students seem to be able to comfort themselves with words
Not long after Xu took Xu Ting into the classroom, a girl came skipping along.
The girl looks very sweet, her eyes are bright and she looks lively and lovely. "Tingting, is this your boyfriend?"
"Bah, it’s not. This is my brother’s own brother Xu."
Xu Ting seemed to be in a better mood and then shouted at her brother, "Brother, this is my deskmate and my best friend in this class named Long Ting."
Xu blunt Long Ting nodded with a smile.
This Long Ting looks rich and expensive, fashionable and beautiful, and obviously she is also rich, but it is obviously good to be able to play with Xu Ting.
Xu Ting, a girl who feels inferior since childhood, feels better to have a friend to accompany her in school.
Long Ting’s eyes seemed to narrow into a crescent moon when she laughed. "I often hear Tingting talk about you. She said that her favorite is her brother, which makes me look forward to it."
Xu Wen laughed and said, "Now it’s better to be famous than to meet at first sight?"
Long Ting entranced giggling and said, "You are so interesting."
Xu smiled and knew that if he did nothing, simply relying on the ordinary appearance of this ordinary dress in a certain place would never attract people’s attention.
Xu Ting speaks Xu as a hero, and the image is naturally perfect.
Long Ting naturally feels that meeting ordinary people and thinking about perfection is not as famous as meeting them.
This permission is absolutely not to blame Long Ting.
At this time, several boys and girls over there gathered together to speak ill of Xu Ting again.
Long Ting left the pie mouth and said, "Xu Ting, don’t pay attention to them. They can do everything all day. Only these little people can do things. Is it amazing to have a few stinking money at home? It’s really interesting."
Xu eyebrows slightly raised but some angry.
These guys have gone too far and humiliated Xu Ting all the time.
If they humiliate Xu Xu, they can still bear it. After all, they have died once, and many things are taken lightly.
But they can’t bear to humiliate Xu Ting’s permission.
Xu was about to step up and say a few words when a teacher in a professional suit came in.
The teacher is wearing a gray professional suit, gray sexy stockings and a pair of black glossy high heels.
Although she wears glasses, she still can’t hide her sexy and beautiful face.
Xu slightly raised his eyebrows when he saw the teacher.
Even if the room is out of tune, she won’t be dressed so thin, will she?
This suit is for teachers to wear in summer.
And these stockings don’t look sexy anymore.

"Boom boom boom boom boom …"

