When Xiao Jinshan heard that Yuehua Xianmen was going to accept the entrance of Xiaoer, he was already happy. What parents in Daning Dynasty didn’t want their children to enter the three Xianmen?

Xiao Jinshan’s little boy nodded his head immediately after coming to ask his eyes.
Little darling looked at Xu Tianlong and Qin Mengru’s adoptive father and mother again, and they were naturally happy. Finally, little darling walked beside Xu Ren and hugged Xu Ren and asked Xu Ren to remember to see her six months later.
Xu Ren nodded. Now that the little boy has grown taller, it is not appropriate for Xu Ren to touch her head again. So he nodded to the little boy.
"Well, I agree to go to Yuehua Xianmen with you, but Yuehua Xianmen must ensure that no one will bully the Xu family." Little darling smiled in addition to giving up. She was very clever and naturally knew what it meant to her to enter Yuehua Xianmen.
"Don’t worry, Yuehua Xianmen means what you say. I’ll pick you up after three days of reunion with your family in your home. We’ll go back to Yuehua Xianmen." Although the woman agreed to go back to Yuehua Xianmen with them, she was reluctant to give up her eyes, so she took the initiative to let Xiaoer Xujiaduo stay for three days and then hurried back to Yuehua Xianmen.
"Yes, yes!" The little girl smiled again when she couldn’t listen to the horse. For her, the Xu family is her own home, and even if she does nothing, she is more at ease than outside.
For the next three days, Xu Ren took the little girl to visit the whole Donghua County. The little girl likes to eat candied haws at ordinary times, so Xu Ren took her to visit all the booths selling candied haws, but she was so happy.
Although she has lived in Donghua County for a long time, the scope of her activities is very limited. Until today, she found that she had so many shops in Donghua County, and there was a touch of pride in her little heart.
Xu Ren is happy to see Xiao Nan’s son, and he is naturally happy to be a brother.
Three days passed quickly, and I felt that I wouldn’t give up so much after three days. However, when I left, my little girl cried, and Qin Mengru was also tearful. During this period, my little girl got along with her, and she really took her as her own daughter.
When Xiao Nan saw Qin Mengru wiping away tears, she immediately wiped them sensibly, and then everyone said goodbye one by one. Of course, she had to wake up when she arrived. Xu Ren went to Yuehua Xianmen to see her six months later.
Xu Ren, Xu Tianlong, Qin Mengru and Xiao Jinshan, the biological father of Xiaoer, have been staring at Xiaoer’s disappearance from sight before turning back to the house.
"Uncle Xiao’s little girl went to Daning Dynasty this time. Everyone yearns for Xianmen. We should be happy for her." Xu Ren saw Xiao Jinshan’s expression lost and reached him.
"Hey, hey, I’m glad that my little boy has a fairy door to take care of me." Xiao Jinshan looked at the northern sky when he spoke.
"Uncle Xiao is going to collect debts?" Xu Ren saw Xiao Jinshan’s strange eyes and guessed Xiao Jinshan’s idea.
Xiao Jinshan went to Donghua County, even though it was unbearable for ordinary people, and Xiao Xiaoer was his biggest concern. Because of Xiao Xiaoer, Xiao Jinshan never left the Xu family to ask for the money he had been silent for a long time but never lent.
"Debt collection can’t be said, but some people have to go and see if I can come back alive this time, and I will continue to work for the public. If I can’t, please ask the public to take care of the little girl." At this moment, Xiao Jinshan’s intention has been ruined, and he must not report it.
"Why don’t I take a trip with Uncle Xiao? I guarantee that Uncle Xiao can cope with the scope. I will never make moves." Xu Ren knew that some hatred had to go to Xiao Jinshan on his own, and external forces would eventually regret that Xu Ren didn’t want Xiao Jinshan to have regrets in his heart but didn’t want Xiao Jinshan to take risks alone.
"I appreciate your kindness, but this is my heart and I have to solve it myself." Xiao Jinshan said
"Well, in that case, I won’t say much about what you need me for. Uncle Xiao, although you have to take care of other small things, I believe that Uncle Xiao will be able to return safely." Xu Ren saw that Xiao Jinshan could not be persuaded, but he couldn’t let Xiao Jinshan really have the scruples to desperately want revenge. There are many kinds of stupid methods, one of which is being hot-headed and killing.
"Ah, well, it seems that you can use your head more." Don’t look at Xiao Jinshan’s rough appearance but his mind is not rough. Xu Ren means that he has a concern. Don’t be desperate for revenge just because he is hot-headed. He has to pay debts but he has to live.
Xiao Jinshan, Xu Ren chatted for a few days, and his figure quietly disappeared from the Xu family. No one knows where Xiao Jinshan went.
Xu Ren has also embarked on a new journey. He is going to a place called Xuanji Mountain, which is where Xuanji Xianmen is located.
Xu Ren’s current strength and speed to Daning Dynasty are not a problem. Xuanji is located in the southeast of Daning Dynasty’s capital. It would be faster if Xu Ren started directly from Daning Dynasty’s capital, but Xu Ren was concerned about Donghua County’s home and things.
After January, Xu Ren appeared in the eagle sorrow stream near Xuanji Mountain.
Eagle sorrow stream is a bottomless abyss. It is said that even eagles can’t fly over it.
There are several iron locks hanging in Yingchoujian. After passing the iron locks, it is Xuanji Xianmen.
Hanging the iron cable bridge in Yingchoujian is the first test for people who come to worship the mountain.
This Eagle Sorrow Stream is called Eagle Sorrow Stream because the two cliffs are full of turbulence, even the monks who are in the frozen environment can’t hope to fly here. It is also like linking the stone cliffs on both sides. There are two sayings, one is the legacy of ancient immortals, and the other is that Xuanji Xianmen is a treasure of heaven and earth. Finally, Eagle Sorrow Stream left several iron locks to link the stone cliff bridges on both sides.
Xu Ren doesn’t know which of the two is true or false, but he has done a lot of research on these chains.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Tread the rope.
Xuanji Mountain is the highest mountain in Daning Dynasty. There is a huge gap in the first half and the second half of Xuanji Mountain, just like someone chopped a mountain into two pieces of different sizes with a huge axe.
The first section of the mountain is slow and then steep, and the second section is more like a big pillar with indomitable spirit.
Because of the terrain and Xuanji Xianmen, the abyss of the two mountains has become one of the most colorful places in Daning Dynasty.
Since you want to try your luck in Xuanji Xianmen, Xu Ren must know something about Xuanji Xianmen, and according to what he knows, this cable bridge in front of Xuanji Xianmen is the first test to enter Xuanji Xianmen.
The first test of this cable bridge is that people have the courage to walk these iron cables, which is the first step.
Then there is perseverance. If you don’t have the courage, you can succeed. The iron chain must face no regularity at all. The airflow is a great test for people’s physical strength and endurance. Without perseverance, people can’t persist far.
Finally, the mind, where there is no law at all, will make people hallucinate. If you stay in the air for a long time, it will make people have different moods. Only people with good sex and perseverance can walk through the iron rope.
Of course, even if you walk through the iron chain, you won’t die. Xuanji Xianmen is ready. Those who can’t walk through the iron chain will also be sent away, but there will be no chance to enter Xuanji Xianmen.
When Xu Ren arrived at Xuanji Xianmen Tiesuo Bridge, there were others in front of him. Some of these people wanted to join Xuanji Xianmen and become Xuanji Xianmen’s younger brothers, but more came to watch the fun.
There are many people in heaven and nature, and everyone has different preferences. There are really many people who like to watch monks fall from the iron chain bridge. Anyway, everyone knows that even if they fall from the iron chain bridge, they will not die. This kind of excitement is not white.
"ah! ……”
When Xu Ren arrived near the iron chain, he heard a heart-rending scream. With one, he had reached the middle of the iron chain bridge and the monk fell into the valley.
Xu Ren didn’t expect to see it when he first arrived, which made the scene not sweat.
That scream doesn’t mean it’s over. Soon Xu Ren heard the second scream again.
"It’s twenty-one people today, and it seems that no one has gone to the opposite side." Xuanji Xianmen iron chain didn’t deliberately arrange the fog maze. The bystanders on this side can see the opposite cliff at a glance, even if the ordinary people have a slightly better eyesight, they can see the opposite scenery. How many people have come today? Whether anyone has passed the iron chain test can’t hide it from people.
"You are quick to pull down you this iron chain is better? Then why don’t you try? Anyway, Lao Li thinks that if you have the courage to dare to step on this iron chain, it is not the average person who deserves my admiration. "The bystander is surrounded by a hula slag sweat."
"I remember it was six months ago. It seems that one day, three people actually walked through these iron chains, which really shocked me. But it seems that no one has passed the iron chain test in the past six months, and it is not shameful." There is a gentleman dressed in elegance beside Lao Li who agrees with Lao Li.
Xu Ren didn’t expect the Xuanji Xianmen test to be so harsh. No one has been recruited for more than half a year.
Someone fell from the iron chain, and someone continued to move forward. Soon, a few iron chains went to many people.
Xu Ren followed the team and came forward. Xuanji Xianmen tried his luck, but he was not alone. The queue was quite long.
However, although the team is quite long and can be dispersed quickly, most people can’t reach one-third of the iron rope and fall directly. Many talents are blown away by the messy airflow when they step on the iron rope.
It will soon be Xu Ren’s turn.

