Moreover, the beach water suddenly receded before it was water, and the gravel in the bare air of the rocky stones could be seen.

Turayan is the fastest!
"withdraw! Withdraw! Get out! All front-line personnel near the coast evacuate the second-line positions and evacuate half of them first! Forget the equipment! Get people out first! "
When the emergency evacuation order arrived, the whole beach fryer went down.
The most awesome thing about playing artillery these days is that the first-line positions on the beach are mostly dwarves.
These lateral development guys walked with short legs and quickly evacuated from the preset large pipeline behind the bunker along the arrow.
Busy but not chaotic, the alliance troops evacuated within 100 meters of the seaside in almost five minutes.
Only then did everyone see the sea suddenly appear, and there seemed to be a blue sea line in front of the horizon.
The commanders took a closer look through the telescope and found that it was a super tsunami that completely washed away the entire coastal defense line!
Let’s not say that the wave of terror is ten stories high. Just looking at it makes me feel nervous.
"no! Damn it! Keep retreating! Second line! " Turayan has a feeling of collapse.
Although Duke told him again and again to put his phenomenal power on the Burning Legion, who could have imagined that the Burning Legion would not play a landing war or pull hundreds of’ boats’ over, but directly hit a huge island?
Since Soladin the Great established the Arazo Empire, there will never be a military academy to teach commanders to be careful when the whole island collides during the beach defense.
Suddenly, Ducktone sent a magic message to the command post.
"The third line of defense is also withdrawn from the fourth line of defense. At the first, third, sixth and seventh points, the troops in the remaining highlands will not move."
"No.3, No.5, No.11 Channels will not be irrigated if they are abandoned after they are evacuated."
"The second dwarf steam tank regiment is ready to counter-charge. After five minutes, listen to the order and enter the preset tank trench. Don’t worry, the water tank will be lost there."
"The third, fourth and fifth artillery teams are preparing for Xu Jin’s barrage shooting elements a3, b7 and 4!"
"Before the Griffin was dispatched, the army was in a long snake array after the crane wing array."
No one Bai Duke came to this conclusion.
To be honest, it’s also a taboo to go beyond the level of command, which will affect the prestige of the on-site commander
However, it is the first priority to keep the troops in front of this conan the destroyer-level offensive. If the adjutants hurriedly reach the general order, the orderly evacuation will become more than panic.
"Sorry!" Turayan bows to Duke’s mirror image.
"Don’t blame you! It’s difficult for a human melee commander to command the dwarves without understanding the artillery system. I’ll write an artillery command manual for the alliance at the meeting, "Duke said flatly."
For Duke Tulayan, it’s bye.
In the decade when Duke disappeared, the military of all countries focused on studying Duke’s war cases. They pessimistically found that Duke’s various methods of warfare and tactics were less than 50 years ahead of the whole mainland of eastern kingdoms.
If it hadn’t been for Duke’s birth and integration, he still felt that the exaggerated tactical and strategic alliance would have cost 50,000 more soldiers and 30,000 civilians.
Of course, there is still no military leader who thinks that this is mostly due to the traveler. This is the whimsy of the mysterious Fa Ye.
Ten minutes later, when most of the troops were successfully evacuated, the huge waves finally fell to the shore with the momentum of the gods.
Coastal sand flies into the sky.
Those small bunkers along the coast, which can accommodate two dwarfs and a small gun, are like toys thrown aside by naughty children and fly into the sky.
Even the alliance headquarters, which is five kilometers away from the beach, can clearly feel the strong vibration.
The wooden board outside the headquarters set up the kitchen, and the whole wooden house seemed to be under the pressure of imagination. Its wooden walls, floors, doors and windows were trembling as if it would fall apart at any time. Putting the wooden table and chopping board ingredients was like just cooking popcorn. "Bang bang!" Jumped up and scattered all over the floor
Commanders such as Turayan are suddenly happier than that their command post is made of reinforced concrete. Although Duke seems that those brittle and inferior brittle steel and volcanic ash are mixed into cement roots, they are unqualified things, but compared with tofu, the wooden house is really much better.
Some people complained that the smell of cement and lime stone in the command post has not yet dispersed, and now everyone is thankful.
Finally, the burning legion’s huge island, like a mainland, appeared to everyone.
Whether it is the Aisara Beach Alliance or the Mount Hyjal watching the live broadcast, the leaders of all ethnic groups are dumbfounded.
That’s …
Want millions to calculate zombie frenzy.
It’s almost dark. At the end of the zombie sea, it takes a high-powered telescope to see large tracts of burning legion demons rising more than five meters.
Fortunately, there are veterans here, and fortunately, Duke has just ordered the league to avoid 90% of the losses, otherwise the panic would have erupted irrepressibly.
Duke hesitated. "Tulayan Bryan is yours."
Both of them answered "Yes!"
Less than half a minute after Duke’s image disappeared, the deafening cannon suddenly sounded.
Listen to the sharp roar from the sky, the huge floating island burns, and corps commander Reggie * winter cold shows a puzzled expression
Unlike those who are loyal to the Lich King, Reggie Winter Cold is the most fanatical follower of the Burning Legion, and his powerful mana and cruel demon spell make him a right-hand man in Kilgardan.
The first appearance of Lei Ji * Winter Cold should be when he besieged the fireplace valley, but history has been greatly deviated. In this life, he has never seen the front line until today
Out of disgust for the Scourge and loyalty to the Burning Legion, Archimonde quickly became another pioneer general in Archimonde after his arrival.
Chapter 91 【 Little Duke Gun 】
Seriously, Archimonde doesn’t like the fighting power of the Scourge.
In the eyes of the commander-in-chief of the Burning Legion, zombies and ghouls are nothing but dolls.
Reggie * winter cold is a reason to say that Archimonde "respects the adults and defends the humans and orcs on the opposite side of Mount Hyjal. It is almost as weak as these zombies. If you are an adult, you probably won’t enjoy fighting."
Archimonde has never been afraid of enemies like God.
When Sargeras joined in with Kilgardan, they were the Pantheon Creation Titans.
Archimonde hesitated when he heard that his opponent was weak, because many demon legions were attracted to dragon aspects by Kilgardan and pulled to the outer circle of Azeroth. There were not many demons under his command.
Considering this, he agreed.
"Reggie, I’ll leave the garbage to you. Don’t call me until the strong man across the street comes out."
But now Reggie * winter cold feels that he is likely to have a negative trust.
Because he and his hand are facing that most insane cannon of our time.
Duke once introduced rifling theory to dwarves and dwarfs before he was beaten to the virtual space. Only by adding rifling in the cannon barrel can the shells have a stable trajectory and be controlled.
Otherwise, even the best gunner can predict the position error of the bullet point when it flies two kilometers, and it is already a god gunner.
Duke wants to be able to cast a five-kilometer cannon without a sufficient industrial base. After all, it involves a lot of things such as steel quality and lathe accuracy that belong to black technology in this era of the world.
Funny is that Duke has once again underestimated the dwarf and dwarf.
Dwarfs never lack brain holes and reliable brain holes.
Duke, a successful dwarf who has been verified and scrutinized by the earth for several times, seems to be a god’s will. It seems that Duke can find success directly without failure. Duke is a real craftsman god
Since the instructions from God and the dwarf can’t do it without desperate efforts.
Maybe one day Duke was in a good mood and suddenly thought that the dwarf would be saved if he cleaned up the radiation in Nomoregon, his hometown.
If the quality of the steel is not good, it will explode.
Then I’ll make the gun bore thicker and bigger, okay?
How many shots will it blow up?
My worst plan is to shoot the gun once, right?
You want high-precision rifling?
Look at my gnome’s magic skill. Tie a rope directly and drill into the gun bore. With a hammer and chisel in hand, I carved a perfect rifling.
The result is the placement of 36 "Little Duke Cannons" on the beach of Aisara.
Its barrel diameter is 1 meter, and when it is fixed, its combat state is 2 meters high, 5 meters and weighs 2 tons.
It sounds as if the mouth diameter is much smaller than the "small steel cannon" that sent several orcs to the West in the Blackstone Mountain War thirteen years ago.
However, if we consider that the range of this [Little Duke Gun] is more than four times longer than that of the’ Small Steel Gun’, and the longest range is more than one kilometer, any intelligent commander will know that the military value of this [Little Duke Gun] is an epoch-making product.
If it weren’t for the same Master Liang Dalaran, he even issued a magic blue upgrade to the mage tower [protective arrows] and military magic [protective shells] in the past ten years. Maybe the dwarf already has the strength to levy the world.
Far from it.

Don’t wonder why the front line of such a large force can maintain the scale of 470,000 people. After all, German and Italian troops have spread all the way from Tunisia to local security in Saudi Arabia, and the stationed troops and harsh environment have caused frequent vacations, rotation, oil transportation and other supply difficulties. Rommel can experience the opportunity to command 40,000 people at a time. It is already the hard work of the logistics departments of Germany and Italy.