The research-level insect tide formed by the convergence of the mutant rhinoceros-horn rodents was hit, and the super insect tide formed by the convergence of the golden-winged king worm was hit, and even the fast approaching emerald asteroid was temporarily stopped by the light beam.
"Hum, the Elves, it’s time to pay a little price for you to chase after the old century." The light screen wood bug shook his hand and released six badges. Lin momo saw the badges and felt familiar for a moment before realizing that these were barrier badges.
Wood bugs hey hey say with smile "three moat badges summon small shattered species Marta stone monster projection six moat badges summon big shattered species eternal ghost Wang Gang duo projection hahaha have fun!" Elf Wang Bi "
Volume 17 A bloody battle! Temporary parting Chapter 119 With an open hand
Shakespeare threw out a fortress eye and hundreds of huge beams of light stopped the Zerg army, but the mother emperor of the Zerg main era, after all, was able to bear the sky and the green asteroid gave birth to a quantity of brilliance, and the speed of progress slowed down slightly and was not forced back.
At this time, the mirage suddenly knocked on a light door and saw that the light door was five kilometers high and three kilometers wide, and a huge shadow squeezed outward from the light door.
The light door is fleeting, but the shadow has already squeezed out of the light door and come to nothing. This shadow has a light outline and is a huge thing like a claw fish. Don’t look at the extremely light outline. The more you look at the center of your body, the more solid it is. The darkness can block the starlight.
"Let’s go. Duoduo projection may not be rational, but it will not only kill the Zerg life emblem. If we stay here, we will also suffer." Lin momo suddenly remembered Marta’s stone monster projection, and the barrier badge summoned the projection. To put it bluntly, it is an aggressive energy. It will kill whatever it sees and will never show mercy.
Wood bug nodded approvingly. The projection of Wang Gang duo, the ghost of the ages, is several times worse than that of Mare’s grotesque chubby projection, but it can not only hold off the zerg army, but also hold off the elf fleet in the other three directions and don’t want to deal with the human fleet.
Tianqin fleet, a very inconspicuous elite star cruise ship, has a wooden bug in the cargo hold, which looks very haggard with its conductor surface, and a little blood is flowing down the corners of its mouth.
"Ahem, the vicious elf king has cultivated so many masters that he almost rushed here to stop his plan." Wood bug’s eyes were blurred more than a hundred years ago when he was a child, he accidentally got Xiao Hancheng, which was a little suspicious before Xiao Handisappeared.
"Hum Xiao cold old live up to you, preparing for one hundred years is today. If you don’t leave nine natural barrier badges, the Elf King will kill everyone into the master of the Milky Way, but he doesn’t know that I have promised you to do things even if I die." Wood bug’s voice just fell and coughed up, and blood flowed down his nostrils and ears.
The wooden bugs displayed on the screen outside are all virtual, and he’s in a terrible situation at this time.
More than 3,000 years ago, the dark organizations of the Milky Way were suppressed by Xiao Han, but Xiao Han did not find a sneak attack on his own forces.
This has become extremely scary. There is a huge organization that is detached from Xiao Han’s sight. Once Xiao Han’s method is used to suppress human fate, it will inevitably lead to a series of earth-shattering wars.
It was then that the development of human culture came into being, and mankind entered a golden age of development.
The amazing growth rate of human beings and the vitality of the star cruise ship have disrupted the plan of the huge power department dormant in the dark.
Xiao chilling, thinking about the people around him, and finally focusing on the Elf King, Xiao chilling doesn’t believe that the Elf King will betray him like a relative.
You know, the Elf King can walk to the throne, which is Xiao Han’s elimination of all difficulties. If the Elf King is so rude, he really makes such a big mistake. Xiao Han asks himself if he can’t bear this psychological blow.
However, before Xiao cold left, you can’t do nothing, leaving a little hope that the person who inherits the blood will receive the information when he goes to the nearby area, so as to help him investigate and confirm what he thinks.
At this moment, the wooden bug spits out one mouthful blood, and he doesn’t want to be associated with Xiao cold in his life. However, curiosity kills the cat, who is the cat, makes the Elves aware of it. He has been on the run for more than a hundred years, and he has not been idle for a day. Not long ago, Ann was still hunted down by a peerless master and almost collapsed. Now he has run out of oil and lights, but he has to do something he always wanted to do before he died.
Stretch your waist after the appearance of the Duoduo projection. Look at the laziness. You don’t want to launch an attack. There is such a buffer opportunity. Jack, hurry up and move the mirage. The maximum power will fly in the direction of the wormhole. Since Lin Sisuo said that this place is dangerous, it will definitely be dangerous. What will happen sometime? Who wants to die if they can live well? There is enough dust and garbage in the universe, and there is no need for another bone.
Nearly a thousand star cruises, 500 star cruises in front of the road, pulled out the traction light to hold off the mirage, and the team marched forward in a mighty way, never thinking of the zerg’s great forces in the rear to go on their way.
Now is not the time to give up the mirage. After all, there are many fortress guns, and there is a berthing platform or a resting place left. It will definitely kill the mirage base and fortress with the elf fleet. If there is no mirage, bring up the rear fleet will be scattered once it is scattered.
The Phantom of the Opera was really powerful, but she didn’t see her when she arrived at the Star Cruises. The huge mirage and fortress guns would give people a sense of security.
That’s the way human beings are. Sometimes you have to find the backbone and seek spiritual support, otherwise your courage will drop in a straight line. If so, you won’t fight.
"Mao Mao Mao …"
A series of strange wave reactions sent by the Geduo projection into the wave frequency become a kind of "Mao Mao" clawed fish, and its body stretches out strangely as if it were extracting dark energy from the virtual, showing signs of soaring.
Dark matter and dark energy exist in most parts of the universe. Although it is profitable for human beings, it is possible to limit the extraction by the projection. In a blink of an eye, the outline becomes solid and the body soars.
In the main era, the mother emperor felt threatened, and it would never allow the human fleet to escape from the emerald asteroid, stirring up amazing fluctuations, sweeping away all the influences of the fortress eye, and launching an overwhelming tide of insects.
"Mao Mao Mao …"
Gang duo raised his head and barked like he was very dissatisfied. Some creatures dared to challenge this star and suddenly formed a virtual shadow of dozens of kilometers outside. Looking at it, his body was enlarged several times and he waved his huge tentacles into the marginal insect tide.
Zerg’s surge speed is fast, with millions of two-headed worms, millions of one-horned giant worms and tens of thousands of golden-faced weevils flying towards the elven fleet to intercept the wormhole. This represents that the Zerg has broken through a line of defense. If the adventure guild and the light Federation react from time to time, it may harm the entire border star field and force the human army to retreat to the second main line of defense.
"Rumble rumble …"
Gang Duo projected the Zerg to fight a dark tentacle. Every time I stirred it, I didn’t know how many Zerg were killed or injured. Even the emerald asteroid was able to withstand the blow of the big shattered species. The mother emperor of the main era finally dared not kill it by force.
The situation in front of Lin momo is still very difficult due to the smoke of war. Thanks to the wooden bug, the fleet can get rid of the zerg entanglement. Otherwise, the elf Wang Dake will sit and watch the fleet collapse. Even if a star cruise ship can get away with the zerg tearing, it is also a unique way to face the quartet elf fleet. This is more sinister than pulling back half a game, but it is only half a game. It is hard to say whether it can escape the disaster. After all, it has been a long time since the supervision of the adventure guild has eroded. This can prove that the elf king has infiltrated the adventure guild badly. Now that the Adventure Guild knows the boundary of the mother emperor in the main era, it can still stand by and say that the top management of the Adventure Guild in charge of the nearby star fields has been bought off or is the Elf King, and it has reached the level of cheating.
Fifteen minutes’ March Mirage is getting closer and closer to the wormhole in the east. During these fifteen minutes, three rounds of shrill whistling Zerg troops broke out behind them, causing heavy casualties. The duo projection also abolished two tentacles.
The zerg duo projection contest always triggers a tsunami-like impact, and the energy stretches for thousands of kilometers, but tens of thousands of kilometers.
In the main era, the mother emperor did not tell the small insect tide to pursue the mirage, because it knew that the small insect tide would kill as many people as it sent. The scene of the Phantom of the Opera was unforgettable during the battle, and the destructive ship was rare in the world. Now the Phantom of the Opera is better in energy and naturally it will not be boring.
The zerg army was caught in a fierce battle, and the zerg mother emperor was very afraid of the Phantom of the Opera. She didn’t encounter any obstacles. When she came to the wormhole in the east, many fleets were very beneficial, especially when it took more than ten minutes to have a limited rest and prepare for a more fierce battle.
Arguably, after more than 3,000 years, many human beings have regarded the Elves as their own, but the Elf King has never given up, unwilling to be a vassal race of human beings. He has always wanted to look down on all beings proudly, and he has been painstakingly prepared for more than 3,500 years, but he has to send an arrow.
"Attack and kill these sharp ears that eat inside and pick outside." Yi Tianda roared. He fled to the Tianzhu fleet to guard the wormhole and finally caught his breath. Now there is no need to worry about the zerg siege and accumulated anger to release to the elves.
"In front of the attack, we live and fight." Lin momo also issued a call to arms. The Phantom of the Opera first emitted a thick beam of light, and Harley’s universe screamed and killed throughout the battlefield.
"Poof, poof, poof, poof ….." Although the wave frequency has been diluted as much as possible, the deafening feeling of firing guns in the battery area is still very strong. Every muzzle is overloaded and every light gun roars.
"Hum human beings, you don’t want a spirit to sit here. You’d better go back and be warm with the worms! Even if you can rush out of the wormhole to meet you, you will surely die. "The screen shows a blond elf man who looks very tough with small earrings in his ears and scars on his face."
"Are you? Ollie Jones, the most wanted elf, are you a spirit general? " Jill exclaimed the elf that he still knew the clan very well.
"Ha, ha, ha, that’s our king for Ollie Jones to test Jill Pavilion. You are distinguished. Are you so different from these humans that you just want to accompany these humble people to die? Don’t support my great achievements in Simomo? "
"Bullshit! O’ Farah has dragged the Elves to the brink of destruction, and he is not worthy to be the Elf King. "Jill growled, and the song bell burst into light after light.
Volume 17 A bloody battle! Temporary parting Chapter 12 Die
The Elf fleet retreated in an orderly way, and their defenders could attack the human fleet just like the human fleet defended the Zerg.
According to the size of the wormhole radius, ten star cruise ships are allowed to cross Lin momo at the same time. Considering that the wormhole connection channel in the east is changeable, it seems that we should abandon this big guy without considering whether the mirage can shuttle.
"Momo Tian Yi elegant Jill and your wooden bugs are coming to study a" Bai Rosa immediately carved out a virtual conference room and said "there is no rational evacuation plan. I believe we can all escape from the palm of Elf King’s hand and inform Jack to split the fortress gun as far as possible to leave a mirage, which has become our burden. Don’t let it be! In addition, the captains of the star cruises are floating. I suggest that we keep more loyal members. After the seven main attacks will temporarily repel the Elves fleet, we will eliminate those star cruises that are unwilling to follow our adventure. I will set the target here. "
White Rosa said, pointing to the map and yelling, "White wife, are you crazy? I’m in charge of guarding the wormhole. I’ve been occupied by the Zerg. Isn’t it asking for it? What’s the difference between staying here? I disagree. "
"Old easy to listen to Rosa’s words. Now the seven of us must work together in Qi Xin." Jill said seriously and looked at the wooden bug with an unusually cold expression, maintaining a unique sense of alienation.
"Well, I was reckless, white woman. You said," Tian Yi put it down. It is really inappropriate to have a dispute at this time.
"Easy old ghost in the wormhole has Triassic Yuan mother emperor, but the strength of several of us is not afraid, which is better than the confrontation between the mother emperor and the elf king in the main era. Now that we have cast a net around the star domain, we can’t escape. We might as well let the captain of the star cruise ship get away with it. Don’t say that I am cold-blooded and unwilling to follow our adventure. What do people want them to do? It’s a burden to stay with us. My suggestion is to go in the opposite direction. When I delay, I’m really worried that the Elf King has got the reinforcement agreement issued by the Adventure Association. The Adventure Association allows the Elves to help us. Otherwise, the Elf King will come in such a big way. It’s too difficult to crack this game. Even the Elf King can create the illusion that the responsibility for the fall of the wormhole is planted on our head. Fortunately, several fleets of ours have accumulated a lot of expectations, and most of them are guilty. "
Lin momo couldn’t help clenching his fist and said slowly, "What’s the difference between paying for this and the enemy? Are we really so easy to bully? This blood debt will be repaid by the Elf King sooner or later. "
"Hum you six xiao cold out small white idiot think things too simple, I know the elf king has definitely been decorated, not only will pour dirty water on you, but also will reverse the dry Kun to fight the zerg back to the elves to be a hero. The elf fleet must have captured a large number of star cruise ships. Most of these star cruise ship captains will come forward to testify against you. Didn’t Lin momo taste the catalytic agent? That’s half a potion. A real potion will torture people to death. Then no one will resist the Elf King. However, it’s not bad for the Adventure Guild to launch the hope system. Maybe it can get rid of guilt. After all, it’s true that there are so many hope values accumulated. There are definitely very few objects to be removed. In addition, I have another important news. At present, the Elf King puts the main forces in the second galaxy, and the control of the first galaxy and the third galaxy is relatively poor. If you want to deal with it, go from the third galaxy! Remember never to go to the second galaxy or you won’t even know how to die. "
Wood bug light scanning a circle and continued to preach "I helped you for the last time before I died. I should have died long ago. My current position is the cabin of the Tianqin fleet Marseille, and it is a personal advantage to collect special explosive substances for most of my life by various means. Hey hey, I can finally get rid of you. Take care and have the opportunity to help me unload the Elf King! The world will be quiet without the elf king Ofara, and I can rest in peace after I die. "
"What? Are you going to die? " Bai Rosa was the first one who wanted to stop her from knowing something about wood bugs. She knew that this guy was a bad karma guy, and his willpower was quite amazing from birth to notoriety.
"Why? Does anyone still miss me? Interesting "wooden bug smile.
The Marseille has left the lyre fleet and galloped ahead. All the crew members of the Marseille have been driven out, and the captain has left him because he is a confidant of the wood bug.
"Wood bug you exactly is how a person! We can’t afford to repay this favor if you don’t let us die. "Lin momo narrowed his eyes to see through the wooden bug, but this guy is always mysterious.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I just want you to pay back what you can’t say. Then again, I don’t want to save you. My body can’t support it, and I have to fulfill my promise to some bastard. I mean, if I see that bastard Xiao Han one day and say I want to kick his ass, I really want to kick this ancestor’s ass."
Wood bug’s hearty laughter seems to haunt me. All the haze disappears. His figure is slowly disappearing. The last sentence is "I’ll leave a way to answer Hugo’s question. I spent a lot of effort to build a fleet to help you. However, I’m still worried that the old elf king is too strong."
The figure of the wooden bug has disappeared from the main control room, and soon the Marseille merged into the wormhole, and this bright light was long-lasting. The infamous wooden bug in the interstellar world paid for its own life. Everyone paved a way to live. Lin Sisuo felt a faint sadness. Maybe the wooden bug didn’t smell like that. Maybe he cried when he attacked Jun God bless his family. Everything slowly dissipated with the strong light from the wormhole. Maybe this is not a full stop.
The wooden bug of Marseille smiled, and his vision was blurred. He put a catheter in his body and released a glimmer. He seemed to see his life in the city when he was a child. He seemed to see his mother see the door in front of his father, and he would be kind to people to reunite if he took another step …
"Bug eldest brother Lao Yi, if you can get out of the Elves’ encirclement alive, every year today, I will pay homage to the damn Elves, forcing good people into assholes. If I don’t screw the Elves’ head to make a toilet, I won’t be surnamed Yi." Tian Yi is most excited to know that he is Xiao Han’s first cousin, and no one else is surnamed Yi, but he has fulfilled Xiao Han’s wishes. Moreover, the ancestor’s disappearance for many years is not vain and irritating enough.
"Add me a theory of wood bugs have done what I admit that he is a brother" Lin momo resolutely got up and put his fist on his left chest and bowed his head to pay tribute.
"Add me, too" Jill got up.
"Add me" water often gets up.
"There’s me!" Lin Qingya salutes.
"Wood bugs have killed the six of us, and we can live to fight against the Elf King for more than 100 years. On the extent that the Elf King has reached now, I will call him a natural death in Bai Rosa." Bai Rosa stood up and was unstoppable.
Wood bug died generously. He was an iron-clashing man who had been cruel to himself for more than 100 years. He was very indifferent to his death. He was unwilling to show his mind too much. He was unwilling to clarify what he had done. He would rather die with a bad name than be missed by others. The cabin of the Marseilles was full of wires. Are those explosive substances in need of spiritual power to ignite and collect them for most of his life? When the wormhole emits strong light and dissipates, the Phantom of the Opera first passes through the wormhole and sees a broken ship skeleton, which seems to have been too quiet for several years and will melt into dust when touched.
The spirit general Ollie Jones, who clamored to intercept the fleet, has died. Lin Sisuo doesn’t know how many elf ships there are outside the wormhole. However, now they have all fallen, regardless of the elite star cruises or the odd star cruises. How strong the charm of the blasting just now is?
"Good earth blasting is even one hundred times fiercer than chubby predecessors’ projection explosive." Lin momo looked at Starwood bug in absentia and ended his life in this form, which made people feel full of melancholy.
The wood bug suddenly died and turned around the Gankun wormhole, so the human fleet drove straight in, and even the mirage was broken down into several important components and crossed in order.