"Boom boom boom boom boom …"

The research-level insect tide formed by the convergence of the mutant rhinoceros-horn rodents was hit, and the super insect tide formed by the convergence of the golden-winged king worm was hit, and even the fast approaching emerald asteroid was temporarily stopped by the light beam.
"Hum, the Elves, it’s time to pay a little price for you to chase after the old century." The light screen wood bug shook his hand and released six badges. Lin momo saw the badges and felt familiar for a moment before realizing that these were barrier badges.
Wood bugs hey hey say with smile "three moat badges summon small shattered species Marta stone monster projection six moat badges summon big shattered species eternal ghost Wang Gang duo projection hahaha have fun!" Elf Wang Bi "
Volume 17 A bloody battle! Temporary parting Chapter 119 With an open hand
Shakespeare threw out a fortress eye and hundreds of huge beams of light stopped the Zerg army, but the mother emperor of the Zerg main era, after all, was able to bear the sky and the green asteroid gave birth to a quantity of brilliance, and the speed of progress slowed down slightly and was not forced back.
At this time, the mirage suddenly knocked on a light door and saw that the light door was five kilometers high and three kilometers wide, and a huge shadow squeezed outward from the light door.
The light door is fleeting, but the shadow has already squeezed out of the light door and come to nothing. This shadow has a light outline and is a huge thing like a claw fish. Don’t look at the extremely light outline. The more you look at the center of your body, the more solid it is. The darkness can block the starlight.
"Let’s go. Duoduo projection may not be rational, but it will not only kill the Zerg life emblem. If we stay here, we will also suffer." Lin momo suddenly remembered Marta’s stone monster projection, and the barrier badge summoned the projection. To put it bluntly, it is an aggressive energy. It will kill whatever it sees and will never show mercy.
Wood bug nodded approvingly. The projection of Wang Gang duo, the ghost of the ages, is several times worse than that of Mare’s grotesque chubby projection, but it can not only hold off the zerg army, but also hold off the elf fleet in the other three directions and don’t want to deal with the human fleet.
Tianqin fleet, a very inconspicuous elite star cruise ship, has a wooden bug in the cargo hold, which looks very haggard with its conductor surface, and a little blood is flowing down the corners of its mouth.
"Ahem, the vicious elf king has cultivated so many masters that he almost rushed here to stop his plan." Wood bug’s eyes were blurred more than a hundred years ago when he was a child, he accidentally got Xiao Hancheng, which was a little suspicious before Xiao Handisappeared.
"Hum Xiao cold old live up to you, preparing for one hundred years is today. If you don’t leave nine natural barrier badges, the Elf King will kill everyone into the master of the Milky Way, but he doesn’t know that I have promised you to do things even if I die." Wood bug’s voice just fell and coughed up, and blood flowed down his nostrils and ears.
The wooden bugs displayed on the screen outside are all virtual, and he’s in a terrible situation at this time.
More than 3,000 years ago, the dark organizations of the Milky Way were suppressed by Xiao Han, but Xiao Han did not find a sneak attack on his own forces.
This has become extremely scary. There is a huge organization that is detached from Xiao Han’s sight. Once Xiao Han’s method is used to suppress human fate, it will inevitably lead to a series of earth-shattering wars.
It was then that the development of human culture came into being, and mankind entered a golden age of development.
The amazing growth rate of human beings and the vitality of the star cruise ship have disrupted the plan of the huge power department dormant in the dark.
Xiao chilling, thinking about the people around him, and finally focusing on the Elf King, Xiao chilling doesn’t believe that the Elf King will betray him like a relative.
You know, the Elf King can walk to the throne, which is Xiao Han’s elimination of all difficulties. If the Elf King is so rude, he really makes such a big mistake. Xiao Han asks himself if he can’t bear this psychological blow.
However, before Xiao cold left, you can’t do nothing, leaving a little hope that the person who inherits the blood will receive the information when he goes to the nearby area, so as to help him investigate and confirm what he thinks.
At this moment, the wooden bug spits out one mouthful blood, and he doesn’t want to be associated with Xiao cold in his life. However, curiosity kills the cat, who is the cat, makes the Elves aware of it. He has been on the run for more than a hundred years, and he has not been idle for a day. Not long ago, Ann was still hunted down by a peerless master and almost collapsed. Now he has run out of oil and lights, but he has to do something he always wanted to do before he died.
Stretch your waist after the appearance of the Duoduo projection. Look at the laziness. You don’t want to launch an attack. There is such a buffer opportunity. Jack, hurry up and move the mirage. The maximum power will fly in the direction of the wormhole. Since Lin Sisuo said that this place is dangerous, it will definitely be dangerous. What will happen sometime? Who wants to die if they can live well? There is enough dust and garbage in the universe, and there is no need for another bone.
Nearly a thousand star cruises, 500 star cruises in front of the road, pulled out the traction light to hold off the mirage, and the team marched forward in a mighty way, never thinking of the zerg’s great forces in the rear to go on their way.
Now is not the time to give up the mirage. After all, there are many fortress guns, and there is a berthing platform or a resting place left. It will definitely kill the mirage base and fortress with the elf fleet. If there is no mirage, bring up the rear fleet will be scattered once it is scattered.
The Phantom of the Opera was really powerful, but she didn’t see her when she arrived at the Star Cruises. The huge mirage and fortress guns would give people a sense of security.
That’s the way human beings are. Sometimes you have to find the backbone and seek spiritual support, otherwise your courage will drop in a straight line. If so, you won’t fight.
"Mao Mao Mao …"
A series of strange wave reactions sent by the Geduo projection into the wave frequency become a kind of "Mao Mao" clawed fish, and its body stretches out strangely as if it were extracting dark energy from the virtual, showing signs of soaring.
Dark matter and dark energy exist in most parts of the universe. Although it is profitable for human beings, it is possible to limit the extraction by the projection. In a blink of an eye, the outline becomes solid and the body soars.
In the main era, the mother emperor felt threatened, and it would never allow the human fleet to escape from the emerald asteroid, stirring up amazing fluctuations, sweeping away all the influences of the fortress eye, and launching an overwhelming tide of insects.
"Mao Mao Mao …"
Gang duo raised his head and barked like he was very dissatisfied. Some creatures dared to challenge this star and suddenly formed a virtual shadow of dozens of kilometers outside. Looking at it, his body was enlarged several times and he waved his huge tentacles into the marginal insect tide.
Zerg’s surge speed is fast, with millions of two-headed worms, millions of one-horned giant worms and tens of thousands of golden-faced weevils flying towards the elven fleet to intercept the wormhole. This represents that the Zerg has broken through a line of defense. If the adventure guild and the light Federation react from time to time, it may harm the entire border star field and force the human army to retreat to the second main line of defense.
"Rumble rumble …"
Gang Duo projected the Zerg to fight a dark tentacle. Every time I stirred it, I didn’t know how many Zerg were killed or injured. Even the emerald asteroid was able to withstand the blow of the big shattered species. The mother emperor of the main era finally dared not kill it by force.
The situation in front of Lin momo is still very difficult due to the smoke of war. Thanks to the wooden bug, the fleet can get rid of the zerg entanglement. Otherwise, the elf Wang Dake will sit and watch the fleet collapse. Even if a star cruise ship can get away with the zerg tearing, it is also a unique way to face the quartet elf fleet. This is more sinister than pulling back half a game, but it is only half a game. It is hard to say whether it can escape the disaster. After all, it has been a long time since the supervision of the adventure guild has eroded. This can prove that the elf king has infiltrated the adventure guild badly. Now that the Adventure Guild knows the boundary of the mother emperor in the main era, it can still stand by and say that the top management of the Adventure Guild in charge of the nearby star fields has been bought off or is the Elf King, and it has reached the level of cheating.
Fifteen minutes’ March Mirage is getting closer and closer to the wormhole in the east. During these fifteen minutes, three rounds of shrill whistling Zerg troops broke out behind them, causing heavy casualties. The duo projection also abolished two tentacles.
The zerg duo projection contest always triggers a tsunami-like impact, and the energy stretches for thousands of kilometers, but tens of thousands of kilometers.
In the main era, the mother emperor did not tell the small insect tide to pursue the mirage, because it knew that the small insect tide would kill as many people as it sent. The scene of the Phantom of the Opera was unforgettable during the battle, and the destructive ship was rare in the world. Now the Phantom of the Opera is better in energy and naturally it will not be boring.
The zerg army was caught in a fierce battle, and the zerg mother emperor was very afraid of the Phantom of the Opera. She didn’t encounter any obstacles. When she came to the wormhole in the east, many fleets were very beneficial, especially when it took more than ten minutes to have a limited rest and prepare for a more fierce battle.
Arguably, after more than 3,000 years, many human beings have regarded the Elves as their own, but the Elf King has never given up, unwilling to be a vassal race of human beings. He has always wanted to look down on all beings proudly, and he has been painstakingly prepared for more than 3,500 years, but he has to send an arrow.
"Attack and kill these sharp ears that eat inside and pick outside." Yi Tianda roared. He fled to the Tianzhu fleet to guard the wormhole and finally caught his breath. Now there is no need to worry about the zerg siege and accumulated anger to release to the elves.
"In front of the attack, we live and fight." Lin momo also issued a call to arms. The Phantom of the Opera first emitted a thick beam of light, and Harley’s universe screamed and killed throughout the battlefield.
"Poof, poof, poof, poof ….." Although the wave frequency has been diluted as much as possible, the deafening feeling of firing guns in the battery area is still very strong. Every muzzle is overloaded and every light gun roars.
"Hum human beings, you don’t want a spirit to sit here. You’d better go back and be warm with the worms! Even if you can rush out of the wormhole to meet you, you will surely die. "The screen shows a blond elf man who looks very tough with small earrings in his ears and scars on his face."
"Are you? Ollie Jones, the most wanted elf, are you a spirit general? " Jill exclaimed the elf that he still knew the clan very well.
"Ha, ha, ha, that’s our king for Ollie Jones to test Jill Pavilion. You are distinguished. Are you so different from these humans that you just want to accompany these humble people to die? Don’t support my great achievements in Simomo? "
"Bullshit! O’ Farah has dragged the Elves to the brink of destruction, and he is not worthy to be the Elf King. "Jill growled, and the song bell burst into light after light.
Volume 17 A bloody battle! Temporary parting Chapter 12 Die
The Elf fleet retreated in an orderly way, and their defenders could attack the human fleet just like the human fleet defended the Zerg.
According to the size of the wormhole radius, ten star cruise ships are allowed to cross Lin momo at the same time. Considering that the wormhole connection channel in the east is changeable, it seems that we should abandon this big guy without considering whether the mirage can shuttle.
"Momo Tian Yi elegant Jill and your wooden bugs are coming to study a" Bai Rosa immediately carved out a virtual conference room and said "there is no rational evacuation plan. I believe we can all escape from the palm of Elf King’s hand and inform Jack to split the fortress gun as far as possible to leave a mirage, which has become our burden. Don’t let it be! In addition, the captains of the star cruises are floating. I suggest that we keep more loyal members. After the seven main attacks will temporarily repel the Elves fleet, we will eliminate those star cruises that are unwilling to follow our adventure. I will set the target here. "
White Rosa said, pointing to the map and yelling, "White wife, are you crazy? I’m in charge of guarding the wormhole. I’ve been occupied by the Zerg. Isn’t it asking for it? What’s the difference between staying here? I disagree. "
"Old easy to listen to Rosa’s words. Now the seven of us must work together in Qi Xin." Jill said seriously and looked at the wooden bug with an unusually cold expression, maintaining a unique sense of alienation.
"Well, I was reckless, white woman. You said," Tian Yi put it down. It is really inappropriate to have a dispute at this time.
"Easy old ghost in the wormhole has Triassic Yuan mother emperor, but the strength of several of us is not afraid, which is better than the confrontation between the mother emperor and the elf king in the main era. Now that we have cast a net around the star domain, we can’t escape. We might as well let the captain of the star cruise ship get away with it. Don’t say that I am cold-blooded and unwilling to follow our adventure. What do people want them to do? It’s a burden to stay with us. My suggestion is to go in the opposite direction. When I delay, I’m really worried that the Elf King has got the reinforcement agreement issued by the Adventure Association. The Adventure Association allows the Elves to help us. Otherwise, the Elf King will come in such a big way. It’s too difficult to crack this game. Even the Elf King can create the illusion that the responsibility for the fall of the wormhole is planted on our head. Fortunately, several fleets of ours have accumulated a lot of expectations, and most of them are guilty. "
Lin momo couldn’t help clenching his fist and said slowly, "What’s the difference between paying for this and the enemy? Are we really so easy to bully? This blood debt will be repaid by the Elf King sooner or later. "
"Hum you six xiao cold out small white idiot think things too simple, I know the elf king has definitely been decorated, not only will pour dirty water on you, but also will reverse the dry Kun to fight the zerg back to the elves to be a hero. The elf fleet must have captured a large number of star cruise ships. Most of these star cruise ship captains will come forward to testify against you. Didn’t Lin momo taste the catalytic agent? That’s half a potion. A real potion will torture people to death. Then no one will resist the Elf King. However, it’s not bad for the Adventure Guild to launch the hope system. Maybe it can get rid of guilt. After all, it’s true that there are so many hope values accumulated. There are definitely very few objects to be removed. In addition, I have another important news. At present, the Elf King puts the main forces in the second galaxy, and the control of the first galaxy and the third galaxy is relatively poor. If you want to deal with it, go from the third galaxy! Remember never to go to the second galaxy or you won’t even know how to die. "
Wood bug light scanning a circle and continued to preach "I helped you for the last time before I died. I should have died long ago. My current position is the cabin of the Tianqin fleet Marseille, and it is a personal advantage to collect special explosive substances for most of my life by various means. Hey hey, I can finally get rid of you. Take care and have the opportunity to help me unload the Elf King! The world will be quiet without the elf king Ofara, and I can rest in peace after I die. "
"What? Are you going to die? " Bai Rosa was the first one who wanted to stop her from knowing something about wood bugs. She knew that this guy was a bad karma guy, and his willpower was quite amazing from birth to notoriety.
"Why? Does anyone still miss me? Interesting "wooden bug smile.
The Marseille has left the lyre fleet and galloped ahead. All the crew members of the Marseille have been driven out, and the captain has left him because he is a confidant of the wood bug.
"Wood bug you exactly is how a person! We can’t afford to repay this favor if you don’t let us die. "Lin momo narrowed his eyes to see through the wooden bug, but this guy is always mysterious.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I just want you to pay back what you can’t say. Then again, I don’t want to save you. My body can’t support it, and I have to fulfill my promise to some bastard. I mean, if I see that bastard Xiao Han one day and say I want to kick his ass, I really want to kick this ancestor’s ass."
Wood bug’s hearty laughter seems to haunt me. All the haze disappears. His figure is slowly disappearing. The last sentence is "I’ll leave a way to answer Hugo’s question. I spent a lot of effort to build a fleet to help you. However, I’m still worried that the old elf king is too strong."
The figure of the wooden bug has disappeared from the main control room, and soon the Marseille merged into the wormhole, and this bright light was long-lasting. The infamous wooden bug in the interstellar world paid for its own life. Everyone paved a way to live. Lin Sisuo felt a faint sadness. Maybe the wooden bug didn’t smell like that. Maybe he cried when he attacked Jun God bless his family. Everything slowly dissipated with the strong light from the wormhole. Maybe this is not a full stop.
The wooden bug of Marseille smiled, and his vision was blurred. He put a catheter in his body and released a glimmer. He seemed to see his life in the city when he was a child. He seemed to see his mother see the door in front of his father, and he would be kind to people to reunite if he took another step …
"Bug eldest brother Lao Yi, if you can get out of the Elves’ encirclement alive, every year today, I will pay homage to the damn Elves, forcing good people into assholes. If I don’t screw the Elves’ head to make a toilet, I won’t be surnamed Yi." Tian Yi is most excited to know that he is Xiao Han’s first cousin, and no one else is surnamed Yi, but he has fulfilled Xiao Han’s wishes. Moreover, the ancestor’s disappearance for many years is not vain and irritating enough.
"Add me a theory of wood bugs have done what I admit that he is a brother" Lin momo resolutely got up and put his fist on his left chest and bowed his head to pay tribute.
"Add me, too" Jill got up.
"Add me" water often gets up.
"There’s me!" Lin Qingya salutes.
"Wood bugs have killed the six of us, and we can live to fight against the Elf King for more than 100 years. On the extent that the Elf King has reached now, I will call him a natural death in Bai Rosa." Bai Rosa stood up and was unstoppable.
Wood bug died generously. He was an iron-clashing man who had been cruel to himself for more than 100 years. He was very indifferent to his death. He was unwilling to show his mind too much. He was unwilling to clarify what he had done. He would rather die with a bad name than be missed by others. The cabin of the Marseilles was full of wires. Are those explosive substances in need of spiritual power to ignite and collect them for most of his life? When the wormhole emits strong light and dissipates, the Phantom of the Opera first passes through the wormhole and sees a broken ship skeleton, which seems to have been too quiet for several years and will melt into dust when touched.
The spirit general Ollie Jones, who clamored to intercept the fleet, has died. Lin Sisuo doesn’t know how many elf ships there are outside the wormhole. However, now they have all fallen, regardless of the elite star cruises or the odd star cruises. How strong the charm of the blasting just now is?
"Good earth blasting is even one hundred times fiercer than chubby predecessors’ projection explosive." Lin momo looked at Starwood bug in absentia and ended his life in this form, which made people feel full of melancholy.
The wood bug suddenly died and turned around the Gankun wormhole, so the human fleet drove straight in, and even the mirage was broken down into several important components and crossed in order.