Since the loss of the Strait of Gibraltar, the allies have completely cut off the Mediterranean transport line, an important supply channel. After losing this short-distance supply channel, if you want to reinforce the Middle East, you can rely on the road of southern Africa. It is absolutely miserable for the United States to make peace around such a big circle.
If it hadn’t been for the final failure of the absurd landing operation in Italy some time ago, 40,000 American troops would have been sent to Saudi Arabia, and mountbatten would have collapsed and retreated back to India. However, these tens of thousands of American soldiers are now consumed by the climate and German attacks, so mountbatten once again gave up its position and retreated in the direction of India.
Allied soldiers in Syria, Turkey and Iran also contracted rapidly. The free French troops in Charles de Gaulle laid down their weapons and chose to surrender directly. Invich, the French government hid 4 tons of gold, and the Third Reich absorbed these troops. Since they were so powerful that the Germans spoke to the gods, they immediately forgot these free laws. The team just killed tens of thousands of Turkish troops and happily sent them to Istanbul and boarded a ship to return to France.
In the rolling yellow sand, the advancing German armored force stopped in front of a huge force. Those backward Arab cavalry in the opposite team were riding camels with their rifles on their backs, watching the travel-stained Germans warily. Then several seemingly superior leaders came to the German armored unit and expressed their purpose in crude German. "We came to negotiate with representatives of the distinguished German side under the orders of the King of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, hoping that the two sides could have a harmonious and friendly environment in Saudi Arabia and avoid unpleasant conflicts."
"Igniting the oil field and burning the reserve oil is what they say about getting along well?" A German driver leaned his head against the tank hatch and asked the captain with a cocked turret and a military cap, "These cavalry are a little behind the Poles, and we can kill half of them with one shot."
"Shut up!" The conductor obviously didn’t think about how to kill all the enemies in front of him like his hand. After he frowned, he pressed the throat phone line and reported his discovery to his battalion. Battalion? I’m the commander of team K. We found a group of Arabs who want to negotiate. What should we do? Please answer. "
"Psst … Psst …" There was a stream interference in the earphone, and then it was answered intermittently that their distance was close to the communication limit of the line equipment, and the quality of the call was not very good. "Arabia … took them … guaranteed to bring them back safely …"
Nai confirmed once again that the front-line commander didn’t understand the opposite order. He nodded and said to the group of uneasy Arab leaders, "Don’t make any small moves behind us or I’ll make a fire."
As he spoke, he gestured that these Arabs, whose German was not so good, finally understood what he said, so a group of people nodded quickly and let the Arab cavalry follow far away, so they followed the German assault detachment code-named K and took their own steps to a distant temporary headquarters in the rear.
Chapter 1124 1125 Soldiers don’t negotiate
"Marshal Rommel!" General Frederick woke up and fell asleep in the back of his open Mercedes-Benz limousine. Rommel’s attack for several days made the energetic desert fox feel sleepy, so he took a gap and slept in the back of his car for a while.
This Mercedes-Benz car, which followed the African Legion all the way from Tunis to Suez Canal, has been rusted by the wind and sand corrosion, and the external paint has even peeled off in some places, making this car seem to be wandering on the edge of scrapping.
However, everyone familiar with the African Legion will not underestimate such a slightly outdated car, which can’t compare with a school car in the garrison in Paris, France. Because the whole African Legion is so broken, there is a car that took them all the way from France to Marshal Erwin Rommel in Saudi Arabia.
"Oh, General Frederick … how long have I been asleep?" Rommel rubbed his eyes and his face was covered with gravel, which fell like dandruff-no matter how much he paid attention to his image, he didn’t get sloppy when fighting in places like desert. Although their photos looked charming and full of lone wolf interest, it was easy for a group of girls to scream with stars in their eyes, but when these girls saw the true appearance of these soldiers, they would immediately give up their stupid idea of sleeping with them.
"We just got the news that Iraq Saudi Arabia has sent negotiators who want to hand over the original oil share belonging to the United States to us for our military protection to recognize their local rule." Friedrich is also covered with gravel and looks dirty. Unfortunately, this general with two binoculars of different sizes and the 7 th Infantry Army slowly and steadily erected the German flag on the east bank of the Suez Canal
Rommel, who had just woken up, took a sip of the teacup from his adjutant, was warmed by the sun, smelled of gasoline, moistened his throat, and then drank a few mouthfuls before he was slightly awake. After all, a marshal-level commander has maintained almost the same advancing speed as the front-line armored forces, and the degree of fatigue is not acceptable to ordinary people.
"Give us the American oil share? What about the British? " Rommel, who just woke up, reminisced about what he had just heard from Friedrich and then looked at the commander of the 7 th Infantry Army who reported the situation.
"If I didn’t guess wrong, they were going to swallow the oil production capacity here in Britain with our attitude." Friedrich had a strange smile on his face, and even a soldier thought this kind of thing was a bit absurd
If the German troops are far away from home and have not transported so many people to the Middle East, then it is likely that there will be more than one thing, and it is better to hold your nose and recognize this plan. After all, it will cost you nothing to offend the local strongman Saudi Arabia, so it is better to take the share of American oil at no cost.
But now the situation has changed. Hundreds of thousands of German and Italian troops have entered Saudi territory, and the United States and British people have been beaten to flight … Rommel root doesn’t mind that Saudi Arabia in his jurisdiction resists with the Allies in order to make him a government official go home without disarmament.
At this time, the capitalists are looking at this huge oil field, and the army and strategists have also planned to enter the Indian Ocean … Germany has already carved up Saudi oil, and Saudi Arabia still feels good about itself and is ready to swallow up more than half of its production capacity.
Rommel was silent for a while before he asked Friedrich around him slowly. His tone was full of teasing taste. "This group of Arabs won’t really be naive to think that we came all the way here to liberate them from the British and Americans, will they? Did I not wake up or did these hooded guys not wake up? "
Friedrich was amused by Rommel’s occasional humor. He held Rommel’s car door with a big look and smiled and said, "Marshal Pavilion, I think it is more comfortable to bring what we want by ourselves. These local people’s weapons and equipment are similar to those of Poles. Maybe we can get oilfield equipment if we lose three people."
"General Friedrich, the Fuehrer has always taught us to win militarily and to have a political vision of seeing higher and farther." Rommel arcado’s early courtship of the word Diyi Fuehrer was radiant with his face. He was an admirer of arcado as if the whole African legion worshipped him.
He got up from the back of his car, then took out a pair of yellow white gloves from his pocket, slapped his pants twice, and then jumped off the other side of the Mercedes-Benz and went around to the front of the car. "Tell those Arabs that we are imperial soldiers in charge of the war … Let those smooth-talking people do the negotiations. We are dumb and can talk with cannons."
Frederick heard Rommel say this and immediately showed a look of worship. It is said that Rommel can make Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon African Corps do whatever he wants. His tactics and personality are an inseparable aspect. Rommel likes to attack, and he dares to plan an offensive war if he gives his enemy half his strength-excluding adventure. This is the soul of a soldier, isn’t it?
And when he thinks and orders, he always makes a decision to make the soldiers around him feel refreshed. This is a kind of congenial tacit understanding. He is the kind of soldier who conforms to the German tough style. His hands are a group of soldiers who like this style … This is the so-called "not a family does not enter a house."
"I am very happy to carry out this order. Let the negotiators deal with these Arabs. We are in charge of fighting. It is our duty to shoot out our ammunition before the signing of the peace treaty." Friedrich expressed his admiration and nodded in agreement.
Rommel stretched out his arm and pointed out the direction of his troops’ attack. He continued, "We didn’t change it before the treaty was signed. Send a message to the 7 th Armored Army Command and tell them not to stop for such a stupid reason and move on! Until they run out of oil or they see the Persian Gulf. "
So the Saudi Arabia envoy was at a loss, and the German armored forces continued to roll forward in their eyes, leaving one behind another to these people who wanted to discuss with the Germans about an oil that would benefit the local people. Tanks and trucks roared and drove by the side of the crude road, holding guns. German soldiers looked at the roadside with cold eyes, and these Arabs staggered their eyes, one overlooking and the other looking up.
"Iraq Saudi Arabia is unreliable. He doesn’t want to know that this situation is not the time to cooperate with us to blow up the oil field." mountbatten leaned back and stared at the arrows that have been extending forward for several days, and finally expressed his views with his assistants. "It is more practical to expect the locals to retreat with us and be willing to destroy all oil facilities."
"General, if Saudi oil production equipment can’t destroy the Germans as planned, the oil resources will overtake us, and then we will be more passive." His adjutant stressed with anxiety after hearing what his general said.
Mountbatten didn’t speak. He knew that what he was thinking was not an adjutant, but he didn’t bother to explain, because it would be more troublesome to explain. Now it is impossible for him to destroy the Middle East oil fields.
The local people don’t cooperate with the plan to destroy the Middle East oil production capacity and go to mountbatten. Of course, it is impossible for the British colonial generals to look at the problem from the perspective of the Chinese people. It has always been difficult for mountbatten to help the United States destroy the Middle East oil and leave some for the northern Britain.
Of course, he is more inclined to destroy the entire Middle East oil field, but he can’t. Many oil fields on the ground have been controlled by the Saudi army, and a few capitalists have refused to cooperate … The sequelae of the forced burning of oil reserves have emerged, and there is no hope. Capitalists are more willing to believe in the government that can guarantee their wealth than cooperate with the forces that force them to burn their wealth.
"Blasting in-depth destruction doesn’t seem to work," mountbatten thought for a moment and said to his adjutant. "Now there is only one way left, that is to send planes to bomb all the oil fields we have … but by doing so, we will immediately turn against Iraq and Saudi Arabia, which is tantamount to pushing him directly to the Germans."
"General, this situation is worth doing." The adjutant is more inclined to resist. It’s an out-and-out hard point, which is why he is here, because Icelandic British politicians want mountbatten to have such a car-scrapping guy around him
Chapter 1125 1126 Strong negotiation
"It’s impossible! No matter to what extent, the condition is that the Third Reich can’t promise to be sent to Israel by the Italian battleship Vito and then rushed all the way to Saudi Arabia. German negotiator Ribbentrop shook his head and said, "Don’t you understand the situation at all?"
As he spoke, he picked up the glass in front of him and took a sip before continuing his speech. "The Saudi king can keep his share and burn down the oil fields to get the technical support of the Third Reich … but the United States, Britain, France and his messy share will all be named the Third Reich. This is the maximum concession we can make."
At the negotiating table, the envoys of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia talked head to head about Ribbentrop’s offer. They kept shaking their heads during the conversation. Finally, the first old man said to the translator, "Although our two countries are not happy, this is not an attitude towards the future. We can redistribute the oil share, but the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must have an absolute dominant position in this division."
Dominance? You go to our Stuka bomber to dominate! You go to our Tiger King Tank and ask for dominance! You go to our Zeppelin carrier and battleships to dominate! You go to our grenadiers with guns in their hands to dominate! Ribbentrop thought bitterly in his heart
However, he didn’t say these words directly, but looked at the old man with contempt. Finally, he waited for the other person to finish before smiling and saying, "Since your country is so confident in its own strength, why don’t we take a month off and restart this negotiation?"
A month? Just kidding! Don’t say that waiting for a month means waiting for two days. German armored forces may have set foot on the west bank of the Persian Gulf. Then talk to the Germans? What else are we talking about? The Saudi envoy’s face turned ugly after hearing Ribbentrop’s remarks-obviously the other side didn’t regard him as an opponent, but just made fun of him unilaterally.
"We are well aware of the outstanding military achievements of the Third Reich, but this is not a reason for bullying by a great empire, is it? There is a famous saying in Arabia that relying on force to maintain a country’s destiny can’t last long. "The Saudi envoy tried his best to get a better opportunity for his country to bite his teeth and retaliate."
Ribbentrop is not an internationalist who is full of sympathy. He simply shrugged off this statement. "Mr. Special Envoy, I think Iraq? When the Saudi king asked you to come, he didn’t tell you not to try to flatter for profit, did he? The Third Reich experienced two wars, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs spent every day in all kinds of lies and frauds. "
He paused, then looked up and pressed his eyes to the members of the Saudi mission opposite. "The Third Reich gave Saudi Arabia a chance. We found rich oil in Saudi Arabia, but when Saudi Arabia sanctioned Germany, it chose to forget; We in North Africa also gave you a choice when we attacked the enemy, but you chose to look at it; Now that our army has defeated the Americans and the British, you come and tell us that you want to take away the fruits of victory? "