"Jing Jiayuan, why don’t we have this for dinner?"

Jing Jiayuan has no interest in the hot pot restaurant. Now, although he can eat everything, he can still eat without soup. But tonight, he lives in a youth hostel, leaving a lot of money, Song Xue, who likes it so much, and let her go.
"Good" He agreed.
Song Xue was so happy that he was about to become a monkey. When he entered the restaurant, he ordered all kinds of food and referred to several tables next door.
"Shrimp, crab, beef rolls, beef balls, mushroom balls, shrimp, slippery fish, slippery clams and shellfish. What else? Want meat, want meat! Don’t like eating grass! "
She danced and lit.
Chapter 163
Jing Jiayuan didn’t say much, quietly watching Song Xue order.
When Shinohara fish is not around, he returns to the state again.
Gentle but alienated
Song Xue’s nerve showed respect for Jiayuan politely, and he didn’t think too much. He felt that respect for Jiayuan’s character was like this.
After she ordered the meal, she still took good care of Jing Jiayuan and asked him if he wanted to eat Jing Jiayuan, indicating that she had just ordered it.
Song Xue was also smiling.
After the meal, Song Xue was full of expectation, but suddenly he thought of something. He looked at Jing Jiayuan and said, "I saw that Xiaoyu made hot pot for you before your show, right? Ah, the little fish is really good at cooking. I will envy you to death when I watch it. "
Speaking of Shinohara fish, Jingjiayuan’s eyes are full of warmth and a very inexplicable sense of pride.
He nodded. "Well, she’s very good, not hot pot, but also spicy pot, braised lamb chops, mushroom and chicken clay pot rice and all kinds of seafood. She can also make sushi, and everything is good …"
At some point, Jing Jiayuan found that Song Xueyuan’s excited expression gradually collapsed.
Then she lay on her back and almost cried, "I’m so hard!" What? I didn’t participate in this variety show in the first two seasons! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Otherwise, maybe I can have such a taste! "
Jing Jiayuan couldn’t help but feel warm when he thought of Song Xue’s grief.
With his brow slightly raised.
These days, I have been separated from Xiaoyu for a long time, but when I think about the places I have walked with her during the trip, his heart feels warm, which is a kind of happiness filled with tenderness and love.
Song Xue’s grief over not being able to eat Shinohara fish as food finally disappeared after the hot pot came.
While waiting, she looked back for a while, which was just a dream. When the bottom of the hot pot and the dishes were all gone, Jing Jiayuan was about to move chopsticks, but Song Xue shouted, "Don’t wait! I’ll take pictures first! "
Jing Jiayuan couldn’t help raising an eyebrow slightly.
Xiaoyu said yes, Song Xue is really like Lin Yufei in some aspects.
Song Xue took a 360-degree shot of the hot pot at this time from various angles, and at the same time, he added a filter to make the food look more attractive.
After all this, she was so happy that she lost the picture in the group chat.
[Xiaoxue] Hahahahaha, don’t be jealous of us! [picture] [picture] [picture]
Lin Yufei, at ordinary times, that’s a mobile phone that never leaves his hand. Song Xue was so excited when the news came out that he almost dropped his mobile phone.
He was scratching and typing quickly.
[The first handsome flying in the universe] Ah ah! This is too much! Actually eat hot pot! ! !
Ji Shuyu’s message to others didn’t come back so quickly. Song Xue saw it for the first time and immediately looked at his face and took a photo of it.
[Ji Shuyu] Suddenly I feel that the powder in the bowl is not fragrant [Picture]
Jing Jiayuan saw that his picture really looked bleak and stopped eating hot pot.
He also took out his mobile phone and asked
[Deep] @ Xiaoyu, what’s for dinner?
[Fish] Vietnamese powder … I can’t afford to eat hot pot when I have no money, hahaha
[The first handsome Feifei in the universe] Hahahahahahaha let you live in a five-star hotel, right?
Xiao Yu’s cell phone rang when the group was still chatting. It was a message from Jing Jiayuan alone.
[Deep] Eat powder?
[Fish] Hmm
Will [Yuan] not be enough to eat? Don’t be hungry and … if you don’t have enough money, I’ll help you find a way not to treat yourself badly.
[Fish] A bowl of powder is quite full and delicious. Laugh and cry jpg
When Shinohara fish looked at the photos of Ji Shuyu’s hair in the group again, it suddenly became white. It was estimated that Jing Jiayuan thought too much when he saw this bleak photo, and immediately Nai took a new one.
[Fish] Haha, it’s really not as bad as he said, but it tastes good [picture]
When Jing Jiayuan saw the photos sent by Shinohara Fish, he was a little relieved, but he still asked more questions.
How much money do you have left?
[Fish] There are almost a hundred more.
[Yuan] Then go to the supermarket to buy something and take it back to the hotel after eating the powder.
[Fish] Good
Small fish
[Fish] Huh?
Jing Jiayuan has typed the words "I miss you so much", but he paused before sending it out.
He pursed his lips a little, his eyes drooped slightly, or he slowly deleted them bit by bit.
Hesitated for a long time before typing again
Let’s do a good job and try to get together soon
When Xiao Yu watched WeChat beating and typing, he didn’t see the message coming.
Probably guessed some respectful reaction and mental journey when Shinohara’s lip angle also slightly bent up.