Waves at the end of the world at this moment, which still hesitates, palms gather cold, heat and qi, slapping their feet around them, and quickly rushing towards the back room, shouting "Public, Xiaoqi, go to the cellar"

Obviously, a few people in the room have seen this vision, but it is not white or something. At this time, they all look dignified when they hear the waves and the end of the world shouting.
Butler Liu hurried out of the house and said, "Miss Protection, go!"
In Xu Chang’s singer, a group of ghost fire bats rushed to the backyard with their footsteps.
Liu Guanjia was unable to open the door in a hurry. The waves stretched out his sleeve sword and easily cut off the thick chain of his thumb from the side. He kicked the wooden door and said, "Go in quickly."
Toward the patrol Xu Changge shouted "Lao Xu come in".
Chapter 11 hiding place
Xu Changge looked like a locust crossing the border and it was dark. The bat jumped into the cellar entrance in a hurry.
Wave Tianya followed by flying out a few qi in his hand. A group of bats would like to jump in and smash the door and quickly step on the wooden stairs. Two steps back, I heard the door scratching and a disorderly bump sounded. After a moment, I made sure that these bats destroyed the wooden door and settled down to walk inside.
Liu Guanjia counted the number of people and his face became somewhat indignant at Zhu Xiaoqi’s way "Miss Xiaoliu Xiaole, these two little girls didn’t come in"
Zhu Xiaoqi nodded silently without saying a word.
The cellar is almost the size of two ordinary rooms. There are hundreds of pots of various wines and some vegetables on the wooden frame on the wall. Some vegetables will be put in the food store because Zhu Xiaoqi is indispensable for every meal, especially after winter, the whole government is distressed by her three meals a day.
Xu Changge grabbed a pot of wine and sniffed it, which was to look up and drink.
Wave Tianya looked at Chu Hong’s face reflected by the dark yellow candlelight on the wooden frame and walked to her side, asking, "What didn’t scare you?"
Chu blushed and said with a smile, "You underestimate me!" Looking at him, he asked, "How do you know this thing will attack people?"
Wave Tianya pointed to Xu Changge and said, "I met Lao Xu before, but for him, I didn’t know these things were called ghost fire bats."
Zhu Xiaoqi turned to look at Xu Changge and asked, "Ghost fire bat? How can this thing appear in Sunset City? "
Xu Changge shook his head with a hip flask and said, "I don’t know. I was chatting with Xiaolang attic when I suddenly saw that something was wrong. They smelled so bad that I couldn’t forget it for a generation."
Zhu Xiaoqi’s eyebrows are so high that he can’t believe it. "My grandmother told me when she was a child that she had visited this thing when she was young. I didn’t believe there was such a strange creature at that time." Then she shook her head and said, "I’m afraid there are thousands of people in this city. Can this be so good?"
Xu Changge sat on the floor and leaned against the wall slowly. "Although this ghost fire bat likes to live in groups, I have never seen them outside Mobei Wanmo Cave, and it is even more impossible to fly all the way here. There must be someone behind it."
Chu Hong mused, "Not many people in Jianghu can have this kind of power. Who has worked so hard to turn Sunset City into a human hell?"
Zhu Xiaoqi tried, "It won’t be a wild family in a hundred thousand mountains, will it?"
Chu Hong shook his head and said, "The barbarians have been known for their strength, and they can’t understand these different skills. Besides, now that China has opened a mutual market, they are happy that they are not coming yet. How can they do such a thing?"
Wave Tianya suddenly said, "What would you think if Promethean Puppet, Robbery and Ghost Fire Bat were handled by one person?"
Xu Changge laughed. "Then you will have a headache."
Zhu Xiaoqi jade hand touching the thoughts for a moment, "Xiao Lang, do you think someone deliberately wants Sunset City to create chaos? Just like Sister Chu telling that story. "
Wave Tianya shook his head and said, "This man has a purpose. I always feel that someone is brewing a big conspiracy and Sunset City is just one."
When he said this, everyone was not horrified.
If, according to his words, this is the one, it will happen next and not let them imagine.
Everyone became silent and could hear each other breathing clearly.
This cellar is five or six meters deep, but the faint screams outside will still come in from time to time. The three maids in the house are scared and shivering in the corner.
Manager Liu is calm at the moment, but his face is still pale.
When Xu Changge saw that everyone had become very quiet, he didn’t know whether he was frightened by the words of the world or not in the mood to chat. He found a topic and said, "This cellar is not stuffy at all. It must be very comfortable in the chilly summer!"
Butler Liu grinned with a smile, "Xu Shaoxia didn’t know that during the original war, a shelter built by a master of the house was specially ventilated."
After listening to the waves, Tianya felt his scalp numb and said with horror, "There are vents to block up quickly!"
Xu Changge got up from the ground and looked around. "Where’s Liu Guanjia’s vent?"
At this time, housekeeper Liu felt a burst of terror. She was busy pointing to the rock in the left corner of the cave ceiling. Everyone saw a hidden wooden frame that could accommodate a puppy in and out of the cave.
Wave Tianya moved a board in one hand and rushed to seal the hole. Suddenly, three ghost fire bats flew out of the hole. They’ squeaked’ and echoed in a hole, which was particularly penetrating.
Wave Tianya at this time to see this thing is half smaller than ordinary bats, but the wings are much wider, and the whole body is black, and a pair of eyes as small as rice grains are with a strange orchid.
The three bats flew towards the end of the world like meteors, and they were about to hit him. They said that it was too late and too soon, and everyone saw that his left hand flashed cold light and his right hand picked up the board and waved it away at the same time.
Two bats fell and were cut in half, and one of them was photographed by him making a "creak" on the wall. Two bats fell and twitched, and they never moved again.