enemies are bound to meet head-on on a narrow road—one can’t avoid one’s enemies (much as one wants to)

In the process of entering the top ten, I finally met my old rival, especially when my face turned cold.
The face is ferocious and full of color
Jiang Feng, who came to the challenge, is still light in the wind.
"Small! Today, I will let you and me never turn over, "said Wuhua coldly.
"words are awkward!"
Jiang Fenggen did not rest assured.
"I don’t know if I live or die!"
Wuhua gave a roar, and the powerful breath rose from the mark of heaven between the eyebrows.
Ten rebuilds of life and death
Clouds of golden flames emerged from the body.
Huotiandao yinji
This is the seven sacred objects. Generally speaking, it is also excellent. A heat wave suddenly hit head on.
"swish! Hey! Hey! "
Wuhua decided to kill with one blow.
A ball of fire rose in vain, and then a number of fireball came flooding towards Jiang Feng.
Huge breath let the audience a fighters are not breath in a gasp.
"How strong!"
"The Wu Hua of the mixed Yuan Cave has never lost its strength. This move should be Tiandi Wushu!" An old man in the viewing platform
"competitive! This is the difference between genius! ? It seems that Jiang Feng is going to be finished. "
"There is something wrong with that little guy, but this kind of character attack is definitely vulnerable."
Everyone is whispering.
Even the extremely white elders are nervous and clench their fists. This kind of power is hard to resist even if Qiu Haitian is afraid.
"Hey … it seems that the extreme door can stop here!"
Extremely white elders nai shook his head.
Everyone is not optimistic about Jiang Feng. After all, the gap is in front of us.
Jiang Feng stared at Wuhua.
Not to be outdone
On the second day, the mark between the eyebrows emerged, one purple and one white, and two smells rose around Jiang Feng’s body.
Jiang Feng’s eyes at the same time
Suddenly, it exudes a poor sword, which is jaw-dropping, and an unprecedented strong breath also erupts in Jiang Feng’s body.
"This ….. what is this! ?”
The audience gaped in surprise.
I didn’t expect Jiang Feng to have this kind of fate strength.
Especially the former Xuanzong brother.
Even more surprised and stunned, I didn’t return to absolute being for a long time.
"I … I told you before that he was extraordinary."
"If … he had this strength before, who would dare to fight him!" Many people gasped.
Jiang Feng also moved at this time.
Jumped up, and the sword in his hand was severely chopped toward the fireball.
It’s just a blow. The fireball suddenly falls towards the void.
Wuhua also feels incredible.
Face suddenly changed, one hand suddenly pinched the tactic, and the golden flame came out along the arm, flying all over the sky.
"Hey!" Form a huge dragon, and the dragon roars faintly in its ear.
"step!" Wuhua suddenly took a step and the whole person flew out of the golden dragon flame and bit Jiang Feng.
Jiang Feng remains extremely kendo.
A sword with stronger momentum is chopped directly, and the powerful sword makes people feel cold.
Everyone in the audience was still breathing for a while.
Chapter 992 Cheng Fengzhan
Everyone stared nervously at the scene before them.
At this moment, someone actually prefers Jiang Feng to win because they are watching Jiang Feng from the bottom to this position bit by bit.
Expect tension, panic, all kinds of emotions to rise in everyone’s heart.
Jiang Feng roared and chopped the sword one by one.
The huge golden dragon split head-on and screamed like a dragon.
"Wow …"
The powerful impact made Wuhua spit out one mouthful blood.
The whole personal consciousness is backward, and the facial expression is also horrified. I never thought that Jiang Feng should have such amazing strength.
See Jiang Feng came to him.
The sword in his hand was held high and Wuhua was frightened to disgrace. At this time, Jiang Feng broke Wushu and was seriously injured.
If Jiang Feng cuts him with a sword, he has absolutely no resistance.
I wonder if I can live.
Arm up to a half Jiang Feng stopped to look at Wuhua slowly spit out three words.
"You don’t deserve me to swing the third sword!"
Jiang Feng said this and gave it a good kick. He did his best and didn’t leave any hand.
Clear fracture, black hair resistance, direct shooting into the ring.
Humiliation, unwillingness, anger, his mind wandering

The wonderful cooperation between Ah Shui and heshy temporarily continued the rhythm, but the offensive problem in front of IG was still very serious. Finally, in 25 minutes, they finally decided to take risks.