When the little demon leopard Molin rushed at the magic statue, the attack on Xu Ren Avenue arrived.

The magic statue also knows the attack on the avenue, and he found that his feet stepped on a boulevard force, which had been greeted by Xu Ren’s drive on the boulevard force.
It was when the magic statue resisted the attack on Xu Ren Avenue that the little demon leopard Molin Strafe had arrived.
Magic statue and some nai can hand a sword to the little demon leopard Molin Strafe frame out.
There was another loud noise, and then the little demon leopard Molin’s body also instantly retreated to three hundred feet away.
However, the magic statue also felt bad. His figure also regressed nearly two hundred feet, and his face changed several colors in succession.
When the little demon leopard Molin’s figure went backwards, the little boy also rushed towards the magic statue.
When Xu Ren attacked the magic statue, he naturally used the avenue attack method.
Chapter one thousand four hundred and thirty-four The Xu family
When the little demon leopard Molin’s figure retreated, the little boy’s figure had already been killed towards the magic statue.
The little girl is wrapped in a two-color flame and looks like a phoenix born from a bath fire.
Xu Ren naturally won’t let the little boy take risks alone. He has once again imposed a road attack on the inferno.
The magic statue also feels very nai. Although he is not afraid of the attack on Xu Ren Avenue, there is no chance of winning if he plays like this.
Another loud noise came to the magic statue to offset the attack on Xu Ren Avenue and then waved his sword again to frame the attack on Xu Ren.
"Let’s take a look around this wild day first."
Xu Renyin appeared in the mind of a little boy and a little demon leopard Molin. He was not going to continue the confrontation with the magic statue, so he decided to leave first. If the magic statue didn’t chase them, they could also fall into a clean place. If the other party refused to give up, then find a wild and lively place to have a good fight.
Little demon leopard Molin and Xiao Xiaoer didn’t know what Xu Ren really wanted to do, but they all believed Xu Ren, so they flew to Xu Ren to escape Tissot without delay.
It is not easy for the former Magic Zun to chase Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin. Now that their strength has increased, it is even more difficult for the Magic Zun to chase them.
But this magic statue also doesn’t want to give up directly to Xu Ren, Xiao Nan and Xiao Yaobao Molin to the Yaozu Mountains in Zhongtian Prefecture.
At the end of the Yaozu Mountain, Xu Ren stopped running and directly found a place opposite the biggest city magic statue.
"If you don’t come here, I will be worried. If I want to kill you today, you will die everywhere."
The demon statue sounded gloomy, and he also saw that Xu Ren wanted to do some harm to the demon race through the confrontation between the two sides.
Xu Renyou has such an idea, and the magic statue does not contradict this idea. Although the demon race in the inferno is a nominal ally, after all, the two sides are still fiercely competitive. When this ally is also the foundation of human beings, it will be difficult to fight in the first world war if all the human monks in Shenzhou are eliminated.
Therefore, the magic statue does not mind causing more damage to the demon race in the wild days.
After this period, I realized and digested the little demon leopard Molin and Xiao Xiaoer’s understanding of the avenue has also deepened a lot. Although he still achieved the magic statue, he was much stronger than the demon clan or the inferno emperor, and Xu Ren’s cooperation with the magic statue would not be too big a loss.
There was a loud noise, and the sword in the hands of Strafe, the demon leopard, collided with each other.
Accompanied by the huge impact of this collision between the two sides, the magic statue and the little demon leopard Mo Lin’s foot demon city suddenly blew a gust of Gangfeng.
The Gangfeng is extremely destructive. Brother Yuan Ying’s demon clan root has no chance to live. Although Brother Yuan Ying’s demon clan saved his life, he was seriously injured.
Even the demon monks in the immortal realm and the soaring realm are more or less covered with blood.
There is one monk in the realm of the demon king, and he seems to have left the city at this time.
Don’t say that he can’t even look at the imposing manner of the light magic statue. It’s still that his magic statue is dozens of miles apart. If the situation is closer, I’m afraid he can’t escape even if he wants to escape.
The little boy’s attack also collided with the magic statue, and this time the movement was not small, and because of the superposition of forces, it caused a devastating blow to the square city. Most of the buildings covered by the impact force were collapsed by the earthquake, and those that were not collapsed by the earthquake also staggered into dangerous houses.
In this case, Xu Ren, Xiao Xiaoer and Xiao Yaobao Molin were even very happy to see the magic statue, so the two sides moved a position to continue fighting.
In this way, Xu Ren, Xiao Xiaoer and Xiao Yaobao Molin directly destroyed five demon monks in the big cities of the demon race, causing heavy casualties.
But in the later period, the magic statue felt something was wrong.
Although the opponent’s main purpose seems to be to destroy the demon city, their strength is rising too fast
Even the magic statue thinks that these three guys are simply monsters-even if two people and one demon try their best, they are suppressed by the magic statue, but when two people and one demon are already faint, they can beat him to four or six.
This makes the magic statue alert, and he is also white to each other. This is taking him as a magic sword stone.
The magic statue is not stupid. He doesn’t want Xu Ren, Xiao Xiaoer and Xiao Yaobao Molin to get too many benefits, so he just pulled away.
See the magic statue left Xu Ren, little darling and little demon leopard Molin also picked a direction to fly directly.
Xu Rencai slowed down when he ran thousands of miles away.
"Are you all right?"
Xu Ren turned pale and said to the little boy and the little demon leopard Molin who looked paler around him.
"It’s a good thing that guy gave up, otherwise I really couldn’t hold on."
The little boy breathed a sigh of relief and was busy taking pills to adjust his breath.
"Yeah, I didn’t expect the magic statue to be so strong, much stronger than Zhu Yu."
Little demon leopard Molin also pranayama. Now his strength is much stronger than when Zhu hated the confrontation, but even so, he was almost dragged down by the magic statue directly, which shows how powerful the magic statue is.
"Let’s have a good conditioning first. We need more time to accumulate when we want the magic statue to fight, but after this time, the magic statue should not easily find us in trouble."
Xu Ren also vomited a mouthful of polluted air. Just now, World War I was really very dangerous, but the benefits he gained were not small, not only his body was stronger, but also his small world was more stable. Now he has a deeper understanding of the avenue than before.
"What shall we do when we get here?"
Small demon leopard Molin freely asked.
"Find a place to recover your strength first and then go back to China when you can."
Although the magic statue confrontation did not take advantage of it, it was still very dangerous, but it made Xu Ren feel more confident. Now they are not particularly afraid of the fairy emperor and the king. If it is a big deal, they will fight. Although they can’t win, they may not lose.
When Xu Ren was more worried, Zou Xun and Zou Xun had never appeared. They murdered the Moon Lake Fairy together, and it seemed that the Fairy had disappeared completely after its fall. Although Du Qiyan looked like the Moon Lake Fairy, Xu Ren knew that Du Qiyan was not the Moon Lake Fairy, nor even the Moon Lake Fairy reincarnation.
For Xu Ren, although his greatest enemy is still the magic statue, the demon ancestor, the human king and the immortal king, Zou Xun and the moon pool fairy queen are his greatest threats.
Therefore, Xu Ren must also make more preparations to deal with the threat from Zou Xun and Moon Pool Fairy Queen.
Xu Renxian offered a virtual spirit mask. According to Xu Ren’s experience, even the magic statue could not detect it, which would make them more secure.
Half a month later, Xu Ren, Xiaoer and Molin, the little demon leopard, walked around for a while again before leaving the wild days from the mountain range.
When Xu Ren, Xiao Xiaoer and Xiao Yaobao Molin arrived in China, the human monks had already counterattacked South Danzhou and West Hezhou.
This result surprised Xu Ren a little, but it was just what he wanted.

"Well," Mitt said, and then watched Kim go back to her room, holding the sleeping Jacko back to her room.