enemies are bound to meet head-on on a narrow road—one can’t avoid one’s enemies (much as one wants to)

In the process of entering the top ten, I finally met my old rival, especially when my face turned cold.
The face is ferocious and full of color
Jiang Feng, who came to the challenge, is still light in the wind.
"Small! Today, I will let you and me never turn over, "said Wuhua coldly.
"words are awkward!"
Jiang Fenggen did not rest assured.
"I don’t know if I live or die!"
Wuhua gave a roar, and the powerful breath rose from the mark of heaven between the eyebrows.
Ten rebuilds of life and death
Clouds of golden flames emerged from the body.
Huotiandao yinji
This is the seven sacred objects. Generally speaking, it is also excellent. A heat wave suddenly hit head on.
"swish! Hey! Hey! "
Wuhua decided to kill with one blow.
A ball of fire rose in vain, and then a number of fireball came flooding towards Jiang Feng.
Huge breath let the audience a fighters are not breath in a gasp.
"How strong!"
"The Wu Hua of the mixed Yuan Cave has never lost its strength. This move should be Tiandi Wushu!" An old man in the viewing platform
"competitive! This is the difference between genius! ? It seems that Jiang Feng is going to be finished. "
"There is something wrong with that little guy, but this kind of character attack is definitely vulnerable."
Everyone is whispering.
Even the extremely white elders are nervous and clench their fists. This kind of power is hard to resist even if Qiu Haitian is afraid.
"Hey … it seems that the extreme door can stop here!"
Extremely white elders nai shook his head.
Everyone is not optimistic about Jiang Feng. After all, the gap is in front of us.
Jiang Feng stared at Wuhua.
Not to be outdone
On the second day, the mark between the eyebrows emerged, one purple and one white, and two smells rose around Jiang Feng’s body.
Jiang Feng’s eyes at the same time
Suddenly, it exudes a poor sword, which is jaw-dropping, and an unprecedented strong breath also erupts in Jiang Feng’s body.
"This ….. what is this! ?”
The audience gaped in surprise.
I didn’t expect Jiang Feng to have this kind of fate strength.
Especially the former Xuanzong brother.
Even more surprised and stunned, I didn’t return to absolute being for a long time.
"I … I told you before that he was extraordinary."
"If … he had this strength before, who would dare to fight him!" Many people gasped.
Jiang Feng also moved at this time.
Jumped up, and the sword in his hand was severely chopped toward the fireball.
It’s just a blow. The fireball suddenly falls towards the void.
Wuhua also feels incredible.
Face suddenly changed, one hand suddenly pinched the tactic, and the golden flame came out along the arm, flying all over the sky.
"Hey!" Form a huge dragon, and the dragon roars faintly in its ear.
"step!" Wuhua suddenly took a step and the whole person flew out of the golden dragon flame and bit Jiang Feng.
Jiang Feng remains extremely kendo.
A sword with stronger momentum is chopped directly, and the powerful sword makes people feel cold.
Everyone in the audience was still breathing for a while.
Chapter 992 Cheng Fengzhan
Everyone stared nervously at the scene before them.
At this moment, someone actually prefers Jiang Feng to win because they are watching Jiang Feng from the bottom to this position bit by bit.
Expect tension, panic, all kinds of emotions to rise in everyone’s heart.
Jiang Feng roared and chopped the sword one by one.
The huge golden dragon split head-on and screamed like a dragon.
"Wow …"
The powerful impact made Wuhua spit out one mouthful blood.
The whole personal consciousness is backward, and the facial expression is also horrified. I never thought that Jiang Feng should have such amazing strength.
See Jiang Feng came to him.
The sword in his hand was held high and Wuhua was frightened to disgrace. At this time, Jiang Feng broke Wushu and was seriously injured.
If Jiang Feng cuts him with a sword, he has absolutely no resistance.
I wonder if I can live.
Arm up to a half Jiang Feng stopped to look at Wuhua slowly spit out three words.
"You don’t deserve me to swing the third sword!"
Jiang Feng said this and gave it a good kick. He did his best and didn’t leave any hand.
Clear fracture, black hair resistance, direct shooting into the ring.
Humiliation, unwillingness, anger, his mind wandering

A captain turned his head and looked out of the city. His eyes were full of worries.