"Brothers, we can’t delay any longer. We haven’t hurt enough in the later period." Ning Wang was full of sorrow. At this time, EDG was in a state of shrinking, and his rhythm was in a state of shopping. He wandered around in the wild and couldn’t find anything to do.
"Then we can fight the dragon. It is too difficult for us to push the tower." A suggestion in Shui’s voice was immediately endorsed by Ning Wang.
"Go, go, go, I’ve always wanted to hit EDG. It’s like a little puss-head. As soon as I hit it, they shrank back."
In Ning Wang’s language, I swear, IG, and everyone soon got together near the dragon pit, and then played the dragon without saying anything. It was very dark.
When IG just moved Dalong EDG, he was already alert, and immediately held a group in the direction of Dalong, and when the Iby foresight decorative pit was lit, Dalong’s blood volume was half.
EDG, everyone is a little anxious. Sister buckles and shouts, Go, Go, Go! Shivell Qi Da Zhao accelerated, and finally IG knocked out Dalong and came to the entrance of the river in the half area.
But IG is still going its own way, and it doesn’t matter if it comes to EDG. All they have left in their eyes is the dragon.
"Second dragon! Second dragon! Don’t go out and we’ll fight the dragon! " Ning Wang Longkeng commanded. At the same time, he adjusted his position to let Ah Shui and Banana Wolf enter the outermost part of the pig sister roof in Longkeng.
"It’s okay to go outside and defend against a Jess shell." Ah Shui looked at him and was indifferent. He also wanted to drill inside Bloom’s face and expression was very nai.
Chapter 33 He is not fighting alone
Twenty-five minutes Dalongkeng
EDG people came from the river to fight Dalong IG, which formed a siege, but Longkeng IG people were very indifferent to it and accelerated the speed of fighting the dragon, as if they wanted to kill Dalong before the team battle came.
Four thousand blood!
Three thousand blood!
Two thousand blood! Jiejie finally couldn’t help but want to go into Longkeng to fight for punishment. Both Jin and his elementary school brother saw Jiejie’s intention, so they also charged Longkeng with the spider.
As soon as Jess shelled the pig sister and the bear, it didn’t hurt as much as the big dragon. Dao Mei flashed a big move and rushed into the crowd
The narrow terrain of Longkeng is very suitable for Dao Mei to play Jin’s big move and hit four people at once. Except for the ice in the corner of Longkeng, IG people were all hit by Dao Mei’s big move.
Dao Mei wanted to be flexible in the crowd, but as soon as he flew to Pig’s sister’s body, he was pushed by Ning Wang, and then Sapphire hung a passive heshy on him, which was to open up a big move to level A thunder and hurt the dragon pit.
Before Dao Mei came to show his graceful dance, he was knocked unconscious by IG everyone. Dao Mei’s fragile body could not bear too much damage.
At this time, Dao Mei’s blood hand didn’t make a root, so he couldn’t stand the first wave of IG. The blood volume dropped rapidly, but good Jin didn’t rush alone.
Jess then rushed to a hammer and knocked on the pig sister’s head. Ning Wang threw his big move in anger, and then the elementary school brother was settled in place.
Dao Mei, who just woke up from dizziness, was once again frozen in the frozen field of pig sister e skills, and Dao Mei was completely frozen for three seconds.
Jin feels that this kind of situation is deja vu, just like being hit by the longest distance of the ice trick, which makes people unable to move. He knows it well.
Dao Mei and Jess, who were the first to break into the enemy lines, were frozen in place, which gave Jiejie a chance. He quietly followed Jess and Dao Mei and sneaked into the Dragon Pit while his teammates attracted fire.
At this time, the blood volume of Dalong was less than 1000. By the time IG found the spider, it was too late. Ning Wang gambled and punished it, but he misjudged the blood line. More than 100 blood volumes of Dalong were easily taken by Jiejie.
"Dragon! Who’s Tai Lung? Who punished Ning Wang? Jiejie! JIejie punished EDG and grabbed the dragon! " Miller became excited when he saw Jiejie grab the dragon.
"At this critical moment, Jiejie came out. He inherited EDG’s outstanding unification, and the real man dared to turn the tide and help the building to fall!"
"Jiejie is not fighting alone! This moment! Factory director! Alori! Har! Soul possession! Great EDG hits the wild! "
Doll "
After being robbed of the dragon, the faces of IG people became ugly, but instead of complaining, they were ready to kill and vent their anger. Without the dragon IG, everyone set their sights on Jiejie.
Want to leave after robbing the dragon? No way!
At this time, the dragon pit IG crowd poured out. heshy Bear first killed Dao Mei with a W skill and then ran to Jess on all fours.
The bear carried Jess back to the crowd. A water and ice, a million arrows, slowed down the spider and Jess Banana Wolf Lissandra, and made more decisive and direct moves to freeze the spider.
Cooperate with others to hurt Jess and spider’s blood volume and quickly enter the IG slaying line. At this time, Iby and Meik are in a dilemma outside the dragon pit. They don’t know whether they should support their teammates or retreat.
But this hesitant bear has roared out of the dragon pit, followed by pig sister. IG Ye believes that it is a piece of cake for Ah Shui to have Jess and spiders left in his teammate’s dragon pit.
At present, the most urgent thing is to leave EDG Road for the double team, so the bear and the pig sister rushed out of Foehrer Zhuode Shuangxiong! Attack!
In the face of the impact of bears and pig sisters, EDG Road will not hesitate any more, so just play in the front row first. If you can’t play it by ear, you will slip away.
Lux released the Q skill, and instantly hit the bear and Jess Foehrer Zhuode, who ran out of the dragon pit, and they were in the same place immediately.
Shivell’s decisive output of the cross blade to hit the bear and the pig sister’s body injury is not very high, but a good hero Shivell can fly a kite, and the bear and the pig sister can’t get into him.
After Dao Mei was killed, his body directly turned into Lissandra and passively turned into an frozen slave. He hobbled towards his teammates in front of him. After a little distance, he directly burst his body to form broken ice and shot at his teammates.
Jess couldn’t stand the damage and died directly, and then became an frozen slave. The spider also fell to the ground and Banana Wolf took a double kill.
Outside the Dragon Pit, Shivell and Laxus fought while withdrawing from the bear and pig sister. There is nothing they can do. Short legs are the fatal defects of these two heroes, and EDG Road combination is good at flying kites.
Heshy and Ning Wang are very wronged in their hearts. They are like idiots. They seem to run away, but they can’t hit anyone at all.
But at this moment, the dragon pit shoots a magic crystal arrow, which changes the situation and gives King heshy a close chance.
The magic crystal arrow was aimed at Shivell, but I didn’t expect that Sister Kou happened to take a small step and just hit the crystal arrow. I saw that Sister Kou hit the arrow again and Ah Shui smiled.
Noble shiba smile JPG
Heshy and Ning Wangcai, no matter who was shot by the arrow, they went straight to the heart, and there was no place to scatter it, so Lux was killed by dividing by three and five.
But Iby Shivell ran away again, and at the moment when Lux was hit by an arrow, he ran away without looking back. Goodbye, no one shook hands.

I fainted again at the key moment.