When Kim returned to his room, he sat by the window and looked at the moonlight outside. He didn’t know what he was thinking at this time. In the room, he could see a thick branch with a tree head straight through the wall.
I was about to pour myself a glass of gold. I was suddenly surprised. I was surprised because he found that he picked up the kettle and it was so heavy. Not only that, but even the cup was heavy. The kettle was 5 kilograms less and the sample cup was 3 kilograms less, which made him surprised.
Don’t touch my head, pat the gold and put it on your head, said the unhappy hand
Jin smiled and sat next to him to find the topic "What do you think?"
"It’s nothing," coldly said without looking back.
Oh, Kim replied for a while and then whispered, "Do you hate me for leaving yourself at home?"
Hate you? Suddenly turned to look at him "hate you? I hate you when I have that. I might as well exercise more! Everyone has a dream. You’re just chasing your dreams. Why do I hate you? Of course, although I don’t hate you, I don’t agree with your practice of losing your family. "
Listen to the words of gold is not a stay "are you so sensible? He has been moved by this time and even has a crying heart. "
"Well," Kim said to himself, "It seems impossible for him to call himself a father."
"Is a trillion quit really a lot for hunters?" ask
"A lot" of gold replied without hesitation, and at the same time it was a little strange why he was so obsessed with trillions of precepts.
"The hunter doesn’t want to go back to his old job," he thought silently.
"You just said that everyone has a dream. What is your dream?" Kim asked
"It’s my dream to earn trillions of pounds," he said firmly.
"Why not make enough money?"
"This is my own secret and I can’t tell you."
Gold "…"
"Forget it, I’m going to bed!" After that, I climbed into bed.
"Huhuhu" came in less than a minute, and the gentle exhalation came.
Kim looked at the past and couldn’t help but stay. The child actually said that he would sleep! This is not something that ordinary people can show. Even he can’t sleep so fast.
In the morning, when the golden sunshine shines through the window, "Knock, knock, knock!" comes outside the door. knock at the door
"Get up." This is Mite.
"Good morning, Mitt" with a face of no spirit and a yawn.
"What’s the matter?" Kim was startled by Mitt’s call.
"Nothing," said Mitt.
"Good morning, Aunt Mitt" is dressing and calling for one.
Well, good morning. I’ll go first. Breakfast has been prepared for you two.
"dad! Dad! "
"It’s the little hero! Did you listen last night! " Gold will hold his thigh jacko picked up and asked.
Xiaojie is "obedient"
"Jacko, you haven’t called me brother yet."
"bad brother"
I went out, shouted after dinner and hurried out.
"Be careful"
"I know, by the way, I won’t come back to eat at noon." Speaking, his figure has disappeared
"Gold, you know? I haven’t seen sleeping so late for two years before I got up. "Mitt looked at the door and said dully.
"Really?" I suddenly remembered that my hand was numb with pillows, and Jin couldn’t help but scratch his head and giggle.
Mitt looked at Kim smirking and shook his head, thinking to himself, "He is still the same after going out for so long."
"Can you tell me something?" Kim suddenly asked.
He shook his head and pointed to the door with one hand. "Just follow him and you will know that he has been doing the same thing for the past two years."
Oh, Jin looked thoughtful and said, "Then Xiaojie will be yours."
As soon as the picture turns
"Whew, whew, whew"
A petite figure darted about in the forest like a monkey.
Na is really strange!
Jin, who was following him through the smell, looked at the trees running so fast that he looked strange, but the sound he made when he ran and jumped was close to that of a person with such a light pace. It is reasonable to say that people should be killers. What surprised him even more is that he found that there were almost no flaws in his body when jumping or running, and his eyes were vicious. He clearly knew that running posture could avoid sneak attacks from all sides.
A broken gold can’t help but be surprised. At this time, I saw an iron shuriken flying towards him. He was surprised that it wasn’t this shuriken, but what he would find. He wanted to know that he had been in a unique state since he followed it!
The fourth chapter leisure day (2)
A broken gold can’t help but be surprised. At this time, I saw an iron shuriken flying towards him. He was surprised that it wasn’t this shuriken, but what he would find. He wanted to know that he had been in a unique state since he followed it!
"isn’t the hunter so good?" The tree stem looked at with contempt and was holding hidden weapons Jindao.
"How did you find me?" Gold as a face of strange asked.
"I’m sensitive to Zhou Te things" is a result of fire shadow, especially those who are malicious to him, and he can find it in an instant.
"I see. This is a good ability." Kim scratched his head and giggled.
This guy really teased some words like the original. Looking at giggle, Kim thought.
"What are you doing with me? Nothing to do. "
"Well, I really have nothing to do. Are you exercising here?"
"But it’s one thing to exercise. I mainly want to take some game to the town to sell and earn a little money."
"Hunting and selling to make money?"
Gold is not a stay "why are you making money! And it seems that hunting is forbidden here! "
"I’m just playing some wild boar. What are the animals? What do you think of those cups in my room? Chairs! Kettle! It’s all free! It costs a lot of money to make one, you know? "
Kim was dazed again. That’s how those things came from! Is he really so sensible as a child here?
It seems that I think of something that shines at the moment. "You haven’t given me a gift yet!"
Do you want this turning point of gifts to be so miraculous that you find yourself unable to communicate with your son normally?

All this way, Huangfu Zhantian can be cleaned up by these five beautiful women. Of course, it makes Huangfu Zhantian even more depressed. He can’t even kiss Fang Ze like a wronged little wife with Sakura’s daughter.