When the drum sounded again, Jin Niu looked back and raised his spear and shouted "Kill!"
Horseshoe thundered, the ground trembled, smoke rose, hot blood splashed out, and bright red flesh flew around with broken limbs. Facing Jingzhou Army’s tight defense, Jin Niu gave his life and led the department to kill constantly. Everything in front of him gradually seemed to be stained with blood.
"All" withdrawing troops! If we don’t retreat, we will all die here! " A cavalry soldier who was covered in blood and could hardly see his face stuck to Niu Jin and shouted that his long knife was full of gouges where whole pieces were missing. The horse fell dripping with blood and gasped as if it were overwhelmed.
Niu Jin woke up from the crazy killing and was shocked to see that there were less than 100 people living in the department with injuries.
"retreat!" Without hesitation, Jin Niu shouted that these songs were hard-won, and if they were all damaged, he was afraid that it would be difficult to get a supplement in the first world war. Dozens of riders surrounded Niu Jin immediately turned their heads and rushed to kill after hearing Jin Niu’s order. However, at this time, they had fallen into Jingzhou army. Where can they suddenly go out?
☆, Chapter ninety-five First guard against slow siege.
City Jin Niu and others are caught in the Jingzhou army, and the situation is extremely dangerous. Coss will certainly not sit idly by and watch their troops die. With Coss’ military orders, the city has been on standby for more than 500 rides and quickly rushed out of the city to meet Jin Niu and others.
Zhang Liao, the commander of the array, did not send troops to camp from the flank. Apart from the difficulty in displaying the terrain, the most important reason is that Zhang Liao does not want to fight hard too early. If he forcibly camps, he may have a chance to eat the enemy’s headquarters outside the city, but the price will never be small.
Rao is so. After Jin Niu and others were rushed back to the city, the number of people counted was almost exhausted, that is, they went to rescue more than 500 riders and also killed dozens of people.
Coss ChengTou didn’t blame Jin Niu for the defeat, but asked in detail.
Knowing ourselves and knowing ourselves can win a hundred battles. Coss never underestimate his opponent, but he will not become timid because of the news. He believes that no matter how strong the enemy is, there will always be weaknesses. What’s worse, as far as the current situation is concerned, many advantages of the enemy are difficult to play.
Jin Niu was slightly injured and soon wrapped up. When talking about Jingzhou army’s combat power, it seemed quite dignified. "The enemy foot soldiers are not only fierce and not afraid of death, but also cooperate with each other in a very strict way. If one gun is fired, one person will enter the team. If the injured are killed, they will be short. Someone will fill it and the formation will show flaws."
Although his description is slightly exaggerated, it is very vivid to say that the soldiers of Jingzhou Army cooperate closely, and Coss also frowned deeply. "It is not easy for one person to be fierce and not afraid of death, and it is not easy for a hundred people to be like this. It seems that Jingzhou Army’s strong fighting power has its own reason because of strict formation, but it is just strict training."
The worm is still living out of ignorance. Is it a human being? Jingzhou soldiers are not afraid of death, not because they are not afraid of death, but because they know that if they die in battle, their families will inevitably receive generous pensions. If they are injured, they will be treated by medical officers in medical camps. Even if they are disabled, they can become a wasteland army or a local official. On the one hand, Jingzhou Army has strict military law and discipline. Of course, the military discipline of various warlords in this era is also very harsh. Jingzhou Army is not the only one.
However, this two-pronged approach has formed a system in Jingzhou Army, and it has been implemented for some time. Those who flinch when getting cold feet will be severely punished and will be beheaded, but those who bravely kill the enemy will definitely die because they are rewarded for their meritorious service, and they will die without choosing to kill the enemy. Retreating and running away is definitely fighting for the enemy, but not necessarily dying. If there is a glimmer of hope, everyone will fight for it.
Even the recruits who have not passed the battlefield have already been instilled with this idea, and even if the battlefield is scared to death, they will try their best to fight for that chance of life. When everyone is like this, the huge energy that erupts is quite terrible.
Coss is a military commander, but he knows something about Jingzhou Army. There are some similarities in Cao Army, which are not so thorough. Besides, the soldiers who can get preferential treatment in Cao Army are mostly ordinary soldiers, who will care? Even if you want to manage, you must have strong financial and material resources to disable Cao Jun. Most of the soldiers are left to fend for themselves, and the post-war treatment is far less thoughtful than Jingzhou Army.
Even if Coss understands these problems, it is also very difficult for him to follow the Jingzhou Army’s solution.
"In addition to daring to fight for their lives and cooperating closely, the armor of the enemy soldiers is much better than that of our army." Jin Niu grabbed his leggings and pointed to the leather armor and said, "It is difficult for ordinary spearheads to cut through the leather armor unless the puncture force is used, but the ordinary spearmen of the enemy can cut through the leather armor with their spears, which is sharp!"
Then he asked the guards to present a ring knife. The edge of the ring knife was curled and cracked at dozens of places. The whole knife had been scrapped except for re-casting.
"General, please look!" Jin Niu’s tone is a little low. "If the war is chopped twice, the enemy soldiers will be chopped with armor to protect themselves. At most, they will be injured. How can we compete?"
The so-called chopping times are caused by chopping. Although it looks terrible, it rarely hurts dirty unless it is beheaded or broken arm, which can cause death or great damage. However, although the wound is not big, the spear can often pierce the body and pierce the human body’s dirty. After the injury, it is a dead end. However, chopping is difficult to break the armor of Jingzhou soldiers, and chopping is the most common means of killing.
Coss, after seeing this ring Dao, slightly knew that Niu Jin was right.
First of all, the number of more than 200 cavalry in Jin Niu is many times less than that of the enemy. The terrain is not wide enough to give full play to the cavalry’s impact advantage. Coupled with the gap in weapons and armor, it is good that the enemy is well-trained and closely coordinated.
Coss withdrew his eyes and turned to look at the Jingzhou Army’s thundercar outside the city. There are still several stone castles outside the city that have been directly hit. Looking at the stone castles that are almost in ruins, Coss wants to see that the soldiers inside are already running out. Coss can’t help but doubt that these strongholds outside the city will be pulled out by the enemy sooner or later. So what’s the point of sticking to these stone castles now?
However, if we give up the stone fort Jingzhou Army, we can have no scruples about advancing to the city. At that time, the two camps in the city will expose the attack range of Jingzhou Army’s thundercar. Although our own side can also counterattack the city’s thundercar after the enemy advances, it will always be the passive defensive side to suffer from such an attack.
So is it feasible to ambush outside the city? Consciousness turned to look at the mountain peak outside the city, and Coss felt that it was too dangerous to succeed.
Even if you are lucky enough to attack the Jingzhou army’s thundercar ambush field, there is one, that is, being surrounded by the enemy outside the city, there is no other way to live except surrender.
Coss doesn’t want to do this, although he is kind, but the risk is too great, but the success rate is very low. Some of them are not worth the loss. Because of the mountains on both sides, it is inevitable to ambush a large number of people, and the attack force is not enough. Too many people are easy to be detected by the other side. Once the Jingzhou army finds out that the ambush is outside the city, it can be imagined.
Coss is thinking hard, such as sticking to the city. At the same time, Zhaoyun in the Jingzhou army camp outside the city is also discussing with Zhang Liao and others how to fight the next battle
For Zhao Yun, this is his first time to protect the army. The military of the two counties is facing the problem of conquering Yecheng. He can’t be cautious, and Pang Tong Zhang Liao and others think so. This time, Lu Su stayed behind in Wancheng, organized grain, grass and ordnance, organized civilian workers, and other things did not come with the army.
"Today, Jun cavalry attacked our army only to test it. I’m afraid Coss wouldn’t have fought outside our army after this war." Zhang Liao summed up today’s post-war reconciliation and said, "If it is expected, Jun will withdraw from the stone castle outside Japan."
Zhaoyun nods, "Even so, the thundercar still bombards the wall."
"The closer you get to the city, the more difficult it is to set up a thunderbolt car and the city also has a thunderbolt car and a strong wall of Yecheng, which is afraid that it will be difficult to break in a short time." Zhang Liao is already very familiar with the terrain of Yecheng, and he has already seen the sand table in his account. I don’t know how many times he can say it even with his eyes closed.
Liu Pan got up and said, "If you don’t storm the city at night, you may be able to grab the gate!"
"Not right!" Pang Tong immediately objected that "Coss is cautious and will not be overlooked. The casualties in the city at night will be heavy and it will be difficult to succeed."
This is no good, that is no good, and everyone is frowning.
Although Liu Cong’s military orders are not limited, the importance of Ye Cheng and the importance of this battle are all very clear. Now it is difficult to form a siege offensive, and it is difficult to form a big threat. For Cao Jun, if Ye Cheng does not fall, there is no need to look back and worry about attacking Liu Bei. It is also unknown whether Huang Zhong and Zhou Yu can attack smoothly. What’s worse, how can the generals pin their hopes on others?
Zhao Yunshen’s position as Commander-in-Chief of the Guard Army can no longer be silent at this time. He got up and said, "The breaking of the city can be discussed again, but our army should also guard against Cao Jun’s looting of the camp outside the city. Today, Cao Jun wants to know our strength in the first battle, so it is even more necessary to guard against it. If the city is broken, you can first pull out the rock castle outside the city and then take a long-term view."
Since he said so, they got up and obeyed and went back to the camp to strengthen their vigilance.
Today, although Cao Jun lost more than 200 cavalry, Jingzhou Army also suffered more than 300 casualties, and nearly 200 people were killed. Speaking of the difference between Cao Jun’s casualties, it is quite good that the other side is a cavalry and Jingzhou Army is mostly a pawn.
In this case, if Coss wants to go out of the city to fight back, he can rob the camp at night in addition to the main battle, and even if Zhao Yun doesn’t take the generals, he will be alert.
However, the generals are not sure whether Coss will be like this. However, even if the enemy doesn’t come to rob the camp, it must be guarded against it. Otherwise, if the camp is broken by Jun, the consequences will be unimaginable. Soon, the sky will be dark. When the last afterglow of the sunset disappears, Chengtou and Jingzhou Camp outside the city will light up one after another …
☆ Chapter ninety-six Looking at Hanzhong with vested interests
Liangzhou Jincheng ushered in a heavy snow and cold wind after the light snow a few days ago. The flag of the snowy city head was frozen hard. A bonfire was burning in the shelter of the city head. Elder Ma Wangshi limped and threw a bundle of firewood in his arms to one side. He was warming himself around the fire. When he saw it, the foot soldiers quickly twisted and squeezed out a position.
You’re welcome, old horse. She sat cross-legged. It was the injured leg that curled up and could not stretch ahead.
"Just out of the city is what person? Shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout, shout. But it’s too cold today … "A young foot soldier rubbed his hands and gasped, saying that Jincheng has finally been peaceful in recent years. Although Marten often sends troops to invade the Xiongnu or Qiang people to fight, it’s been a long time since these foot soldiers guarding the city have fought any battles. If they are idle for a long time, the military discipline will naturally be somewhat relaxed. At this moment, it is a common thing for everyone to avoid a fire in the wind and snow, which is that the elders and horses are all unprepared.
A cold wind blew over Mars and everyone didn’t blink. Obviously, it’s a habit. After the wind blew, the old horse sighed and somehow his tone was low. "It’s not hunting. I heard that the general sent an envoy to Xudu to see it, so I’m afraid Ann’s birthday will be over!"
"What’s the matter?" After listening to what the elders said, the young foot soldiers suddenly came to the spirit. It is no wonder that they have been squatting outside the city all day, and they have been tired of watching everything outside the city. I really want something to do.
The old horse glanced at him but couldn’t help thinking that when he was young, he was not as afraid of chaos as he was.
"Some people came from the north the other day. Do you remember?" When the old horse rubbed his legs and said that he saw all the people nodding in succession, he added, "It is said that Yuan Shang sent messengers to ask the general to send troops to help."
The young foot soldiers blankly way "Yuan Shang? Is he human again? "
No wonder he doesn’t know that after all, Jincheng Liangzhou is very closed, not to mention what happened in Hebei, but many things may not be here.
"That’s after Yuan Shao’s death, he was appointed as the general." The old horse patiently explained, "I heard that Liu Bei and Liu Huangshu lost the Yecheng Institute and sent people here."
The young foot soldiers asked doubtfully, "Liu Huangshu? Then we should help Liu Huangshu, right? Since what long said so, but the general agreed? "
Even in such a remote place as Jincheng, Liu Bei’s name is well known by ordinary people, and his position in people’s minds is not low, which shows the importance of fame in this era
Old spat flipped through his eyelids. "How can the general help Yuan Shang? I heard that someone sent someone to kill the emissary yesterday, and those who just left the city took the emissary’s head with them! This is to be sent to Xudu! "

Li Chongjiu saw that the woman had a skirt knife at the bottom of her wrist.