Brother, wake up! I can’t bear it!
But shaking hands should not mean anything, right?
Lin Tian Dieyuan’s "cordial meeting" and Fan Cang’s impassioned speech at the mobilization meeting of the monster beast forest in Qingtian Temple changed again.
Guo que lowered his eyes and sneered. He knew that it was naive to think about evil spirits and fold the abyss.
The monster beast forest is ready to start on Dieyuan Day, but the first Dieyuan has gone back on its word.
It was originally agreed that they would launch a beast tide to March into Nanshan after the evil spirits were killed and melted. If his actions failed, the shit basin could be transferred to the Dieyuantou monster forest to attack and retreat and defend.
Now Dieyuan says he can go to Tianyu, but all the demons in the monster forest should act together and ask all the demons to listen to his command directly.
If you don’t agree, it will be announced that the three monsters in the monster forest conspired to harm Biyou and Kunsha.
This can make Fan Cang angry.
Fold deep old god to sit position cool thin to look at the demon.
His spokesman smiled softly. "It’s not easy for the Lord Lin and the Lord Fan to fall as a big sect as a natural disaster. Let’s not talk about it. It’s not easy to be alone when the mountain array is broken. It’s not good if the fighters are not delayed in the mountain array."
Fan Cang’s face was clouded. "When my family asked for an overlapping abyss to break the array? If you want to lead him out and kill him alone, you can do his own thing. Why don’t you do it alone? How can you be alone with a big Li Huang and less respect? "
Eyebrow Wu see fold deep didn’t speak, and she Jiao Jiao smiled and looked at a very considerate appearance "Fan Yaozhu said is very reasonable, but my humble opinion is that it is better to move troops early than to move troops quickly. Are the two demon families still untrustworthy and less powerful? Everyone in the world doesn’t know that the monster beast forest demon owners are too modest. How can I compare with the monster beast forest in the wild? "
"Do you need to be arrogant in the wild?" Fan Cang’s face is black. "The demon Lord will never allow anyone to covet the demon power of my monster beast forest."
Suddenly a quiet in the giant temple.
Dieyuan’s cold sound made him laugh all over. "Zunyuan wanted you monsters to get a bargain. Since you don’t want to make a toast, you will be punished!"
With a wave of his sleeve, he grabbed the nearest ape Xuan with one hand. "The monster beast forest, the tenth order monster beast, will be solved once and for all today!"
"Fold deep! You can’t fool around! " Guo que shouted
The demons were shocked to say that their original Fan Cang was uncertain enough, and now they know that there are days behind! Evil spirits play happily when they talk about changing. I didn’t expect them to lead the wolf into the room!
"Dieyuan, don’t you worry that we will kill Mei Wu and Murphy first!" Guo que also pulled his eyebrows and pulled out the high notes.
Fold deep no so-called way "oh? Kill whatever you want. "
How can he be disrespectful?
Eyebrow Wu face froze into the bottom of the pot, but not from a face of humiliation.
"Dieyuan, I’m afraid it’s not easy for you to do everything except me." Lin Tianqing sighed coldly, but he didn’t know anything about Dieyuan. According to Peacock Demon, Dieyuan was seriously injured when he first came to the monster forest.
"What’s more, if you don’t have my monster beast forest to help you do things, you won’t be able to finish them so quickly." Lin Tian is unhurried. "We demon race, you’re inferno, and you’re alone in hatred. Multiple enemies are not as good as multiple friends."
Fold deep put apes xuan cool looking at Lin Tianwei hook the corners of the mouth.
Lin Tian looked calm and solemn. "But you can’t be in charge of attacking the demon at the same time, but I promise that if you attack all factions in the mountains and seas, we will cooperate, and what you promised the monster forest must be fulfilled!"
Fold deep half by big chair thought for a moment.
For a moment, his figure has appeared outside the giant temple.
"Day Departure"
After losing the word, the figure has disappeared.
The remaining monsters are greatly relieved. Lin Tian glanced indifferently at Fan Cang. "It’s already done. Let’s get ready again."
Fan Cang looked at Lin Tian without fear and said "Yes".
However, the moment has always been a landslide and a sea crack. Lin Tian suddenly turned angry and rushed to the crown. "Who is it! Dare to move Junyan Wall! "
Before I finished, I flashed out of the Qingtian Temple as usual.
snowy mountain
Lin Qing and Qin Qian gathered their breath and hid in a tiny cave, even breathing was controlled very lightly.
Jujube and longevity have long been included in the two dantian respectively.
The fifteenth order demon took the initiative too fast. They came and flew out of the mouth of the snow-capped mountain and returned in the morning.
Terror consciousness swept again and again.
Lin Qing leaned back against Qin Qian and imagined himself as a stone, and he dared not move with his ears upright.
The clock ticks very slowly, and the moon sets and the sun rises.
At night, snow came from time to time outside the snow-capped mountains, and the crack of gravel rumbled as fine as a dense net, and the feeling of surveillance never disappeared.
Chapter 593 The thief must have been sent by him
Lin Qing looks up at the hole cautiously.
This narrow cave is not outside the mouth of the snow-capped mountain, but at the mouth of the snow-capped mountain. The cold and strong wind drills through the cracks in the rock and makes a shout. It doesn’t taste good to sneer at the alternating position of hot and cold when the heat wave is rolling and transpiration.
At that time, the two men were invisible and gathered interest just outside the mouth of the snow mountain. Lin Qing’s natural sense of crisis swept through. She didn’t choose to fly out again, but hurriedly took Qin Qian and hid back at the mouth of the snow mountain in Lintian Cave House.
The position of the hole was blocked by the stones they moved conveniently, and most of the sight could be seen through the gap to see the gray sky outside.
The danger can only fade away when I don’t know it. Two people must be careful. They dare not move, can’t put on gods, and can’t even speak.
Behind him is Qin Qianwei warming his chest. Lin Qing can feel him bending over and touching her hair and jaw and breathing slightly hot.
On the snowy mountain, Lin Tian’s face was gloomy and cold, and he ran over every inch of snow-capped mountain with his knowledge. As time went by, the thief became more and more angry because he didn’t catch him.
"What is it that people are simply bold!" Guo Quelin’s side of heaven also scrutinizes every suspicious place in the snow-capped mountains with the same knowledge.
The meeting was not completely over. Lin Tian suddenly left in anger and the next night, except for the snow-capped mountains in his abode of fairies and immortals, he was so angry that he almost flattened all the snow-capped mountains. Such a big noise would naturally cause Fan Cang and Guo Que to ask questions.
"It won’t be the ninth-order demon. At that time, they were all in the giant temple." Lin Tian whispered.
Guo Que’s eyes rolled. "Is it possible that the tenth-order little demon will give his life away from the monster forest in the dark …?"
Soon he shook his head with a wry smile and denied himself that "they shouldn’t dare to steal the master’s secret treasure."
He looked at Lin skylight flint and an idea flashed across his small eyes. "Could it be that Dieyuan brought those evil monasteries? I see that it is even more cunning and shameful for the stack of deep-seated unscrupulous evil practices. "
Lin Tian squinting aura is cold.
Xuan, the first ape, pondered for a while and said hesitantly, "Lord Lin killed two Taihua Sect practitioners of our clan, but they still haven’t found them. Could it be them?"
Once I wake up, I am thoughtful.
"Impossible" Guo Que doesn’t agree with showing a look of seeing through the world. "They don’t know where Lin’s abode of fairies and immortals is and they don’t know when Lin will leave the abode of fairies and immortals. How can they seize the opportunity so accurately? Knowing that the Lord Lin will attend the meeting except us is an evil practice! "
The more I think about it, the more I feel close to the truth.
He posed another view: "Fan Cang agreed to take the bait named Sioux to lead to the other two people. It seems that this plan won’t work. Those two people can test the nature of living in the forest. How can they come when they know that it is a trap?" The facts also prove that they didn’t come to the rescue! "
Ape Xuan nodded his head after hearing this.
Jin Yao came to the news and said that the surname Su Nvxiu had hung up for a few days and has now withdrawn.
And even if those two people enter the nuclear domain and lurk and flee, they will not come and dare to make trouble in the nuclear domain again.
"The thief who dares to seize the opportunity so accurately to steal your secret treasure must be prepared. Those two people who are dying have nothing to do."
Lin Tian decided that he was more inclined, so all the stacks on the stack side were qualified to play tricks with him!
Wouldn’t it be laughing if a low-ranking person or a small demon could pry his corner?

At 2: 00, Germany’s iron willpower finally shook God’s performance, and the first battleship team made another late-course effort to hit the poor Hercules, which led to the complete destruction of the turret of the giant No.2 ship, forcing the captain of Hercules to order emergency water injection into the turret and quit the battle.