Now I see all five of them coming. Immediately, I anointed the soles of my feet with oil and flew away in the distance.
On the day of Huangfu Zhantian, they flew to the southwest, but the protoss ran counter to each other that day. It seems that the feud between the two families is really difficult to melt.
After flying for another day, cherry Jill’s face finally showed a dignified look.
"There will be a very difficult journey ahead. This road is called Beasts Mountain. There are groups of Warcraft. Don’t want to fly through it. The danger is even greater. These Warcraft have the worst strength and the highest level of God. I don’t know what it is, but I know that a god in dzogchen will be dismembered before long! So we can walk from the ground and not fly over it! " Sakura Jill a face of dignified to suspection.i Zhantian their way
"Not if it’s fast?" Huangfu Zhantian doesn’t believe in the Tao a little. He doesn’t want to walk from the ground. If he walks, he doesn’t know how long it will take. But he can’t afford to spend more time as a child, which means that the evil robbers have done great harm to their evil alliance. As soon as possible, we can get peace in the inn of ghosts and gods.
"We don’t walk, you go to my little world. I’m fast. I’ll take you there alone!" Any suspection.i Zhantian shook his head and refused Sakura Jill to go over and discuss. He didn’t believe it. Who can stop himself unless it is a sacred place? If it is a sacred place of Warcraft, it is really a lot of trouble [
"Can you do it?" Cherry Jill is a little suspicious of suspection.i Zhantian asked.
"How can a man be said no!" Huangfu Zhantian looked at Sakura with some irritation. Section 178: Shui Mu Lingcao
Hear suspection.i zhantian that angry words sakura Jill they suddenly have no conscience to laugh.
"Well, sister Jill, let’s listen to Xiaotian. He’s very fast. You have to correct the direction. If it weren’t for the sacred level of Warcraft, there would be no problem!" Xiao Yan glanced at some embarrassment suspection.i war heaven.
"Well, I believe you can go this time, sisters!" Cherry Jill glanced at any suspection.i war heaven at the same time gave a map to any suspection.i war day.
"Uber!" With a wave of his hand, Huangfu Zhantian received them into the small world and muttered to himself, "Just now, Sakura Jill looked at Huangfu Zhantian with her ears flushed, but I would shudder at the thought of Xiao Yan’s murderous eyes. If Yu Xiaoxian hadn’t told them that Sakura Jill liked Feng Jingyun, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be Xiao Yan. I’m afraid they would really fall apart if they scared him."
Huangfu Zhantian didn’t try so hard to enter this beast mountain range, but checked everything, and Raytheon’s true qi also returned to its peak. At the same time, Dan medicine was prepared for everything, and he also murmured in his mouth, hoping not to meet the strong in the sacred land or it would really be finished [
After making all the preparations, Huangfu Zhantian’s figure quickly swept away toward the towering mountain range, and he raised his speed to the extreme. Although he spent a lot of Raytheon Qi on this road, he was not afraid of excessive consumption with Dan medicine supply. It’s not like chaos and jade seal, which extracts all Raytheon Qi. This is a bit of consumption.
I have been flying for several hours. In this period, I met a lot of powerful Warcraft guys whose strength has reached the level of dzogchen, but Huangfu Zhantian ignored these guys’ direct speed and dumped these guys. Of course, these Warcraft guys also reached the level of dzogchen, and the blue eagle was the best in Huangfu Zhantian. In the end, Nai Huangfu Zhantian stopped to solve this guy, but Huangfu Zhantian did get some blue eagle cubs to be trained. If you don’t take part in the battle, you can hand over information. Huangfu Zhantian, of course, you are welcome.
"Hum …!"
When Huangfu Zhantian quickly swept toward the front, a ripple entered Huangfu Zhantian’s ear. This ripple was not strong, but Huangfu Zhantian felt a little familiar feeling, and this feeling was definitely a good feeling.
When Huangfu Zhantian was not in a hurry, he came to a towering mountain peak with this silk ripple. There were a lot of Warcraft but it was not very strong. Huangfu Zhantian released its own breath, and those Warcraft wouldn’t dare to get too close.
Staring at this cave with a strong smell, Huangfu Zhantian immediately frowned. What do you think of this cave is like a nest of Warcraft? It smells a bit like Warcraft feces, which makes Huangfu Zhantian hesitate.
But soon the suspection.i Zhantian got into it, and there was a smell of fear, as long as there were good things in it.
Any suspection.i Zhantian will shut down all his feelings, and then the gods and the soul force will burst out. These two forces, the gods and the soul force, can find ways and get rid of some disgusting Warcraft very quickly.
After walking in, I did see a lot of Warcraft feces along the way, but it puzzled me that the feces of Warcraft in this cave is obviously not a Warcraft and it is not the same kind of Warcraft. Supposedly, the IQ of this animal of Warcraft is not inferior to that of human beings, and their territorial consciousness is very strong, so many Warcraft footprints and feces will never be allowed to come to their territory, but so many of them indicate these and it seems that they have just entered it for a long time.
"It seems that something has happened here and we have to see it!" Any suspection.i war day thought of here more quickly.
However, when everything was closed, I didn’t feel that there was a rock above his head. After the Huangfu Zhantian passed, I moved and then suddenly disappeared.
"There is light!" Watching the cave flash a light, suspection.i Zhantian suddenly got excited. It seems that I found something this time.
Huangfu Zhantian carefully concealed his body shape and then beat all the feelings to make Huangfu Zhantian indecision. It was that there was no such stinking smell in it, but there was a very familiar smell, which made Huangfu Zhantian take a deep breath.
Soon Huangfu Zhantian came to the cave, where it was shining. It was not a magic lamp or an open air, but a watery pool, and the fragrance was emitted from this pool.
"Shui Mu Lingcao!" Any suspection.i Zhantian saw the middle of the pool and his eyes immediately stared straight. Some people were dumbfounded. He didn’t expect to encounter such a treasure here. To tell the truth, this Shui Mu Lingcao is a good thing to refine the holy-class Dan medicine. Of course, the most important thing is to give Henaan Henaan the double attribute of Shui Mu. When the time comes, I will refine some Shui Mu Dan with this Shui Mu Lingcao. When the time comes, Henaan’s strength will definitely be stronger.
"I must get this Shui Mu Lingcao!" Any suspection.i war days growl a flash toward the pool maser.
Any suspection.i war days just issued a suspection.i war days before there was a big row of Warcraft just blocked any suspection.i war days way.
"get out!" Any suspection.i war day don’t want to dispute with them immediately roar loud. At the same time, his breath broke out and Raytheon hammer appeared in his hand, which severely blocked his green wolf from flying out [
But these Warcraft are not afraid of the breath and momentum of Huangfu Zhantian. Even the green wolf was smashed and flew out without any resistance. They all seemed to have to tear Huangfu Zhantian to pieces.
"Damn it, get out!" He flew a large group of Warcraft out, and then a Warcraft flew to the center of the pool, and then took the Shui Mu Lingcao with a hard bite in his mouth and flew quickly to the other mouth of the hole. Section 1783: inexplicable crisis
Seeing this behind the scenes, Huangfu Zhantian can’t give up, of course. Even if it is chased quickly, it’s okay. This Warcraft is not good at speed. It’s a very strong defensive bear. This bear’s defense is amazing and its speed is not slow. Of course, this is relative to his spotted bears, but it’s a root word for Huangfu Zhantian.
However, I can’t chase this spotted bear after a long time, not because the spotted bear is fast, but because the spotted bear is more familiar with this cave than he is, and this cave root is not like the former cave, which is actually a turning mountain road with intersections everywhere. If it weren’t for the fact that Huangfu Zhantian locked the gods, I’m afraid I would lose this spotted bear this time.
Road when suspection.i Zhantian met a lot of chase to his Warcraft suspection.i Zhantian is not with these guys wordy flash across these Warcraft directly.

After all, many things are known in advance, and with psychological preparation, there are many speculations and doubts about what will affect muscle reaction, which is not conducive to bone setting and wound treatment