The thieves are dancing and whining in the blade, full of yin and warmth, holding torches in their hands, and their eyes are new as if they were hungry wolves
Just when the rogue was about to chase, the woman suddenly shouted to the man beside her, "Leave me alone when the thief is killed."
The escort woman and man turned red, but pushed the woman hard and shouted, "Ernian, run to the temple to escape."
Say this big fellow turned his back and his feet will definitely fight to the death.
However, Li Chongjiu saw that the big fellow was shaking. Don’t say that he had met the enemy. He couldn’t even hold the knife steadily and heard a bang.
The fast horse flew into the man and the other person flew out like a sandbag.
Bang! A hole was smashed out of the snow mud, and the man cried and didn’t know whether to live or die.
Seeing the removal of the last layer of obstacles, the thieves sent out Owlman’s ferocious smile and drove the horse to the master and servant.
At this time, the skirt knife in the woman’s hand was about to swing a knife.
At this moment, there was a buzzing noise. Ma Si suddenly sounded a healthy horse and suddenly went belly-up.
The thieves still couldn’t see what had happened. At this time, there was another boom. Everyone saw a shadow flying out of the temple. A celebrity thief had a long arrow in his throat and sprayed blood!
The rogue turned over and fell off his horse, and the horse neighed and immediately dragged the rogue around.
Take a breath. Four horse thieves have killed two people.
Two horse thieves were suddenly frightened when the torches at the head of the village shouted, apparently the villagers found something moving here.
Two horse thieves don’t know how many people in the temple immediately crouched down and pulled out their horses on horseback and left.
Listen, there’s another bow, and the third arrow brushes past the horse. The two horse thieves escape faster.
Li Chongjiu breathed a sigh of relief and took the bow back from the window. This 20-step distance is difficult for him to miss his archery. Otherwise, he will rescue the two men in front of four guarded thieves.
When Li Chongjiu bowed out and ran into the snow, he ran to the big fellow first.
Listen to the big fellow’s bulging eyes, but his throat is giggling. There is air intake but no venting. Li Chongjiu knows that the other party is injured and can’t do heavy work. He shook his head.
Then Li Chongjiu went to the woman and the servant girl.
At the moment, the falling torch plopped and rang, which made the woman’s face suddenly dark. Li Chongjiu saw that this woman was pale, but it was difficult to hide that bright color.
Although there is no national color like Li Zhiwan, it also adds a little delicate and touching, which makes people feel particularly pity.
However, Li Chongjiu secretly sneered at him in the temple just now, but he could see clearly that the skirt knife in the woman’s hand was not going to stab herself to commit suicide, but was going to stab her servant girl.
If you don’t say anything, you can guess whether he wants to save, but he can’t bear to let the girl die and put an arrow.
Li Chongjiu pointed to the man who was killed by the horse and asked, "Is this a person?"
When the woman saw this, she quickly got up and ran to the man’s body and wailed. Li Chongjiu listened to this woman’s crying, but she knew that the man was secretly worthless.
The servant girl said with a sad face, "That’s the husband who hasn’t passed the door."
Lee Chong-jiu nodded and listened to the girl cry loudly but sadly.
At this time, the dog at the village entrance couldn’t stop the ups and downs of a torch, and Li Chongjiu came to see it. About 30 people in the village were coming with hoes and sticks. Obviously, they heard that there were thieves coming, so they came together to resist.
Li Chongjiu secretly praised these people for their slow response. In this era, it is common for the village to protect itself. Even in times of peace and prosperity, there are thieves.
It’s good that the government can protect itself to the county town. It’s still up to the villagers to protect themselves.
The first person is the head of the village (note 1)
Li Zheng, surnamed Zhou, called Zhou One-eyed, was shot blind by the Turks when he was with Yang Suzheng, the Duke of Yue, and then he returned to the village to bear Li Zheng.
Zhou Yiyan saw four bodies in the snow with a bow, then at Li Chongjiu and asked, "Did you just shout a thief?"
Li Chongjiu shook his head and pointed to the ground. The man who just died said, "He shouted."
Zhou one-eyed glanced at the lonely man spinning around a main horse in the snow, and cried and guessed for a few minutes. Zhou one-eyed went to the front of the body of the thief lying in the snow and mud flow, squatted and checked the thief’s weapon, and suddenly his eyes floated with anxiety.
When Zhou One-eyed said to the crowd, "It’s not a general rogue, but a deserter who should be fleeing to Liaodong."
Everyone was surprised when they heard it.
Zhou Yiyan walked up to the girl and asked, "Where am I from?"
The woman and the man seemed to be too sad to answer, but the servant girl said, "Report back that my young lady is the daughter of Cao Yuanfu in Chongyang County."
Week one-eyed place is dominant foothold.
When Zhou One-eyed turned up, he said seriously, "Little Niang is frightened."
The woman kneeling in the snow stood up and said, "Li Zheng doesn’t have to be so polite. There is no Chongyang Yuan Fu to say."
"There is no Chongyang Yuanjia?" Week one-eyed a surprised.
Listen to the servant girl whimper and say, "I don’t know that Chongyang County has been breached by rogue! The county was looted and the master was unfortunately in the hands of thieves. "
Speaking of which, this woman is so sad that she can’t stop crying.
This time, even Li Chongjiu was surprised that the thief was too powerful, and even the counties and cities were breached.
All the villagers are also buzzing and whispering, deeply feeling that this time the thieves are different.
When a big fellow said to Zhou Yiyan, "Li Chang, this is so good that even the counties and cities have breached that step, can’t rogue ransack the surrounding areas? What if we kill here?"
"What’s the panic?" Week one-eyed immediately drink a way "isn’t there a court? The court will certainly send troops to encircle Chongyang County for such a big event. "
"But …"
See the week one-eyed stare everyone will swallow words back to his stomach, Li Chongjiu knows that everyone wants to say that the imperial court is conquering Liaodong, the surrounding county where there are redundant soldiers, even if it sends an army to encircle and encircle for a while, it is far from hydrolyzing the fire.
When Zhou one-eyed said, "Li Daniu, you immediately told the abbot that a group of rogue have arrived in the mountain, and there are still quite a few people. Please ask him to prepare early."
"And it’s like settling these two girls."
When I came here just now, all the boys’ eyes were fixed on the face of Miss Yuan Gu, and they were all fixed on it. They had seen such a beauty when they came.
Week one-eyed swept away as if aware of the intention of all people when "this is no time to fight for it. We killed the rogue, and this gang will inevitably retaliate against everyone and this idea."
When they heard it, they were immediately frightened.
When Zhou one-eyed turned his eyes to Li Jiushen.
Lee Chong-jiu handed in his hand and said, "I didn’t shoot two rogue."
Zhou Yi-eyed stared up and shouted, "You are such a fucking bully. If you don’t make moves, you should be called an egg-laying person."
After listening to Zhou’s one-eyed words, all the villagers cheered in succession.
I also know something about Li Chongjiu’s one-eyed eyes. At the beginning, this young man was gentle and elegant and had dinner together. Seeing that he shot the rogue, he protected the village’s goodwill.
At this time, the girl named Yuan Yingying bowed to Li Chongjiu and said, "I’m not very grateful to be rescued by a strong man when I was in trouble. Please thank me for saving my life and I will repay you."
Li Chongjiu smiled and said, "Don’t mind lifting your hand."
When Li Chongjiu turned away, he went to Li Changyan and said, "Since there are thieves coming, please send more people to guard against them."

Sheng Qingqing has just turned 10 years old, and her health is not good. Some things have to be done step by step. When she first confessed, she made the big lady sick, and her body could not be stimulated.