At 25: 00, Ostfrisland’s counterattack became sharper and sharper. After hitting the collingwood five times, one turret and two boiler rooms of the old ship were completely destroyed, which made her bite the bullet.
At 33: 00, the Ostfrisland was about to swallow up the battleship Collingwood, and an accident happened. The Iron Duke took the lead in playing the retreat flag and gave up the complete battle line. The fleet turned to this disgraceful way to quit the battle.
The British tactical move made Schell somewhat unprepared. The frederick the great has not yet received the final summary of the naval battle results. However, since the British have retreated, there are two reasons, either the fast fleet, the first reconnaissance fleet, and the decisive battle has already come to an end. After the big fleet completed the rescue of the fast fleet, the tactics turned in, or the big fleet itself suffered unbearable losses. This intensity has exceeded the bottom line of Jericho.
"Ocean Fleet Pursuit!"
"The navy is really boring!"
In the early spring, the temperature in the North Sea was slightly cool, and the cold wind carved Lieutenant Hannashaw’s face, which was about to freeze.
Frederick 33 seaplane is flying southeast at a high speed. The young lieutenant tightened his leather jacket and leg blanket, and while probing the magnificent North Sea to find the ocean fleet with the imperial navy flag, his mouth was crooked and his heart was broken and he complained.
Hannah Shaw Redstone is a Croker nobleman whose family has always been faithful to the Redstone Infantry Regiment, but he is an exception.
In 1912, at the age of seventeen, Hannashaw came to Berlin to study alone on the banks of the Spree River on the outskirts of Berlin, and witnessed the air show organized by the German aviation enthusiasts club. The soldiers fell madly in love with this exciting cause.
Hannashaw took his father’s advice and even removed the word "Feng" from his name to learn to fly. Later, he became a member of the Flying Club and wrote "On Asymmetric Warfare in Battleship Age", a crazy admirer of Heidi Selim.
In June 1914, the European War was coming. At the age of 19, Hannah Shaw was not satisfied with being a flight instructor in a flight club, but turned his attention to the army. With an army background, he went to the army with great interest to recruit soldiers, but was told that the first round of expansion of the army air force was over. When Hannah Shaw could not wait, he had to retreat to the navy.
Hannashaw used to be able to do a great job in the navy, but the trouble was always unexpected. At the beginning of the European War, Hannashaw was eager to try and look forward to the opportunity to show his talents. However, the Navy General Staff did not plan to take the initiative to attack. Hannashaw could fly a plane to patrol the Golan Bay in Ziher day after day
The naval battle in Helgolan Bay broke out, but it was a battle in the fog; Dogel Shazhou naval battle broke out, but it was a night battle; The reality has made people desperate, even worse. Count Luckner is like the fog in the North Sea frequently visiting the imperial naval headquarters and the North Sea base, screaming crazily, "Give me a schooner to go out to sea and let me beat the British out of my mind."
To be honest, the lieutenant has no prejudice against Count Luckner. He respects the count’s adventurous spirit very much. However, if the count always brings his sister Hannah Shaw’s fiancee-Lena von Luckner-with him every time he comes to the navy to find a ship to talk about, Hannah Shaw seems to have room for anger and collapse.
In 1915, the Day of Pain seemed to come to an end. Count Luckner harassed him and took the road. General Heidi Selim got him an old sailboat, so the count finally settled down and pestered him. Countess no longer had an excuse to visit the naval air force frequently. Hannah Shaw’s classic "On Asymmetric Warfare in the Battleship Age" was finally put into practice-the modification of the Zeppelin Lilienthal seaplane carrier was completed, and the commotion in Port William late at night on March 2, and then they nest made young people excited.
At 3: 35 on March 4th, Lieutenant Hannashaw returned to the ocean fleet in his beloved car-Frederick FF-33 seaplane, which shocked him even more-the number of capital ships of the Royal Navy, the so-called natural enemy, was enough to deter his country, and the Royal Navy was defeated.
Long lines of battle volley the huge steel ship, and the high-speed running of destroyers and the release of cover smoke all constitute a wonderful oil painting with more tension and explosive force than Henry Matisse’s Fauvism oil painting!
A 35-mm armor-piercing projectile sank into the six-column formation and gradually became a British capital ship group. Suddenly, a thick black smoke column, orange flame and iron blocks were thrown into the sky.
Hannashaw hurriedly pulled out a damaged ship identification manual from the blanket surface, and barely turned over a few pages to make a more violent sound. Hannashaw panicked and the ship manual slipped into the cockpit.
"It’s another capital ship, the Super-Fear Ship Expeditor!"
Hannashaw’s face could not find a trace of excitement, but was a kind of post-French insatiability.
I still remember the excitement and difficulty in sleeping in the pilot lounge of the Lilienthal, but the fact is hard to be cruel. Except for a glimpse on the afternoon of the 3 rd, the investigation went down in history. The North Sea peak battle fought fiercely all night, and Hannashaw sat in the lounge all night because of the rising of the night. It was hard to get to the sky and suffered from a continuous fog. Hannashaw could continue to wait.
At 7: 24, the weather finally allowed Sheng Hannashaw to rush to the battlefield, and he was immediately sent to the first reconnaissance fleet to cover Hannashaw. He hoped to follow the departure direction of the first reconnaissance fleet of the idol house, but when he found the idol fleet, the first reconnaissance fleet had already passed the final battle of the British fast fleet, and Hannashaw could watch the first reconnaissance fleet, the German and Mao Qi, suffer heavy losses and sink the British tireless and Tiger patrol.
"Don’t want to do a chat again? !”
In order to increase the endurance, the captain of the Lilinger ordered the dismantling of Frederick 33′ s rear-fired machine gun, which made him feel that the British didn’t send Short 4 from the beginning to the end, so that he didn’t even have a chance to pull out his pistol and the British didn’t even have a chance to play Russian roulette.
"I will never be reconciled!"
The seaplane circled the British fleet several times, and the bullets in Hannashaw’s pistol were consumed instantly. A lieutenant desperately suppressed the idea of smashing the pistol, and it was urgent to find something that could be used as a weapon.
After the rubber seat flashed, it was full of metallic reflections, which just happened to be noticed by Hannah Shaw’s corner. It seemed to be a glimpse of the beauty. Hannah Shaw slightly raised her mouth and pushed the joystick to lower the altitude of the plane. Eyes delineated the battleship Koo Saint Vincent.
A hammer peeked out of the water and the fuselage of the plane showed off in an ostentatious manner for a while and fell with a little dive angle.
On the sea, the fourth destroyer team of the British fleet is lining up. They will launch a deadly attack on the main German fleet to cover the retreat of the big fleet.
"House heard that our Mediterranean power suffered heavy losses due to the despicable sneak attack of the Turks …" The thin body near the fender of a one-pound gun in Pips turned his back on the gunner House’s blue eyes and carefully inspected the sea area in front of him.
"I think if even the Turks can work miracles, maybe our destroyer team can get glory!"
This is the second deck on the port side of the St. Vincent, backed by a thick hull and covered with a layer of shipbuilding steel. Unless the German large-caliber main gun can hit here, this is the safest place for the St. Vincent at present. Pips and House posts are here. They are responsible for manipulating this one-pound machine gun to prevent German submarines from possible sneak attack
"There was no damn mosquito before!" House’s gnashing of teeth just fell. It seems that some kind of blunt object hit the vertical guard of a pound gun.
As thin as a piece of paper, the steel plate suddenly deformed, and two sailors screamed and even dared not go out of the atmosphere.
There was no explosion as expected, no fire, no poison gas, and bold House trembled and forced himself to swallow saliva. Step by step, he moved towards the dark deck, which was shaped like a hammer with a long handle and a blunt object.
Before House bent down to look closely, another wrench-like object fell from the sky. A strange noise came from House’s right hand side. Just after he got out of the badly damaged watertight compartment, Co-captain Kent shook his body for a while and then fell to the deck.
"God, the Germans have made a new weapon for us. It can strike accurately!"
The second part of the cannon, chapter 1, Gerakl gold (a)
In May, the North Atlantic winds came slowly, and the melancholy light rain fell down in the remote and cold island chain I in the northernmost part of Scotland.
The Queen Elizabeth Battleship sounded its whistle, and the navigation ship guided it slowly into the somewhat swaying and lost Scarpa Bay. The whistle disappeared in the rainy season and extended to the North Sea. The loudspeaker of the watchtower at the headland was tens of meters high, but it sounded the heartbreaking alarm again.
The small window was filled with breath, and even a few cactuses were impatient. The British moisture drooped and the head lost its vitality. At the end of the gendarmerie corridor, the patrol cracked leather boots landed through the half-closed door and knocked into the narrow room, which was under house arrest.

The little princess said angrily, "I saw you with my own eyes and tricked me!" "