In the dark world of past lives, I don’t know how many patients with this kind of fracture can have a tragic baby with a little fight.
Don’t say that the second layer can make the function of high-power magnifying glass clear, but it’s not the ability. Dong Yuling’s experience is more than rich, and Lin Dayong can handle this problem neatly.
There is no way to practice mobile phones in previous lives. She has accumulated more experience in this field than ordinary bonesetting masters can match.
"So … how long will it hurt?" Rui Lin was shocked by Dad’s screams, which was also distressing.
Now Lin Dayong is like fishing out of the water, so he broke out in a sweat, just changed his clothes, and the quilt cover was soaked.
This shows how painful it was just now.
Just a few breaths is like passing several generations.
"After it has been connected, you need to take good care of it. I am now giving uncle a good medicine. Sister Rui Lin, you should change the medicine for uncle every three days after you watch it carefully!" Dong Fengling looked up at the exhausted Lin Dayong, who seemed to be still in pain just now, and even his muscles trembled unconsciously.
"Good you move slowly" Rui Lin also regardless of his skirt is dirty and wet hurriedly to the bedside unblinkingly staring at Dong Wei clever.
"You can’t take a bath for seven days, so you can wipe it a little." Dong Yuling saw that Lin Dayong was in a semi-coma and it was painful and tiring, so he confessed while taking medicine.
"After seven days, you can’t get your legs wet, and you can’t get out of bed for a month, or you will be in trouble if you don’t recover well." It is also an ancient herbal medicine with good efficacy. If modern times add her strength to help, she can’t recover so quickly, but now she doesn’t even have to consume strength.
"After a month, you can walk a little in bed, but it can’t be too long to see the recovery situation and then talk about him." Dong Yuling didn’t rest his mouth and didn’t stop listening. Webster and Rui Lin nodded like garlic
"Remember to come to my house and get it later when the medicine is finished. My side is that you can go to Li Langzhong to get the medicine. If it is not neat, I suggest going to Qingtian Baiyun yiguang and not going to yiguang with no credibility."
Dong Yuling’s words are somewhat unfair to Lily Hall. How can it be that the capital can take root and be famous in some way without credibility?
However, Lily Hall is more concerned with treating people and treating diseases according to identity medicine. Plus, the sitting doctor is getting old and dying, and he is also eager to let his disciples learn more, so the ordinary people are in trouble and secretly suffer big losses without knowing it.
Although there is no therapeutic effect yet, both Wei Shi and Rui Lin have hope for Dong Yuling’s gratitude.
If Lin Dayong can get up, the Lins will be fine.
Dong Yuling and Yun Shihao returned home abnormally, but the screams of Dayong, who lived in the dense forest in the village, certainly failed to escape others’ ears. At that time, they speculated that Lin Dayong was venting. Is it decadent? Are you giving up on yourself? How are Wei Shi and several children going to spend their days?
Although the latter statement is a bit outrageous and ironic, Lin Jiahe Dong Jia didn’t say anything, and Lin Dayong was ordered to lie in bed for a month and outsiders couldn’t see it, so he didn’t know that Lin Dayong’s legs were improving at an alarming rate after being sentenced to death.
After treating Lin Dayong, Dong Yuling continued to live her own life and accumulated a lot of prey, so she went to ask about the Taoxiang Building and the Flavor Building. Every day, she waited for her to appear naturally, and it was better to give money than to be frank.
The money earned in the past six months, plus Yun embroidery, has left almost 1,200 pieces of land and bamboo forest behind the house.
It seems that many of them are enough for ordinary people to live for a generation, but they are not enough for Dong Yuling’s plan.
After thinking about it, I waited for no one. Dong Yuling finally gave up the idea of eating a big fat bite and decided to take silver step by step.
She can build a house and raise a house, so she can build it first, and then repair the rest when she earns it, so that when the construction is completed, her fame and reputation will come out, and she is not afraid of the cold shoulder.
Of course, Dong Yuling never thought about not making money when she was cold. Look at the excitement of the lotus pond in previous years and you will know that it makes no sense. She has paid more attention to it than before. She regrets that she didn’t have to play. 49 Chapter 49 Tucao Name
On this night, Feng Li, the village chief, appeared again. Dong Jia came to deliver the title deed of a few acres of land just bought by Dong Yuling.
"It’s rare for someone in Butterfly Village to buy so many wasteland. The sandy land near the lotus pond can’t produce anything. Besides, it’s a bit tight for you to buy these acres of equal and medium land at the land price. What do you want to do, Xiaoling?" Don’t blame you, Uncle Village Chief, for "You buy it once, I advise you once, but you don’t hear it …"
Before buying wasteland and sand, it’s okay to belong to the main price, and it’s not expensive, but buying nearly ten acres of land in the past two days can make people look hard and it’s taken.
Dong Fengling consulted with him, and bought the ten acres at the price of fertile land, and also compensated the villagers for the losses just planted in their fields. In the eyes of the villagers, this child has become a sucker.
After getting the money, people can buy a better piece of silver, which is more than enough. Many people in the village have come to ask him if Dong Yuling has bought land or not. This is all calculated!
"Don’t worry, uncle village head, I thank you for coming. Where can I blame you? I won’t lose these places in my own place. "Dong Yuling smiled gently and put away the red deed first.
I want to buy these ten acres and other places because of her lotus pond and the sand she bought across these ten acres. Buying them now is equivalent to completely connecting the bamboo lotus pond behind her house. In this respect, she does things.
"Gee …" Feng Li couldn’t figure out what Dong Yuling was going to do. She looked at Yunshi and it turned out that she really didn’t care about her daughter.
After a few days, all farm work is almost gone, and there is still a period of time before the Spring Festival, which is the most leisure time.
Generally, if you have a hard-working family, you will want to go to the city to find short-term workers to do this. During the Spring Festival, shops still need such temporary manpower.
Dong Yuling saw this opportunity and once again found the cousin Lin Hunting who helped her build a house. He directly told her his thoughts in detail and she could be a shopkeeper of cutting and didn’t even worry about recruiting.
The only thing that Dong Yuling needs to do is to hire someone at home. When the lotus pond is built, someone will definitely have to maintain and manage it.
After thinking about it, Dong Yuling decided to "buy people" and was more at ease, even if he asked long-term workers to be afraid in the name, it was not reliable.
Therefore, in addition to going to see the progress every day, Dong Yuling also paid some attention to finding a buyer.
Come on, Dong Yuling will also take a small night to visit Yunqi Mountain. If he finds any good plants, he will be ready to transplant them home. Anyway, the site is wide and needs a lot of vegetation to decorate it.
The whole project is contracted to the Lins’ cousin, and even the food is handled by his own family. Eating is good and eating is bad with Dong Gu.
This kind of project is already a very important event for Butterfly Village. Most people will repair their own houses at most. Where can they do this kind of "chatting"?
In the eyes of many people in the village, especially the older generation, Dong Yongling spent a lot of money on tidying up the lotus pond and doing some inexplicable construction, which was simply a prodigal family. It was not very pleasant to talk about this evaluation in private.
Of course, it will never be said again. After all, Dong’s doing this kind of thing makes the villagers benefit a lot. Every day, they don’t go to the city to find a job and work near home, not to mention that the salary is not low. What do you think is a good single family? They don’t care about silver themselves. What are they worrying about?
In order to build a building in the lotus pond, Dong Yuling had the lotus root dug up before, although it was considered to be mature, but it was not the best time to harvest, and at the same time, the water level was reduced to a minimum and the fish was fished out.
In the ancient peasant’s concept, the crops were harvested before they were mature, but it would be a curse to spoil the food.
Whether it’s modern or not, some very economical things simply won’t wait for it to mature, such as the top of rapeseed and pea lattice.
Therefore, it is quite normal for Dong Gu to step on the bottom line and be secretly said a few words.

I’ll wait for you at the end

"Master, what’s wrong with you? You look terrible-"Hao son worried that Dihuang Junyi turned around and his pet Hao son followed the emperor Junyi.
"The master seems to be ill." The little lion also remembers to keep spinning. "By the way, can the master absorb this spar left by Ah Jing?"
Hao son holding a little lion to spar jump in front of the emperor.
Huang Junyi’s lip angle struggled to hold the fine sweat on his forehead, and he could no longer restrain himself from rolling down his cheeks.
It must be closed as soon as possible!
"Master …"
"Master, how are you!"
Xiao Shi and Hao Er are in a rash with anxiety.
The little lion rushed to smash the door of the Fairy Ghost Valley, but the door was closed and it was impossible to hit the root.
"Woo hoo-"
He shouted at the gate.
Ziyun proudly seemed to hear the sound, suddenly stopped, turned around and returned to the original place.
Hao Er said, "Little lion, take your master to An place quickly!"
The little lion hung his head and nodded, looked at the door, and quickly ran to entrust Huang Junyi to his back and guide Hao Er to run all the way.
Hao Er’s expression is quite dignified. She remembers that the second master was in poor health when he was promoted. He once fell into a coma, but even if he was in a coma again, he was still so painful that he was so heartbroken that he cried.
But this time what seems to be more terrible than the last time!
The master is not advanced. What will happen? ?
Don’t …
Is it a proud son?
Hao Er was in a trance for a moment, and his master was so stupid that others refused to let her know that they had suffered so much.
It may not be so painful for me to suffer this punishment, but it will be doubled for others to suffer. Chapter 599 It takes more effort to get rid of my mother.
It must be because the master knows that Aoer still has something to do that he doesn’t want her to be stumped by punishment …
But what should I do? If I think like this, I feel that my master is so stupid that I feel sorry for him …
"Little lion, let his master go quickly. I’ll heal him first."
But he wasn’t hurt …
Haoer was so anxious that she almost cried.
Huang Junyi suddenly reached out and gently rubbed her white hair. "Hao son, don’t worry, I will be fine when I have a good rest …"
Hao’s eye pupil suddenly widened and finally remained.
Without a master, Hao Er and Xiao Shi will accompany you wherever you go.
As if a long arrow had plunged into his heart.

"Stop playing like this!" Huangfu Zhantian looked at the quadrangle in this day, and four bloody days of thunder suddenly swore. The thunder behind this is twice as big as the thunder in front. This is really a collapse! Just absorbing those two days of thunder has already made Huangfu Zhantian a little hard, and now it’s better to come out directly.