Therefore, although they are tired of being intimate with each other every day, they are also less willing to let the big lady accept what he forced her to do to make her feel wronged.
After receiving the ink cloud, I won’t take the initiative to go. I didn’t feel guilty and sat at the desk to write honestly. I didn’t even dare to look at the ink cloud.
Ink cloud is funny to think that she just bared her teeth and couldn’t help but want to tease her, but she still resisted. Who let his big lady be a sick body? Then she will be afraid to go to a hospital instead of a hotel.
Go on strike from Professor Bai’s home. Walking slowly on the campus of Qingda University, I suddenly felt a figure blocking the way. When I looked up, I saw someone smiling at her with a white tooth and mottled shadows. The sun was dazzling.
Xiao Su?’ The music is unbelievable.
"What a surprise?" Xiao Su good temper with a smile.
"Fortunately, I didn’t expect to meet here!" She naturally won’t be sentimental when she asks casually. He is waiting for her here.
"I just looked at the figure and I was familiar with it. I came closer and saw that it was you!" Xiao Su eyes calm fundus is can’t see the dark.
"Oh!" Go on strike in a low voice. Going on strike with strangers is definitely the kind of person who can chat to death.
"Since we met, we might as well have a cup of coffee in front!" Xiao Su doesn’t mind that he knows that he is rejected by his identity in his heart, but he has rescued her several times, which can better say that she is kind and simple in her bones and is a good girl worthy of everyone’s love!
Chapter 13 People are not vegetation
"just a cup of coffee won’t keep you long, really!" Xiao Su seems to be afraid that she will refuse and emphasizes that it won’t take long, and her eyes are full of expectations.
I wanted to refuse the strike, but he said so, and those refusal words could not be said.
Xiao Su tried his best to keep pace with her, but after entering the coffee shop, he went on strike first and found a place.
Then I watched her coming step by step, and when she reached the table, I got up and pulled a chair for her and watched her sit.
Smile and say "thank you"
Xiao Su smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and took the menu and put it in front of her. "Watch it."
It’s a coffee shop, not coffee, but western food and dessert.
I didn’t plan to order anything at all. I used to look at it when I saw something with words, and Xiao Su’s eyes scolded her at the moment
Since the day he left with Li Lei, he hasn’t seen her again. I have something to do here at Qingda today. I was thinking that if she came to Professor Bai’s class today, I might meet her.
She seems to have changed a lot in the past few months. When I first met her, she was more like a strong little girl. Now she is a little less tender and curly, a little more quiet and a little … He doesn’t know how to describe it, but it’s always different.
Her hair is tied casually and quietly, and she can still smell the faint scent of herbs through the table, probably because she has just handled the herbs.
Holding the menu, the fingers are slender and white. Xiao Su remembered that she sewed the wound for herself. Although she was young, she seemed to have the calm temperament of a doctor
This is the first time that Xiao Su thinks that the gap between them is not darling daughter and gangsters, but something called culture.
Xiao Su doesn’t feel inferior. This society is full of all kinds of people, traffickers, servants, and dignitaries. No one can compete with anyone. In the end, they can’t escape the loess pile, but they just play their respective roles.
Before the strike, Xiao Su felt that he knew something, just like the difference between ink painting and kraft paper.
Go to the party and read all the menu words, then order a cup of coffee and push the menu to Xiao Su Xiao Su without reading it. The clerk said, "Just like her!"
When Shengge raised his head, Xiao Su had already withdrawn his eyes, probably because he felt that the atmosphere of sitting and not talking was too embarrassing. "Is Li Lei hurt?"
Xiao Su nodded his head. "The injury has healed, and the leg fracture injury is not good now."
"I still have to take good care of it for a hundred days!"
"He always said he would come and thank you personally. I said you were busy and didn’t let him bother you!" Xiao Su looked at the strike face when he said this. After all, he asked her that day and she said they wouldn’t be friends.
I also thought of his question that night and smiled faintly, feeling that my answer was a little naive.
Since we’re not friends, why sit down and have coffee with him?
Maybe unconsciously, she has regarded him as a friend.
He is more loyal than many people, but his friends are desperate to meet several times. Although he said that he didn’t pay attention to his way of doing things, he didn’t hurt her. Even if he was a gangster, he didn’t do anything illegal or bad. He really couldn’t force himself to put him in the ranks of bad guys.
The clerk just sent coffee to come and sing. Xie Cai said, "Xiao Su, I apologize for the second time. I was too arbitrary when I said we wouldn’t be friends!"
Xiao Su was surprised. "You seem … different?"
Life is so long, it seems that nothing remains the same in this world, just like her and her little brother, who ever thought that …
She is not sure how far she can go.
Looking out of the window, the sun is not dazzling, but she squints slightly. "We saw the sun minutes ago, the sun saw the moon 13 seconds ago, and the moon saw a building a mile away 5 microseconds ago. Even if you sit one meter away from me, I saw it 3 nanometers seconds ago. Of course, everyone will be different, not just me, but you!"
The tone of the strike seems casual, but Xiao Su thinks her tone is a little sad
What’s wrong with her? What’s wrong with her?
Xiao Su knew that she wouldn’t tell herself, but he felt that the words of the strike were novel. He had never heard anyone say anything before, and nodded his head, recognizing the same.
Sheng Sheng is definitely a good student, but she is not as good as the former students in their class as they are not as good as her.
"Thank you for seeing me off!" Put the coffee cup in your hand.
"Those are all things we don’t need you to look at!" Xiao Su naturally won’t tell her that he and Li Lei have searched all over Qingcheng Mountain for these.
"I still want to thank Xiao Su. It’s late for me to go home. My family will be worried when I get home late!" Sheng Sheng and his tone of voice are not as alienated as before.
"Oh, it’s really late when it’s good!" At the end of October, as soon as the sun goes down, it will soon get dark.
"Thank you for the coffee!" Get up from the chair and pick up your bag from the chair.
"You don’t say so much thank you to me. It’s nothing compared to your saving my life!" And if you really want to thank him, you should thank her for not refusing his invitation.
He wanted to send her home, but he didn’t have a mouth. He knew she wouldn’t want to have a cup of coffee with him.
Xiao Su looked at the strike and left her back. She was very thin. The wind blew her windbreaker skirts and sometimes lifted her up.
The singer disappeared around the corner, and Xiao Su returned to the street in front of the coffee shop. For a moment, he regretted trying to chase, but he didn’t do it in the end. He shouldn’t disturb her too much, which is enough.
When I walked around the corner for a while, I stopped and looked back. I couldn’t see the coffee shop, and there was no Xiao Su in the pedestrians. She was afraid that he would come after me.
Xiao Su thanked her, and she felt it because his eyes sometimes resembled his own at a certain moment. He thanked her and wanted to repay her heart, probably just as she wanted to repay Uncle Ji and them.

"Jing Jiayuan, why don’t we have this for dinner?"

Jing Jiayuan has no interest in the hot pot restaurant. Now, although he can eat everything, he can still eat without soup. But tonight, he lives in a youth hostel, leaving a lot of money, Song Xue, who likes it so much, and let her go.
"Good" He agreed.
Song Xue was so happy that he was about to become a monkey. When he entered the restaurant, he ordered all kinds of food and referred to several tables next door.
"Shrimp, crab, beef rolls, beef balls, mushroom balls, shrimp, slippery fish, slippery clams and shellfish. What else? Want meat, want meat! Don’t like eating grass! "
She danced and lit.
Chapter 163
Jing Jiayuan didn’t say much, quietly watching Song Xue order.
When Shinohara fish is not around, he returns to the state again.
Gentle but alienated
Song Xue’s nerve showed respect for Jiayuan politely, and he didn’t think too much. He felt that respect for Jiayuan’s character was like this.
After she ordered the meal, she still took good care of Jing Jiayuan and asked him if he wanted to eat Jing Jiayuan, indicating that she had just ordered it.
Song Xue was also smiling.
After the meal, Song Xue was full of expectation, but suddenly he thought of something. He looked at Jing Jiayuan and said, "I saw that Xiaoyu made hot pot for you before your show, right? Ah, the little fish is really good at cooking. I will envy you to death when I watch it. "
Speaking of Shinohara fish, Jingjiayuan’s eyes are full of warmth and a very inexplicable sense of pride.
He nodded. "Well, she’s very good, not hot pot, but also spicy pot, braised lamb chops, mushroom and chicken clay pot rice and all kinds of seafood. She can also make sushi, and everything is good …"
At some point, Jing Jiayuan found that Song Xueyuan’s excited expression gradually collapsed.
Then she lay on her back and almost cried, "I’m so hard!" What? I didn’t participate in this variety show in the first two seasons! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Otherwise, maybe I can have such a taste! "
Jing Jiayuan couldn’t help but feel warm when he thought of Song Xue’s grief.
With his brow slightly raised.
These days, I have been separated from Xiaoyu for a long time, but when I think about the places I have walked with her during the trip, his heart feels warm, which is a kind of happiness filled with tenderness and love.
Song Xue’s grief over not being able to eat Shinohara fish as food finally disappeared after the hot pot came.
While waiting, she looked back for a while, which was just a dream. When the bottom of the hot pot and the dishes were all gone, Jing Jiayuan was about to move chopsticks, but Song Xue shouted, "Don’t wait! I’ll take pictures first! "
Jing Jiayuan couldn’t help raising an eyebrow slightly.
Xiaoyu said yes, Song Xue is really like Lin Yufei in some aspects.
Song Xue took a 360-degree shot of the hot pot at this time from various angles, and at the same time, he added a filter to make the food look more attractive.
After all this, she was so happy that she lost the picture in the group chat.
[Xiaoxue] Hahahahaha, don’t be jealous of us! [picture] [picture] [picture]
Lin Yufei, at ordinary times, that’s a mobile phone that never leaves his hand. Song Xue was so excited when the news came out that he almost dropped his mobile phone.
He was scratching and typing quickly.
[The first handsome flying in the universe] Ah ah! This is too much! Actually eat hot pot! ! !
Ji Shuyu’s message to others didn’t come back so quickly. Song Xue saw it for the first time and immediately looked at his face and took a photo of it.
[Ji Shuyu] Suddenly I feel that the powder in the bowl is not fragrant [Picture]
Jing Jiayuan saw that his picture really looked bleak and stopped eating hot pot.
He also took out his mobile phone and asked
[Deep] @ Xiaoyu, what’s for dinner?
[Fish] Vietnamese powder … I can’t afford to eat hot pot when I have no money, hahaha
[The first handsome Feifei in the universe] Hahahahahahaha let you live in a five-star hotel, right?
Xiao Yu’s cell phone rang when the group was still chatting. It was a message from Jing Jiayuan alone.
[Deep] Eat powder?
[Fish] Hmm
Will [Yuan] not be enough to eat? Don’t be hungry and … if you don’t have enough money, I’ll help you find a way not to treat yourself badly.
[Fish] A bowl of powder is quite full and delicious. Laugh and cry jpg
When Shinohara fish looked at the photos of Ji Shuyu’s hair in the group again, it suddenly became white. It was estimated that Jing Jiayuan thought too much when he saw this bleak photo, and immediately Nai took a new one.
[Fish] Haha, it’s really not as bad as he said, but it tastes good [picture]
When Jing Jiayuan saw the photos sent by Shinohara Fish, he was a little relieved, but he still asked more questions.
How much money do you have left?
[Fish] There are almost a hundred more.
[Yuan] Then go to the supermarket to buy something and take it back to the hotel after eating the powder.
[Fish] Good
Small fish
[Fish] Huh?
Jing Jiayuan has typed the words "I miss you so much", but he paused before sending it out.
He pursed his lips a little, his eyes drooped slightly, or he slowly deleted them bit by bit.
Hesitated for a long time before typing again
Let’s do a good job and try to get together soon
When Xiao Yu watched WeChat beating and typing, he didn’t see the message coming.
Probably guessed some respectful reaction and mental journey when Shinohara’s lip angle also slightly bent up.