Li Yunyue didn’t explain because he didn’t think he had anything to explain. He looked at her and took a sip.
He didn’t joke with Zhou Jinyu. I really feel that Kannika nimtragol is a little annoyed. He doesn’t know Zhou Jinyu well. What’s there to joke about?
The little princess felt guilty and short of breath again when she saw him like this!
He didn’t explain?
How could he not explain! Every time my mother is annoyed with my father, I don’t know how much to smile with, but it’s not an explanation! Brother Xu is really-
Just when the little princess couldn’t say anything, Li Yunyue finally opened her mouth again with three words "I didn’t"
The little princess was speechless at the moment.
Turn away with a snort.
His words are plain and simple, but there is no doubt that the little princess’s spirit has almost disappeared, but she feels a little unreasonable-of course, she will never admit it!
"Wood!" She stamped her foot and said angrily, "You can’t coax me!"
Li Yunyue "… can"
The little princess was stunned, but she heard him say, "How to coax?"
"…" The little princess opened her mouth and stare big eyes. Well ….. How does she know?
"You are not allowed to talk to my third cousin again!" Suppressed half ring little infanta come up to that.
"Good" Li Yunyue promised without thinking.
He is not interested in taking a reason for Zhou Jinyu, but because she is a cousin of Kannika nimtragol, it is at Kannika nimtragol’s house again, and he can’t refuse anything she says, that’s all.
Since kannika nimtragol asked so, of course he can’t wait! And of course.
"really?" The little princess felt more comfortable.
"Well" Li Yunyue point 159 Chapter 159 Jealousy 7
The little princess stared at him with big eyes for half a ring and finally "giggled" and smiled. "Never talk to her again! Don’t help her if she asks you to help! "
"Then let’s go to dinner. My stomach is good in hungry oh!" The little princess crossed her mind and took Li Yunyue’s hand and went all the way talking and laughing.
At lunchtime, when they returned to the hall, Zuo Hanfei, Zhang Xian, Zhou Jinyu and others also arrived to find their mothers talking.
Even the groom, the governor of fangzhou zhengwu army doudufu, and others were joking. As soon as their eyes turned out of the corner of their eyes, they caught a glimpse of kannika nimtragol coming in hand and didn’t take a reason.
Anyway, in this county palace, the status of the son has now surpassed himself. Who doesn’t take him seriously? Don’t worry about yourself
The children are still young. Besides, although the infighting just now angered the little princess, the traces of the struggle were not obvious. The children really didn’t feel any individual feelings, such as Zhang Xian, Zuo Hanfei and Zhou Jinyun, and they wouldn’t yell out easily in front of adults.
It’s stupid to yell, maybe everyone will be scolded! Moreover, in the afternoon, adults are not allowed to play again because they have done more than one thing.
Therefore, the lunch was calm, and everyone forgot that little storm.
A small infanta saw Zhou Jinyu’s eyes were not good, and she looked at herself and Xu’s brother and made a face at her and spit out her tongue, which was very demonstrative.
Zhou Jinyu was caught red-handed and turned away with a snort.
Where can go to the opera children sit still in the garden at noon? After grinding patiently for a while, the little princess was the first to drag her little son-in-law into the garden, and the other children went away with joy.
Zhang Xian cuddled up to her mother.
Aside, Mrs. Liu Yushi caught a glimpse and asked Zhang Xian with a smile. She was about to say that she was a little sleepy and wanted to take a break. When she turned her eyes and saw that her brother had gone, she also got up and said with a smile, "They walked so fast, auntie, so I went!" He quickly followed.
They came to the lake clamoring for boating.
This broken jade lake in Liujun Wangfu covers a large area, with eleven or twelve acres of lake center and small islands. Pavilions and pavilions can be seen in the distance, hidden in a shade.
If weeping willows are weeping willows in spring and summer, there will be more scenery.
The boat was ready long ago, and everyone laughed and laughed, so they all panicked and followed the steward. The bitch was also busy with her life, and she followed six or seven lives. Look after the young masters carefully.
"Xu elder brother wait for us to see the cormorants catch fish, ok? I have a lot of cormorants at home! " Small infanta smile happily say
Li Yunyue naturally said yes.
Liu Zhen interjected with a smile, "Is there any waterfowl such as Yuanyang, mallard, grebes, webbed chicken, red duck, egret heron, swan, etc. that will be beautiful!"
"Of course! My mother and father love to raise these waterfowl to play with! " The little princess ourtenant immediately waved and attracted a steward Niang to order the waterfowl to get to the shallow water on the island shore.
LiuZhen clap your hands and say with smile "that’s so fun! The small princess’s house is good for everything! "
Zhou Jinyu couldn’t help but give the little princess a gentle hum.
She is also an imperial clan girl. She has been a small princess all her life. Her father has become what others call "Miss Wednesday" because she is not qualified to be honored. However, she never calls her father and mother a father and mother. Every time I hear Zhou Jinyu, I can’t help being blocked.
When she was on the boat, she deliberately passed by Li Yunyue. "Ouch!" She exclaimed that she was about to dump Li Yunyue, but she didn’t see a root and didn’t reach out to help her.
Zhou Jinyu was so angry that her liver ached.
Fortunately, everyone else is talking about fishing, playing with water and watching waterfowl with great interest, but no one pays attention to this side, and she also saves embarrassment.
But in the end, my heart is hard to understand.
As the lake falls, the laughing boats slowly walk and finally dock safely at the small pier in the middle of the lake.
Everyone laughed and jumped off the boat.
With a smile apologetically, the ship’s steward led the crowd to the Jiuqu wooden bridge, which was built in the Langkuo wooden pavilion in shallow water.
"Waterfowl cormorants can’t get to you young masters and ladies until later. Let’s sit and rest for a while! I have prepared a lot of fresh fruits and snacks just made. Try them! "
It’s famous to stay in the county palace and eat exquisitely, so everyone laughed and went over.
The little princess likes to stick to her little son-in-law, and when there are many people, she is easily attracted by the excitement.
For example, at this moment, Zhang Xian, Liu Yao and other sisters are lying on the railing of Jiuqu Bridge and taking snacks, and they are thrown into the lake bit by bit to tease and raise fish in the lake.
Koi fish, goldfish, one or two finger-sized grass carp, crucian carp and other household fish were attracted by snacks and rushed over in droves to compete for food, and some of them were squeezed out of the water by other fish. The girls looked interesting and pointed and giggled.

For a long time, he suddenly came to his senses and pulled himself into a distance.

He doesn’t want her to despise him. Don’t be a villain!
His face changed again and again because of excessive tension.
He is so close to her but seems to be thousands of miles away from Chung Shan Man.
Liancheng slept like a log, and she didn’t know how long she had slept until she opened her eyes. What she had to do immediately was to leave Yongcheng and catch the spirit moon.
On the side, the hand moved gently, and she held her breath for a moment, and then she heard a muffled sound with a flick of her fingers.
After about a cup of tea, she slowly opened her eyes.
Sat up and looked around and found that Lu Suiyun had obviously fallen into a coma.
Looking away to the door, she saw the cold floor tiles lying on her side. After a sigh of relief, she quickly got up, picked up her bag and went to the door.
It’s not dawn yet, so she has to hurry and lie down in bed!
At the gate, she looked back at the house and thought, "I’m sorry! I am sexual! " Finally, my eyes moved and scattered the washing utensils. "I will come back safely!" She turned her head and was about to step on the steps when she saw that she was staring at her shoulder bag not far from the shadow.
"Second young lady, where are you going?"
From the shadow, my eyes are full of confusion.
"I have something to do. When the war is over, you and Miss Xiao call snow and jade to return to Beijing with the army." Liancheng didn’t answer her question, but told her to step towards the gate of the courtyard.
From the shadow behind her, "the handmaiden said that the handmaiden will be there where Miss Er is!"
"If you recognize me as the Lord, don’t follow me!" Liancheng also don’t back to light out a flying instantaneous out of sight.
She didn’t listen to what she said, but she became angry when she flew out of the yard.
Wuzhen is located in the east of Tongcheng, which is bordered by Tawa Desert, that is to say, if you leave the west gate of Tongcheng, you will see an international desert.
Liancheng left Yongcheng day and night, and now on the way to Wuzhen, the moonlight is quiet and uneven, and there is hardly a figure on the road.
Her flying skill is excellent, so she has not been chased by the film so far.
Abrupt a crashing sound from hundreds of meters ahead in her ear.
Someone was fighting?
Deep skill
Listen to Liancheng and conclude that both of them are good at fighting ahead.
Who are they in the middle of nowhere? Actually freaky and ruthless to outdo each other.
Rushing forward, Liancheng hid in a leafy tree beside the road. Through the silver moon, she looked at the two people who were fighting.
Beside the road is a spacious river, and there is a modest cargo ship floating on the surface of the river. The two men are fighting with each other.
Besides the two of them, there were others on board, but those people were stagger and dead in a pool of blood.
And fighting two people, one person, tall and straight, handsome and full of eyes, cruel and murderous, seems to be possessed?
The other is a strong man with a beard and anger in his eyes.
"You and I have a grudge to raid my merchant ship and kill my crew and servants?"
"I want to kill someone!"
"Then I will kill you now to avenge them!"
"Do you have that?"
"You will know when you die!"
Collateral male pushing while malicious way
He met young men, and his eyes were cold, gloomy and horrible, and he was crazy
If he doesn’t change, if it’s not this cover-up, the mono will tell who he is.
Ghost is ghost to him.
He can change his body size and shape at will through strange bone reduction surgery, and it is difficult to be recognized by people by adding easy surgery.
Liancheng concluded that it was true that he was really possessed.
In the final analysis, what he will be possessed is still from Huangfuyi’s hand.
He was seriously injured by Huangfuyi that night when he kissed Wangfu with blood.
Trauma is easy to cure, but it is extremely difficult to recover, and he is too conceited. It is definitely not a problem to think about repairing the injury with his martial arts for a short time, and he is bent on helping the mastermind to achieve great things. Last night, when he was breathing again, he was accidentally possessed.

I have something to say.