At this time, the suspection.i war genius found that the bloody thunderbolt was more horrible than the thunderbolt in front. Although the thunderbolt in front destroyed his own body, it could grow back when it was destroyed. There is absolutely no problem with his life rule, but if he destroyed his soul, even if he had the strength to go against the sky, it would fall.
Huangfu war days scold scold, but he still has to be fully prepared, and he doesn’t want his soul to be destroyed.
Soon, these four days of thunder severely hit Huangfu Zhantian, but after the first three bloody days of thunder, his soul force has changed a lot. Now these four bloody days of thunder are very powerful, but there is no way to destroy Huangfu Zhantian’s soul.
Followed by Tao Tian Lei, 16 Tian Lei, and 31 bloody days of thunder bombarded the soul force of Huangfu Zhantian. The last 16 days of thunder bombarded Huangfu Zhantian, and for the first time, I felt that my soul force was about to collapse. Fortunately, there was no such bloody day of thunder, which made Huangfu Zhantian have to repair his soul. Because he knew it was not over yet, I’m afraid there would be more.
However, the waiting time was very long, which gave Huangfu Zhantian a chance to repair his soul and body. Now Huangfu Zhantian finds that his soul has recovered much faster. I’m afraid this is the reason why his soul has become more pure, and his body has a strong recovery ability. Now Huangfu Zhantian is healthy again.
"Come on, God, I don’t believe you can destroy me today!" Suspection.i war, as shouted
The dark clouds in the sky seemed to know the worries of Huangfu Zhantian, and the original scattered dark clouds surged wildly towards the place where Huangfu Zhantian lived.
"We will follow if there is a change!" After Henaan finished, he didn’t wait for their reply. His body flashed directly toward the place where Huangfu Zhantian was located, and Xiao Yan and the four of them saw this situation and followed Henaan closely behind him.
"Look, there is a cave at the top of that sand dune. Is that the thunder bombardment of the previous days? Do you think Xiaotian is a noodle?" Yuxiaoxian pointed to the cave and asked excitedly
"Don’t get excited. We can’t go any further. I’m afraid there’s one last one!" Iron shadow month look calm way but eyes reveal anxious look.
In the waiting of Huangfu Zhantian, the dark clouds finally condensed. At this time, the dark clouds turned into colorful colors and looked very beautiful. But at this time, both Huangfu Zhantian and Henaan’s five faces did not brighten up at all, because the more beautiful things are, the more powerful they are, the more beautiful they are like poisonous snakes, and the more toxic they are. I am afraid this colorful cloud is also the same.
"Xiaotian, you must succeed!" Five of them kept praying in their hearts, hoping to bring some help to Huangfu Zhantian. Although they don’t know whether this bottom is Xiaotian or not, they are willing to believe that this is Xiaotian.
"Colorful clouds? What the hell is it? I’m afraid it contains something horrible! " Seeing the colorful clouds in the sky, suspection.i fought in the heavenly heart, but it was suddenly a tight because he felt that the colorful clouds were not a good thing. It seems that this time there is trouble.
"Boom …!" [
Huangfu Zhantian and Henaan, the colorful clouds in their frightened eyes, suddenly burst into a roar, and then a little beast with colorful glow appeared in the colorful clouds, and then the colorful clouds suddenly shrank, and the little beast’s mouth was suddenly sucked into its abdomen. After that, the little beast stared at Huangfu Zhantian’s purple eyes and saw Huangfu Zhantian’s body in a panic, as if facing some horrible beast. Section 1879:
"What is that?" Henaan, a few girls, suddenly exclaimed when they saw that colorful Xiayun had turned into a weird Warcraft, because they felt a terrible smell from this little beast. Looking at this little beast, they couldn’t keep calm any more.
There is no way to calm down when I look at this little beast with colorful glow. What is it? He is still very clear because he once introduced this kind of Warcraft by Raytheon. This kind of Warcraft is completely different from their world of Warcraft. This monster is called a monster with a mouth full of fire. It is said that its limbs can emit thunder elements, earth elements, gold elements and wood elements, while its tail can emit wind elements. This little beast is called a dragon body. The combination of Warcraft is a tiger, a bear and a foot. It can be said that this kind of Warcraft is a combination of many fierce Warcraft. It is said that it will not go out until it is burned out and the water from its mouth is enough to drown a city. Its strength is really comparable.
"How is this thing? God, you can’t really play with me!" HuangFuZhanTian alas shouted, but things have come to this. Retreat is definitely not working. It seems that it is necessary to kill this thing called "Le". HuangFuZhanTian is especially nervous.
"Fight!" Any suspection.i Zhantian roar loud, and a flash of his body flew wildly. Looking at any suspection.i Zhantian flying toward the surface, his eyes suddenly showed disdain and didn’t stop any suspection.i Zhantian from flying.
Huangfu Zhantian was buried more than 3,000 meters underground, and this 3,000 meters distance from Huangfu Zhantian is not far at all, but it flew out of the ground in the blink of an eye [
"The old man finally came out!" After feeling the outside air, Huangfu Zhantian suddenly took a long breath of the outside air, and then a long whistle caused the surrounding sand dunes to vibrate constantly. Even the sand dunes in the sky showed a little surprise, but soon its eyes showed disdain again. Perhaps this human strength brought it a little surprise, but it still could not stop it from killing Huangfu ZhanTianxin.
"That is!" Huangfu Zhantian felt that there were five eyes staring at him not far away, and he suddenly trembled slightly because he thought of a possibility, and when he turned to look in that direction.
Xiaotian!’ At this time, the five of them have been very sure that this hair and Hu have long been unable to see his true face, dirty clothes and tattered clothes. It is they who miss Huangfu Zhantian day and night. Although Huangfu Zhantian has changed a lot, the five of them can still recognize it at a glance. When all five of them are red-eyed, tears are rolling in, and then all five of them fly together towards Huangfu Zhantian without orders.
I was filled with joy when I came to see Henaan, the five of them, because during his three years, he thought of them all the time except when he was practicing, but when he thought of his present environment, he suddenly looked a little shaky.
"Don’t come, don’t come!" Any suspection.i Zhantian saw that the five of them were flying in this direction. When any suspection.i Zhantian tried his best to shout, there was a covetous eye on the top of his head. If Henaan and them came over, I’m afraid they would suffer.
Hear any suspection.i war days Henaan they are still no response towards this side.
"You five humans had better not come any closer or you will be destroyed together!" Even when Huangfu Zhantian was anxious, he suddenly blurted out that sound like thunder, which made people’s eardrums almost break.
"Stop it!" Arrouk’s personal wisdom is very high, and she figured out the pros and cons of this matter when she quickly grabbed the four of them.
"Sister Ayue, don’t pull us. We’re going to Xiaotian for three years. We won’t wait any longer!" Henaan and Xiao Yan, the four of them, don’t listen to the iron shadow month to discourage them from flying crazy towards Huangfu Zhantian.
"You four live for me. Is it good for Xiaotian if you do this? It’s all wet. If you do this, you’ll hurt him and distract him. Can’t you see that monster is very powerful? It will be very heart-warming to come to Xiaotian to resist that monster. If we are distracted by us again, we will be in love! " Iron shadow month saw that their four roots didn’t listen to themselves, so they roared. She brought her powerful soul force. Her soul force can be said to be no less than that of Huangfu Zhantian. Their four bodies suddenly shook and then stopped.
"Don’t come here, you five. I’m fine. I’ve been through many storms. I can’t believe this robbery!" Any suspection.i Zhantian saw that the five of them finally stopped, and when any suspection.i Zhantian gave a deep sigh of relief.
In the sky, there is no hurry to fight with Huangfu. It’s hard to hear Huangfu’s words, but the look of disdain in its eyes is even thicker. It’s just that it didn’t say anything about ya. What are you? God beast wants to destroy, not to mention that you are a human being, even when you are the true god.
Hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, all five of them, including Tieying Moon, shed tears. Seeing that people who have been looking forward to it for three years appear in front of their eyes, but they have no way to embrace this feeling, which makes their hearts ache. Now Huangfu Zhantian is facing danger, but they have no way to share such danger with Huangfu Zhantian. How can this make them not sad?
"Xiaotian, we have been waiting for you for three years and now we finally meet you. Don’t let us down. We are waiting for you!" Iron shadow month watching suspection.i Zhantian shouted.
"Xiaotian, we miss you so much!" Xiao Yan and Henaan, the four of them, are also crying like rain at this time. Section 188: I am shocked.
Looking at the five of them with strong emotional words, Huangfu Zhantian suddenly screamed, "I won’t let you down. Stay back and wait for me!"
Hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, the five of them are very reluctant, but they don’t want to violate the meaning of Huangfu Zhantian. This situation is even worse. They can’t help it. When the five of them take a deep look at Huangfu Zhantian, they will flash towards the distance.
After seeing the five of them finally leaving a long distance, Huangfu Zhantian took a deep breath and then looked up at the sky.
"Come on!" After saying that, the tone of Huangfu Zhantian is flat, and his body’s Raytheon’s true qi is surging wildly. After reaching the initial stage of pseudo-gods, Huangfu Zhantian is more proficient in the laws of heaven and earth. Now he feels that there is a real god in front of him, and he dares to fight for it. What’s more, although the strength is comparable to that of the real god, it is not really condensed by colorful clouds in the sky. It seems that the strength should not be compared with the real one.