Many owners of ten thousand families have a quick glance at their faces as soon as they change their minds

"They entered the virtual land!"
Moment of virtual explosion energy breath surging everywhere.
Chaotic Tianque body is like being swept away by Xiao Yu as a weapon and waving towards the demon emperor.
The demon emperor’s surly body is constantly dodging and constantly shuttling in the virtual space, and the root is not Xiao Yu’s confrontation.
Xiao Yu sneered, "I heard that the demon emperor is a congenital saint formed by the gathering of the sacred blood of the demon family. It’s just such a big disappointment today!"
Chaos Tianque was caught by him, and his whole body was full of mana, and his heart was humbled. He kept yelling and wanted to open Xiao Yu’s palm, only to find that Xiao Yu’s palm was as immovable as Taikoo Fairy Gold, and he held his arm tightly.
Thick powerful mana constantly from Xiao Yu body crazy destroyed his vitality, let him constantly vomiting blood body cracks to make up for the terrible!
This is definitely the most humbled battle he has ever encountered since he was born!
He is a generation of princes who destroyed God’s family, and commanded all the people to be comparable to meet such a scene today.
"I will let you die!"
Chaotian Tianque uttered a low explosive roar.
Suddenly, the magic light surged out of his body, and the energy and breath of black runes were chaotic and rapidly enlarged, like being inflated, and a huge crisis suddenly came out of him.
His body suddenly exploded into a chaotic atmosphere and flooded Xiao Yu.
The whole garden was exposed to waves and was reduced to dust by the terrible light.
Many owners of all ethnic groups rushed toward the distance without changing color.
Xiao Yu eyebrows a wrinkly didn’t expect this person to blow itself up directly.
The devastating light hit him with a low dull sound, like lightning striking the holy mountain.
Suddenly Xiao Yu’s myriad pores suddenly burst into thick strong suction and absorbed all these raging destructive lights.
Soon the area was calm again.
Suddenly, the magic light bloomed in the sky, and a huge statue appeared. The eyes were cold and the body was huge. Thousands of feet in size, sitting on a black lotus table, the magic gas surged and covered the sky.
"Respect for blood!"
The golem mouth bursts, and Lei Yin is majestic and full of a terrorist mastermind force.
As dead as a whistle, thousands of demons in shura hell evolved all over him, and they wailed and screamed together.
"This is … phase fiend form!"
"It’s the second blood form of destroying the family of God!"
"The chaotic duke actually became the second demon blood form!"
Many owners of ten thousand families looked surprised.
Even the demon emperor stopped with a frown, and his body showed amazing light, scanning the statue of the golem Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu is also light yi eyes flashing staring at the statue of golems.
"Interesting. What other means can be used? And didn’t you just say you wanted to learn a statue of blood? Come along?"
He suddenly swept to the demon emperor showing Bai Sensen teeth and laughed
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and thirty Vulnerable
The demon emperor’s face was handsome and his body was misty. He stood in the distance and scanned Xiao Yu calmly. "There are all dead people around. Will you be anxious later?"
Xiao Yu showed a strong smile. "It’s up to you to make decisions and let you live one more time."
At this time, the huge magic shadow, a huge black palm, was directly pressed to cover the sun, like a continuous dark cloud filled with a monstrous atmosphere.
Xiao Yu’s clothes definitely danced and took a palm to meet the past.
The palm of your hand is rapidly enlarged, and the golden light is as irresistible as an ancient celestial gate.
A muffled sound, the black clutches collapsed and dissipated in the sky.
The golden palm continued to enlarge and cover the sky and lock it towards the statue of the golem.
The body of the golem does not move, and the dark fog around it fills the air, and the eyes are cold. Suddenly, I blurt out the truth, "I am talking to all beings every day, and the gods and gods are talking about ghosts and demons, and the heavens and the earth are dying!"
His whole body was full of terrible magic light, forming a real magic field. Xiao Yujin’s golden hand was stopped by a powerful force just as it approached.
Xiao Yu eyebrows a wrinkly.
The golem looked down at Xiao Yu with cold eyes, and suddenly rushed out of several black runes from his eyes, and one by one, the ancient giant fonts were suppressed toward Xiao Yu’s body.

The wonderful cooperation between Ah Shui and heshy temporarily continued the rhythm, but the offensive problem in front of IG was still very serious. Finally, in 25 minutes, they finally decided to take risks.

"Brothers, we can’t delay any longer. We haven’t hurt enough in the later period." Ning Wang was full of sorrow. At this time, EDG was in a state of shrinking, and his rhythm was in a state of shopping. He wandered around in the wild and couldn’t find anything to do.
"Then we can fight the dragon. It is too difficult for us to push the tower." A suggestion in Shui’s voice was immediately endorsed by Ning Wang.
"Go, go, go, I’ve always wanted to hit EDG. It’s like a little puss-head. As soon as I hit it, they shrank back."
In Ning Wang’s language, I swear, IG, and everyone soon got together near the dragon pit, and then played the dragon without saying anything. It was very dark.
When IG just moved Dalong EDG, he was already alert, and immediately held a group in the direction of Dalong, and when the Iby foresight decorative pit was lit, Dalong’s blood volume was half.
EDG, everyone is a little anxious. Sister buckles and shouts, Go, Go, Go! Shivell Qi Da Zhao accelerated, and finally IG knocked out Dalong and came to the entrance of the river in the half area.
But IG is still going its own way, and it doesn’t matter if it comes to EDG. All they have left in their eyes is the dragon.
"Second dragon! Second dragon! Don’t go out and we’ll fight the dragon! " Ning Wang Longkeng commanded. At the same time, he adjusted his position to let Ah Shui and Banana Wolf enter the outermost part of the pig sister roof in Longkeng.
"It’s okay to go outside and defend against a Jess shell." Ah Shui looked at him and was indifferent. He also wanted to drill inside Bloom’s face and expression was very nai.
Chapter 33 He is not fighting alone
Twenty-five minutes Dalongkeng
EDG people came from the river to fight Dalong IG, which formed a siege, but Longkeng IG people were very indifferent to it and accelerated the speed of fighting the dragon, as if they wanted to kill Dalong before the team battle came.
Four thousand blood!
Three thousand blood!
Two thousand blood! Jiejie finally couldn’t help but want to go into Longkeng to fight for punishment. Both Jin and his elementary school brother saw Jiejie’s intention, so they also charged Longkeng with the spider.
As soon as Jess shelled the pig sister and the bear, it didn’t hurt as much as the big dragon. Dao Mei flashed a big move and rushed into the crowd
The narrow terrain of Longkeng is very suitable for Dao Mei to play Jin’s big move and hit four people at once. Except for the ice in the corner of Longkeng, IG people were all hit by Dao Mei’s big move.
Dao Mei wanted to be flexible in the crowd, but as soon as he flew to Pig’s sister’s body, he was pushed by Ning Wang, and then Sapphire hung a passive heshy on him, which was to open up a big move to level A thunder and hurt the dragon pit.
Before Dao Mei came to show his graceful dance, he was knocked unconscious by IG everyone. Dao Mei’s fragile body could not bear too much damage.
At this time, Dao Mei’s blood hand didn’t make a root, so he couldn’t stand the first wave of IG. The blood volume dropped rapidly, but good Jin didn’t rush alone.
Jess then rushed to a hammer and knocked on the pig sister’s head. Ning Wang threw his big move in anger, and then the elementary school brother was settled in place.
Dao Mei, who just woke up from dizziness, was once again frozen in the frozen field of pig sister e skills, and Dao Mei was completely frozen for three seconds.
Jin feels that this kind of situation is deja vu, just like being hit by the longest distance of the ice trick, which makes people unable to move. He knows it well.
Dao Mei and Jess, who were the first to break into the enemy lines, were frozen in place, which gave Jiejie a chance. He quietly followed Jess and Dao Mei and sneaked into the Dragon Pit while his teammates attracted fire.
At this time, the blood volume of Dalong was less than 1000. By the time IG found the spider, it was too late. Ning Wang gambled and punished it, but he misjudged the blood line. More than 100 blood volumes of Dalong were easily taken by Jiejie.
"Dragon! Who’s Tai Lung? Who punished Ning Wang? Jiejie! JIejie punished EDG and grabbed the dragon! " Miller became excited when he saw Jiejie grab the dragon.
"At this critical moment, Jiejie came out. He inherited EDG’s outstanding unification, and the real man dared to turn the tide and help the building to fall!"
"Jiejie is not fighting alone! This moment! Factory director! Alori! Har! Soul possession! Great EDG hits the wild! "
Doll "
After being robbed of the dragon, the faces of IG people became ugly, but instead of complaining, they were ready to kill and vent their anger. Without the dragon IG, everyone set their sights on Jiejie.
Want to leave after robbing the dragon? No way!
At this time, the dragon pit IG crowd poured out. heshy Bear first killed Dao Mei with a W skill and then ran to Jess on all fours.
The bear carried Jess back to the crowd. A water and ice, a million arrows, slowed down the spider and Jess Banana Wolf Lissandra, and made more decisive and direct moves to freeze the spider.
Cooperate with others to hurt Jess and spider’s blood volume and quickly enter the IG slaying line. At this time, Iby and Meik are in a dilemma outside the dragon pit. They don’t know whether they should support their teammates or retreat.
But this hesitant bear has roared out of the dragon pit, followed by pig sister. IG Ye believes that it is a piece of cake for Ah Shui to have Jess and spiders left in his teammate’s dragon pit.
At present, the most urgent thing is to leave EDG Road for the double team, so the bear and the pig sister rushed out of Foehrer Zhuode Shuangxiong! Attack!
In the face of the impact of bears and pig sisters, EDG Road will not hesitate any more, so just play in the front row first. If you can’t play it by ear, you will slip away.
Lux released the Q skill, and instantly hit the bear and Jess Foehrer Zhuode, who ran out of the dragon pit, and they were in the same place immediately.
Shivell’s decisive output of the cross blade to hit the bear and the pig sister’s body injury is not very high, but a good hero Shivell can fly a kite, and the bear and the pig sister can’t get into him.
After Dao Mei was killed, his body directly turned into Lissandra and passively turned into an frozen slave. He hobbled towards his teammates in front of him. After a little distance, he directly burst his body to form broken ice and shot at his teammates.
Jess couldn’t stand the damage and died directly, and then became an frozen slave. The spider also fell to the ground and Banana Wolf took a double kill.
Outside the Dragon Pit, Shivell and Laxus fought while withdrawing from the bear and pig sister. There is nothing they can do. Short legs are the fatal defects of these two heroes, and EDG Road combination is good at flying kites.
Heshy and Ning Wang are very wronged in their hearts. They are like idiots. They seem to run away, but they can’t hit anyone at all.
But at this moment, the dragon pit shoots a magic crystal arrow, which changes the situation and gives King heshy a close chance.
The magic crystal arrow was aimed at Shivell, but I didn’t expect that Sister Kou happened to take a small step and just hit the crystal arrow. I saw that Sister Kou hit the arrow again and Ah Shui smiled.
Noble shiba smile JPG
Heshy and Ning Wangcai, no matter who was shot by the arrow, they went straight to the heart, and there was no place to scatter it, so Lux was killed by dividing by three and five.
But Iby Shivell ran away again, and at the moment when Lux was hit by an arrow, he ran away without looking back. Goodbye, no one shook hands.