Attack Mochow, and when the Lingjiu Palace is finished, they will meet again!
Chapter 168 Chapter 168
They escaped from the world, and for a moment, they gave thanks and left without daring to stay.
At this time, the day closed, and Tong Mu came to Li Mochou’s side.
Tong Mu’s eyes are full of admiration. Li Mochou has grown very fast and well in recent years, just as Tong Mu expected. "Mochow, you are doing even better now! I really didn’t see the wrong person! "
"Master, is that the man coming?"
Li Mochou is still a little worried. If it is really Master’s enemy, it will be met.
"It’s her!"
Children’s eyebrows and eyes reveal a rage, which seems to be anger and hatred, or both.
At one time, we were all classmates and sisters. Although we saw the same person, Tong Mu never thought that Li Qiushui would make trouble for her at the moment of her acrobatic keys, which made her possessed and made her always such a ghost.
It’s probably that Tong Mu is usually too arrogant, and he has never known this pool without looking at others!
Time has passed and the cliff has not been heard from for many years. Li Qiushui is married to Xixia and has become a princess. Tong Mu has a kind of sadness in his heart. How did these love-hate relationships come to this point?
Just as Tong Mu was immersed in memories, an early warning suddenly sounded in Lingjiu Palace. Tong Mu’s eyes froze. "Mochow, she has come."
Li Mochou’s consciousness stood in front of Tong Mu, and when he didn’t see him, he smelled a soft, greasy and charming sound coming from a distance and loving his side. It was a feeling that made people shake their minds.
Li Mochou immediately calmed down and was undisturbed. Tong Mu was deeply gratified to see in his eyes. "This is the woman’s unique sound method, which has a confusing effect. Don’t listen carefully or you will get her way."
It is also a lucky thing to say that Li Mochou deliberately mobilized the staff of Lingjiu Palace on a large scale and arranged the guards of Lingjiu Palace to be loose and tight, which not only made the group of people in 36 holes and 72 islands get on the road, but also made it convenient for you to enter the urn.
Tong Lao’s body is almost a force now, but he still can’t see a trace of panic and calm. It seems that he can’t see this killing enemy in the eye around Li Mochou.
So is Tong Mu and so is Li Mochou. She bent her eyes for a moment and smiled. "Master taught me for a long time, so why don’t I bring Master’s enemies to see you today?"
Say Li Mochou feet move is light like a cloud floating out.
It seems that Minstrel’s flying skills and Li Mochou’s micro-steps have been very good.
Tong Lao’s moment didn’t follow her, and she also wanted to see how far Li Mochou could go.
Who would have thought that a little while ago, Tong Mu’s close-fitting maid-in-waiting wrote that someone had been caught by Li Mochou?
It’s natural to win the trust of the maid-in-waiting. At that time, she was pleasantly surprised and hurriedly asked to take her there.
⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ 931
Tong Lao followed the maid-in-waiting to her closed residence, and when she saw that the outside was surrounded by the top maids in Lingjiu Palace, she had a guess.
When Tong Lao entered the room, he found that besides Li Mochou, there was a white veiled woman sitting there motionless and silent.
See children’s old basking to speak sarcastically "the teacher elder sister don’t come ill? I didn’t expect that your Lingjiu Palace was not a waste snack! "
After Li Mochou saluted Tong Mu, he didn’t talk, and the man was even more angry when he saw this scene. "It’s really worse to waste my way that the teacher elder sister should be aboveboard."
Tong Lao glanced at Li Qiushui with a smile on his face and casually picked a chair to sit in, praising, "Mochow deserves to be a good disciple who knows how to help master solve problems."
"Li Qiushui to deal with a villain like you is naturally some children’s stuff."
Li Qiushui, a child’s grandmother, has always been cynical when meeting, and no one will let them fight. Both of them have been fighting with fire over the years, and Li Qiushui will be so easily planted in Li Mochou’s hands.
Because Li Qiushui never saw such a little girl as Li Mochou in his eyes, he wouldn’t have thought that Li Mochou’s accountant tricked her into giving her back the medicine. Li Qiushui’s martial arts master Lao Mu was also not equal. This time, he was caught in a trap because of carelessness.
Otherwise, a Li Mochou Li Qiushui alone is not worth it!
Tong Lao didn’t stay here for a long time because his martial arts have not recovered. After saying a few words with Li Qiushui, he asked Li Mochou to put people under strict supervision in Lingjiu Palace, and then get even with Li Qiushui after her martial arts recovered.
After Li Qiushui was beaten by Tong Mu, she finally won the joy of the wind because her apprentice gave her a sigh of relief.
"Mochow, it seems that you have not only learned martial arts well, but this strategy is also acceptable."
Tong Lao sees the score. Li Qiushui is trapped in her closed place. Li Mochou must have cheated her on purpose.
Li Mochou is young and looks unfamiliar. He must be a new comer to Li Qiushui. He wants to get information from Li Mochou but doesn’t want to plant it himself.
"She wants to know where Master is, so I can’t help her threatening to take her." Li Mochou winked at Tong Lao, witty and koo.
She didn’t tell a lie, but it happened that Tong Mu wasn’t there and had already laid a trap with Li Qiushui.
Chapter 169 Chapter 169
Zhu Danchen has been on tenterhooks since he happened to see Mrs. Wang at Mantuo Villa, especially when he learned that Duan Yu liked Mrs. Wang’s daughter’s heart.
You know Zhu Danchen also knew a thing or two about that year. At the beginning, Mrs. Wang of Duan Zhengchun had been together for a long time. It’s not certain that Wang Yuyan might even be in Duan Yu.
Of course, this is just Zhu Danchen’s guess.
Zhu Danchen’s worries never occurred to Duan Yu, because he found that up to now, it was Duan Yu who shaved his head and picked a hot head. Wang Yuyan was not false to Duan Yu, and Mrs. Wang was even more reluctant to ask Duan Yu to gather together with her daughter. This was Zhu Danchen’s slight relief.
At first, Zhu Danchen didn’t know why Duan Yu should live in Mrs. Wang’s house, or Yan Qing looked at the clue and explained it, which dispelled his little anxiety.
Yan Qing said that Mufu met with Dove Mozhi at Mrs. Wang’s place that day. When Dove Mozhi left, Duan Yu fell asleep because he was ordered to go to acupuncture points. Plus, Mufu had something to go out to do at that time. This is Duan Yu living in Mantuo Villa, but it was just by the way.
Duan Yu suffered a lot in Mantuo Villa, but she was discovered by Mrs. Wang because she was chasing Wang Yuyan. If Mufu hadn’t announced it, she would have become a flower fertilizer in Mantuo Villa.
Rao, Duan Yu was pressed by Mrs. Wang to do a few times to help the gardener grow flowers, so that he could not pester Wang Yuyan all day.
However, even Mrs. Wang is so unkind that Duan Yu, a little girl, wants to please her future mother-in-law. She is also very happy to be a gardener.
Is the word Duan Yu haven’t apostrophe, let his son eager dad to get mixed up.
Speaking of it, it’s also going to be the love affair of Mrs. Wang of Duan Zhengchun.
Duan Zhengchun was moved by the dove’s wisdom, so he was fidgeting all day and didn’t dare to ask Dao Baifeng to know, so he went out early to find his son.
It’s said that I’m looking for my son Duan Zhengchun all the way, but I haven’t met my ex-lover less. It’s just that my princess isn’t around. That’s indulging in gentle rural law!

"Baby, don’t move. Let me look at the wound."

After Xi Yu Jie untied his robe, Yin Yunxi showed his shoulders.
"Fortunately, the wound is not deep, baby. You wait for me to get your medicine."
After Xi Yu Jie left, Yin Yunxi took out his mobile phone from his bag and dialed Xuelin’s words.
"Hello? Better? "
"I’ve planned the game for Lin Er, and now I’m waiting for the opportunity to implement it."
"Tell me about it"
"You immediately go to investigate when Yi Yinchun Jin and Ye Rumo will go shopping together, and then you will wait and play a good show with me."
"Okay, I get it."
Yin Yunxi hangs up and happens to be in the door.
"Baby, sit tight and I’ll give you medicine."
Yin Yunxi obediently sat on the bed, and Xi Yu Jie gently helped Yin Yunxi to take a breath gently from time to time.
"Okay, baby," Xi Yujie put the medicine on the bedside table to help Yin Yunxi put on her robe.
"Baby, it’s getting late. I’ll bring you dinner."
After Xi Yu Jie went out, Yin Yunxi’s words rang
"I hope they will go out tomorrow."
"I see. I’ll pick you up at 7 o’clock in the afternoon."
Xi Yu Jie bumped into the door with a plate in his hand.
"Baby, it’s dinner."
"Mung bean porridge? !”
"Eat quickly."
Yin Yunxi went to bed after dinner and woke up in the middle of the night to find that Xi Yu Jie was encircling her waist from behind.
"Jie, what are you doing?" Yin Yunxi gently pushed back.
"Baby, be careful not to touch the wound." Xi Yujie sat up and hit the bedside lamp.
[Revenge] 9 tails
"I can’t sleep. I’ll go to my room." Yin Yunxi got up.
"Be careful, baby"
"I see."
Yin Yunxi knocked on the door and walked down the corridor.
"Miss, aren’t you sleeping?" Hit Lin Xin at the door.
"It’s okay, I can’t sleep." Yin Yunxi fumbled on the door wall.
"Ah-"Yin Yunxi fell when he stepped on the tennis ball with his right foot.
Yin Yunxi, clutching his right foot, slowly got up on the wall and limped to the table to get one from the rack.
"Baby" Xi Yu Jie knocked on the door in pajamas and held a silver Yunxi mobile phone.
"Why? !” Yin Yunxi suddenly looked up and looked at him. He didn’t let his guard down until he confirmed that it was Xi Yu Jie.
"Xue Lin’s words"
Yin Yunxi took the words "I know, you go out."
After Xi Yu Jie went out, Yin Yunxi put the phone to her ear.